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Everything posted by ComeOffit

  1. Sadly, making money and being a successful football team just doesnt happen in the modern world. Especially not in a 2 team country like Scotland. There is actually a 4th option, and that is someone who will always do his best for the club, and take only a reasonable wage for doing so.
  2. I havnt seen any Ian Black threads, otherwise I would be tore right into that too.
  3. I've sent you it mate. Feel free to edit, laugh at it, or not use it. I wont be offended. I wrote it at 6 am in my defence.
  4. The deal for green to go the newco route was signed in blood with D&P, no one else got a chance once the cva failed. My point is, Green was the highest cva bidder because he was "loaning" us the most money. They could have said they would loan us a £100m if it got them first dibs on a newco route, for £5.5m. You're right, the attempt at a cva was a sham, and never going to happen. I believe that Green and co knew this, thanks to D&P. It should have been an open sale after the cva failed, and green would have got nowhere near Ibrox. This is the man we are now all supposed to trust. It's well established that green an zeus were first approached by D&P way back in march, so I'm not sure why you think i'm guessing at that. Same with the Miller story.
  5. Do you ever miss any comment that criticises Green? Telling football supporters that you are just here for the money, is akin to teling your bird you are just with her for the pumping. Only the gullible woman/supporter would think that's a good thing.
  6. Probably one of his billionaire buddies lent him a million or two until the book money came in. They diidnt need a massive amount to keep it going until book money came in. He originally had 20 odd investors, which suddenly became about 5 or 6 after the sale.
  7. Having read what I wrote again, it's probably not good enough for the site, but I'll send you it anyway. It's mostly an anti-green ramble, lol. Do I just send it in a private message to all 3 of you, because it's quite long?
  8. I said at the time, pay at the gate. We gave him a get out of jail free card. Green and his merry men have never had a pot to piss in. It was all smoke and mirrors, until they got the book money in.
  9. Seriously? You dont think there would have been a queue a mile long for a debt free Rangers, minus the BTC? No one else got a sniff after the myth of a cva was rejected. The whole thing was a stitch up from as far back as march, between D&P and green/zeus. Why the need for a clause for green to have first dibs on a newco route after a cva rejection? He only got the cva route option because he offered to "loan" us the most money. It would be funny, if it wasnt so disgusting. The big clue in the whole scenario was the Bill miller carry on. D&P lied to him about the situation, and he took one look at the books and knew that a cva was never going to happen. We are only half way through the story of this drama, and the hero at this point can often turn out to be the villian come the end.
  10. He still to this day wont tell us who is behind bluepitch holdings. It's not good enough.
  11. We missed the best chance when we all bought season books and kept him afloat pre season. We should have forced a sale back then. Now we will compound the mistake by giving him another £20m in share money. Denying him his pension would be a good start to getting shot of him.
  12. Anyway, does anyone know how I submit my article? It's a cracking read, lol.
  13. At least with a single owner we would know who is really pulling the strings. It's certainly not green. Most of us would rather live in the dark, than see that we dont even know who the main man is.
  14. The difference being, most footballers dont award themselves huge bonuses and shares, or get their gas bills paid for. It's sad how we hand over power to the first tart that flashes their knickers at us. One day we will all realise that it's us that hold the real power. Without us, green is just another spiv trying it on.
  15. I havnt called anyone witless or stupid, in this or any other thread. Answer just 1 question. Does Mr Green deserve close on £3m for his possible years work at Rangers? That £3m comes out of our pockets, one way or another. It's £3m less to be spent on our team, wasted on a cheerleader. His expenses alone would put your average working mans wage to shame. The most disgusting part of the whole thing, is the way he actually got control of the club, with the closed shop deal with D&P, who are still under investigation, as far as I'm aware. Added to that, the way he is going about his job is sickening and it's unbelievable so many of us are buying into it. I have a feeling we will see a very diffeerent green, once the share money is in. Do you think he will still be so vociferous in our defence once his £2m pension is secured? I guess not. The share issue is green striking while the iron is hot before the shit hits the fan. If we cant do the things he is promising under our normal income streams, then something is seriously amiss. I can kinda see the need for a share issue to strengthen the squad, but it's not needed at his moment in time. This dough is getting skimmed away to england, dont kid yourself.
