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Everything posted by ComeOffit

  1. He was either lying about it being over-subscribed, or he thinks 22m is a nice figure to make maximum profit when they all decide to sell. Otherwise, he has done the club out of an extra 5m, if all these investors were so keen.
  2. It cant be "added" to now, as far as i'm aware. The IPO is closed at 22m. It was supposed to be 27m, but Green forgot to buy the excess shares, and he also forgot to offer them back to the institutional investors who "over-subscribed". Any new money coming in now will go to people that are selling shares. I dont have a problem with it only being 22m, but why say he will take up the slack, or if he didnt, the other new investors would? Clearly a ploy to get us all to buy, a week before christmas?? It really doesn't make any sense. It's almost like he didn't want the full 27m, in case it affects the share price or something. I havn't quite worked it out yet, but i smell a rat.
  3. Ah, you've lost me mate. Carry on:whistle:
  4. Ally seemed very animated last night throughout the entire match. I dont know if he's just trying to look like he's doing something, but speaking from experience, it will probably just annoy the players, and isn't really much help to them once the game starts. It's hard to be too critical of him yet, because he hasn't really had the chance to build his own squad. Last year was Walters old team, and this year was a disaster, from a preperation and signing new players POV. However, saying all that, I do worry about the type of tactics he uses at times, and his insistence of a big target man, and humping the long ball, especially at home against shite. We have some decent ball players at the club, and it's annoying to see them bypassed a lot of time with the big hump to kk or Sandaza. It might work in Scotland, from a results POV, but it pisses fans off, and will see you pumped from europe pronto.
  5. Honestly cant see the difference. What was it like before?
  6. Interesting point about Lloyds being the only ones not to lose out in it all, although it's hardly shocking. The banks always get their dough, one way or another. D&P deserve chased without a penny after the way they milked us, and fucked about the other bidders. I'm sure they will find some way to squirm out of any blame, much the same as Whyte will. There has obviously been some dodgy dealings going on, from as far back as 2/3 years ago. The amazing thing is, people think all the dodginess stopped at Green, and he is somehow just an innocent buyer that came from nowhere. Time will tell I suppose, but it's difficult to believe that he isn't involved in some way. If D&P are found gulity of any criminal wrongdoings, what does that say about the sale to Green? Doesn't inspire confidence.
  7. The million dollar question. If only we knew who all our "investors" were. When was the last time you heard of a big company "lending" somone 20 odd million, and not gettin it back, one way or another?
  8. Whatever amount it was, ticketus have wrote it off, and I'm playing up front for us on saturday.
  9. Surprising eh. Green still to invest a single penny of his own money in Rangers. Cant wait to hear the Green fanbois explain this one.
  10. I knew you would see sense one day. Welcome aboard brother.
  11. Nice e-mail from ahmad, the electronic equivalent of a pat on the head. You should have been condemning this charade, not encouraging bears to waste money. Just my opinion ofc.
  12. The forum keeps crashing for me. Probably one of charlies undercover tech operatives trying to stop me posting.
  13. Many a true word is spoken in jest. I'm only trying to make the wider point about our lovely new regimes expenses. Green is now on a good wage, he's got his shares, so why are we still paying his £1600 per mth rent and all his utility bills, plus any other expenses he reasonably incurs. Paying his rent and council tax, isnt a "reasonable expense", it's taking the piss.
  14. Ah, fair enough. Think he's been and gone. Just read someone said he sounded a bit down.
  15. For the record, I'm shocked and disapointed at Water joining at this point. He probably joined for the right reasons, but it was blatantly a PR exercise from green. Our only hope is Walter thought it would be better seeing things from the inside, as opposed to giving charlie a free run. I doubt Walter will be at the main behind closed doors business meetings. To be honest, I havn't heard much from him on the share issue.
  16. No need for a single owner to plough in millions, the support generate plenty enough to sustain us. Sadly the club is full of leeches, which makes it much worse than anything a single owner could do. Not many successful clubs have greens business model that he's convinced most of us as the way to go.
  17. It was obviously a rogue tarrier at the wind up. Major over-reaction from some of us again and a nice statement from Montrose clearing things up.
  18. The thing is, it doest really matter what the share price does, even if it drops to say half the current price, green, ahmad and the original investors will still make a killiing, seeing as they got the shares for next to nothing. The problem with being listed, is any new investment will go to them, and not to the club. This is the main reason that a lot of football "companies" eventually de-list. After this share issue, it is almost impossible to get new capital into the club, which will leave us with only our usual income streams. This as we all know isn't enough to compete for what will probably be a single CL place. It's absolute madness from the teams point of view to get all this capital now, when we wont be spending it on players. Greens business plan makes no sense from a supporters POV, it's all about making him and his buddies rich(er). We will all get a shock when we are back in the spl, and heading to the piggerry with KK still spearheading our attack. What a thought that is.
  19. Another share issue? I doubt that very much. The shares will peak, green and co will sell up. Liquidity will die, the price will drop, Rangers will de-list, and we will all be sitting with worthless pieces of paper. Well, that's what happened with greens last share issue at Sheffield. It's worth noting that green cant sell up until he resigns his post as ceo. When he does that, start worrying.
  20. Just another 84k and that's greens bonus covered. Good work.
  21. Our ticket sales will barely cover Greens council tax.
  22. Of course it's a good bet for them, it's just not so good for us. We had better make this money last, because it will be the last we see for a long time.
  23. Since when do we pay our employees gas bill?
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