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Everything posted by ComeOffit

  1. lol, a £200k funding shortfall doesnt look too good for new owners a few weeks after purchase. It looks more like a vehicle to bung yourself 50k and tie the share issue in with it, like Zappa pointed out.
  2. Not forgetting the 25% arrangement fee(£50k) that he kindly gave himself, or his undisclosed bonus that he will be getting this year for his commercial activities, to be decided by Charlie and Murray. I doubt we were desperate for his £200k, and if we were, why? Twenty new investors, and we need to tap Ahmad for a couple of hundred thousand.
  3. How much is Charlie paying you? Serious question.
  4. Best I can find at short notice. "The deal is completed on Thursday when we will not have received one penny from season tickets and if the CVA doesn't get approved I am £3m better off. “By the end of the cooling off period we will have then raised another £30m, that's two years season-ticket sales. Fans will be allowed to participate and if fans don't want to participate then all those that are lining up will take the shares. “No one will be able to say that Charles Green didn't allow us to buy shares, because anybody can buy shares. By the end of July, we will have £30m-plus in the bank from the share issue. No mention of a newco route having an effect on the Share issue in July. In fact, He saved himself a tidy £3m. Happy for him.
  5. Dont lie on his behalf or I'll go dig out the article. He says cva or newco route, the £30m will be in our account by the end of July. I'm sure i've had this discussion with you before.
  6. His original word, was the money (£30m) would be in our account come the end of July, so dont expect anything he says to be gospel.
  7. Ahmad will probably lend the club a score, and get the left over shares as an "arrangement fee". A week before christmas is a ridiculous time to ask people for £500. It's almost like he wants some money off us, but not too much. Doesnt seem right. What difference would waiting another 4 weeks have made, until people get another pay poke, and dont have xmas to pay for.
  8. Donald Findlay? I wasnt implying it was their job, I just found it amusing, considering.
  9. Haha, it wasnt just Bomber that didnt get to see the deeds. According to the prospectus, neither did the company charged with valuing the assets. Brought a much needed piece of comedy relief to the prospectus. Tenure/Title Deeds and Leases We have not had the opportunity of inspecting the Title Deeds of the subjects under valuation and, for the purposes of our valuation, we have assumed that the subjects are held under Title which is the equivalent of Heritable Ownership (formerly Feudal) unless otherwise stated as being subject to a Lease. We have further assumed that the properties are free from encumbrances, restrictions or outgoings of an onerous nature which would have a material impact on the value. Lot of assumptions there.
  10. I was only kidding mate. I wouldnt publish it either if it was up to me. It's not that I cant be bothered, I just dont have the time/skill to write a decent article. I might clean it up a bit and stick it in a thread, because I think I made some decent points. I think the thing about the bonus payments, especially Ahmads, should be shouted from the rooftops.
  11. It's strange. She looks a dog in the first picture, but tannable in the second one.
  12. No worries man, I was only jesting. I sent it to Zappa anyway, and it didnt pass the quality test. I reckon he's been "got at" by Green. Nvm.
  13. What exactly is the big difference, apart from £375? A share certificate on your wall? You could argue that the RST would have a much larger voice than any individual fan shareholder might have. I dont support the RST or the share issue in general, i'm just saying. If it helps people feel a part of it, then it's a much cheaper way to be involved. I like your idea about buying Blue Pitch Holding shares mind. At least that would be a guarantee of getting a return on your so called investment. Calling it a share issue is a joke. It's a donation, just like every other football clubs "flotation" is a donation.
  14. Quite possibly. I never got round to reading his prospectus.
  15. It's mostly the same stuff I've said in this thread anyway, with a few snippets from the prospectus. No problem if you dont publish it, I find it cathartic to rant about Green anyway, so it wasnt wasted time. I'm sure someone else can come up with a more coherant appraisal.
  16. Aye he's a god yin stb, he's been putting up with my pish for months across various sites. He's got some patience. Re Green, I'm sure he's a great fella to have a pint with, but that doesnt mean he's immune from criticism. People just have to realise it's not really personal against him. It's more a desire to keep him on his toes.
  17. You sure? I sent it to Craig a few hours ago and he hasnt been sighted since. I'll send you it now. It's fairly pish if I'm honest. It's more a rant than an article.
  18. I'll be at the dundee utd cup game if that makes me less pathetic. Or is that pathetic also to support our team in our most hostile game of the whole season?
  19. No problem. I'll see you at the first game after Green and co are gone.
  20. If santa just takes his milk and cookies, fair enough, but if he starts tanning the malt from the drinks cabinet, I'm sure you wouldnt be happy.
  21. If you want to talk about raping money from us. Green and his buddies will probably make 10 times what Whyte made. So who is the bad guy/s?
  22. Ironically, you have probably posted the most in this thread. I'm starting to think that you are actually Charlie himself.
  23. People are skinning themselves a week before christmas under the illusion that it's for the benefit of the club. The reality is, the big winners of the share issue are Green and his cronies, however they try and dress it up. That in my book, is dipping peoples pockets. Yes, it was all Whytes fault we went into admin. Of course.
  24. Who knows when it all started to be honest. How long is a piece of string. I was just going on the "official" Green line, that he was first contacted in March, by Zeus/Ahmed, I think he said. I take your point about Stockbridge though. The whole thing stinks. I think some people forget the panic by Whyte to get D&P in the door when it all started to go tits up. Sad we will probably never know the absolute truth about any of them. Whyte pulled a lot of strokes, but he never tried to dip our pockets for £500, a week before christmas.
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