  16. I think you are missing the reality of the situation now. If any rich Rangers men, or other types of men want to invest in the future, they will have to buy the shares from Green and co, therefore any new money coming in will go to them, and not to the club. Dont forget the original investors were promised 100% profit on their original investment. Where do you think that will come from? They got the shares for next to nothing because of our position, and they will all make a killing. Vultures, every last one of them, including green. Just as well you are "happy" about playing second fiddle to them for the next decade or so, because that is what we are all signing up for. Open your eyes man. Green and co, are not friends of Rangers. Never have been, and never will will be.
  17. You obviousyly dont frequent many other Rangers boards if you think people dont see him as our saviour/hero. He has plenty of admirers amongst our support. Apart from that, I agree with most of what you said. It's like the ultimate reverse psychology, he tells us he's in it for the money, so most think it's ok because at least he's being honest. It's only when you look at just how much money they will be making that it starts to be concerning. We are paying the mans gas bill/ rent and council tax etc. Makes you wonder if we are buying him his weekly shopping also. Is 30k a month not enough to get by in Glasgow these days?
  18. Critique finished. Who do I send it to? Maybe get the sites lawyer to cast an eye over it before you publish it, edit out all the bigotry.
  19. I did say I "rarely" state my opinion as truth, I didnt say it never happens. It's not arrogant if i'm happy to stand corrected, which i am if you point out my misdemeanour. The problem when you are a little anti-Green, is you sometimes have to be more forceful than his admirers to get your point across.
  20. Get a grip man. We're just talking here. We all want the same thing in the end. It would be boring if we all agreed on the way to get there.
  21. Wtf man? Where have i defended DU or Thompson? I was making a general point about his tactic to sell more shares. You are actually wrong about him caring about CL money. That money goes to the club, and it's much harder for him and his cronies to skim it away. Added to that, the gamble of keeping all the highly paid players with the chance they would make an arse of qualifying again, and it's not the money maker you think it is. It's a high risk way to make profit. The share issue while we are in div 3 is a win/win for him. Imagine us getting pumped from the CL early and sitting say 10 points behind them in the league. You still think we would all be so keen on buying shares? If we were still in the SPL , then we would still have the old shareholders, and he would have to ask them to shell out again. It's been a perfect storm for green, and him and his buddies will make a killing. Pretty sickening to watch it actually.
  22. Hardly outlandish. Green and co are making the money from the share issue. They couldnt care less about trying to qualify for the CL. You listen to too many of his speeches. The share issue happens no matter where we play. He couldnt have dreamed of a better scenario. He's got most of our support thinking it was dundee utds fault we went into admin lately. All his talk of bigotry and everyone hating us plays right into our supports hands, and fills his pockets.
  23. I dont think people realise just how far we will be behind them by the time we get back at the top level. I'm sure privately green is over the moon that we didnt get in the spl. Very similar income, but much less outgoings. I'll be convinced until my dying day he had a party the day all our best players left, and the wage bill was decimated. You only have to look at the hit we took on Edu, Boca,Goin etc. All drew wages for a month or two and left for virtually nothing. Times that by 10 and thats a lot of money charlie saved. Why would he be angry about them leaving? He really does deserve an oscar for his performances since he walked through our doors. All the players had discounted release clauses in their contracts. We didnt lose much with them choosing to leave. Of course, it's much better for green to continue painting them as the bad guys. He knew exactly what was going on, and done nothing to stop it. It wouldnt even surprise me if he was busy phoning agents, trying to get shot of all the high earners. He has many contacts in England, from his Sheffield days, which also ended in disaster. For the record, Sheffield Utd are now de-listed from the AIM. Funny that.
  24. The best part was his reason for it being a "loan". He didnt want the current shareholders to lose out. That worked out well for the many that lost thousands. While he's dishing our shares for all his buddies, he should maybe throw a few the way of the people that lost out.
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