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Everything posted by ComeOffit

  1. And I'm sure green is sitting in his £1600 per mth apartment(paid by us) with his gas fire on 4 bars, safe in the knowledge we are picking up the tab.
  2. It wouldnt be the biggest shock ever, we are after all the only club in world football that doesn't have a line of credit. Our directors monthly wage bill alone would choke a horse.
  3. Quite a rarity on Rangers forums, sadly.
  4. Their situation wasn't the same to be fair. I dont think they were starting from the same clean slate as we are. They needed the dough to stop them going tits up, we dont have that problem. I'm assuming, because I dont know too much about what happened to them. I dont think the 2 situations stand much comparison.
  5. Only an idiot would have the deadline to buy a week before christmas, and Green might be a lot of things, but an idiot isn't one of them. Which begs the question of why the rush? Do we have cash flow problems, in light of having no borrowing facilities? Does he not want fans to have too many shares/voting rights? Even delaying it for a few more weeks would have seen a much bigger uptake, but i'm sure he has his reasons. I just doubt his reasons are for our benefit.
  6. It's only a few months since the RST wanted Greens head on a stick.
  7. I doubt it will sway anyone one way or the other is all I meant. AJ hardly covered himself in glory when he was here and the RST are becoming more cringeworthy with every passing statement.
  8. Underwhelming really. Looks like he's been asked by the RST going by that. Probably not anything significant. What did you hear about Walter?
  9. Yep, the way people accepted the defeats to Caley and QoTS was shockng, like it's to be expected.
  10. So you're happy getting brass necked from 2 cups so far and another one in the post? We might as well of not bought anyone then, and played what we had. We would probably still have won the league without the painter, Sandaza and Shiels. We screamed blue murder about the transfer ban and when they lifted it for one window, Green shat it and bought Templeton to create the illusion he spent something. Less than a million spent on new players in our situation was robbery. Nvm, we now have £27m to paint Ibrox and build a few cafes.
  11. Actually, I wasn't trying to make a point about kk. I was saying how ridiculous it is to have so much supposed money on tap, and he's the best we can come up with. It was more a dig at our transfer activity, pre-embargo. Although he is terrible.
  12. We're still waiting for the cctv of keeky teef calling Weiss a gypsy in the tunnel.
  13. Actually forget that, I thought ubiquitous meant useless.
  14. So if all goes well, we will have £27m in our bank come tuesday night,and we will still be playing KK up top on his own, away to pub teams. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
  15. When i say full price, I mean a penny, like Ahmad.
  16. Would you say that if you seen a burglar climbing in your back windae, as you were walking out the front door? Lets see what happens...
  17. What he said about taking up the slack was an outright lie. If for example, the support only invest £1m, is he really going to pull the other £9m or so? No need to wait and see, he's talking shite.
  18. Green, as an individual is potless. He hasn't invested a single penny of his own money in us. All he's ever done is take out, so why would he change now and risk losing money? Rangers are paying his gas bill ffs, where will he get the money to buy up possibly 5m or more worth of shares? He is a glorified, well paid cheerleader, not an investor. He will make his 2m even if the share price never goes up. I doubt he will be gambling his pension on taking up the slack.
  19. lol, good one. He's already got 5m shares for free, why would he want to pay full price for any that are left over? It's all smoke and mirrors and bullshit from Mr Green.
  20. Just as well we are having a share issue every season then.
  21. The money will be flying off in every angle, apart from where it's actually needed, the team. Barely a word in the prospectus about money set aside for players. I'd rather have a new centre half, than a smart new bar that i'll probably never see/use.
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