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Posts posted by ComeOffit

  1. And your point is?


    My point is, I'm exercising my right to not read pish from known Rangers haters. Just like JT suggests at the end of his rabble rousing essay. Some of us still remember his own "bile" against us when he wasn't on our payroll. I can't say too much about him, because it upsets some of our more deluded posters, who go crying to mods because people tell the truth.

  2. A back slapping hour in the Louden isn't my scene, but I would pay much more than a tenner to have green in a room for an hours interview, all recorded on camera and played on RTV. I don't fancy travelling 800 miles to have him fob me off with shite in front of a room of his fanbois. I think we should pay for STB to go. It will be like the gersnet version of Jim'l'fix'it. Maybe green will even let him sit on his knee.

  3. Forward? Hutton? Can trap the ball? Hutton? Help yourself to videos of these last few games and we'll talk again.


    I don't think I could suffer again our last few games, even to prove a point. Besides, there's no need to do that to know that Hutton is 10x more useful than the decorator. Saying that, so are the corner flags.

  4. Suum cuique. Hutton was as bad as the rest of them and has been one of the worst for weeks.


    Meh, the decorator couldn't kick his own arse if he had 3 legs, for more than "weeks". At least hutton gives us something going forward, and can actually trap a ball without it firing off his shin for a shy 9/10.

  5. Because they are as likely as my version that big Dado will save the day. That's the thing with a conspiracy theorist. You never reach an end point where you say "I was talking bullshit". You've always got the 'End is Nigh' on your billboard so you are never willing to admit you were wrong. No? OK then what will have to happen or how long will have to pass before you say I was wrong (like Leggo)? That is why it is a boring, tedious, repetitive, off-putting, scaremongering conspiracy theory. Full stop!

    Big Dado knows! :flute:


    I thought you resigned from the forum? Or is that someone else I'm thinking of?

  6. But "we" didnt let it happen. D&P did.


    We could very well have more of these trading liabilities in the post, like many other businesses.


    Were any of the other bidders risking anything of their own ? Serious question as I am not sure of the answer.


    Even if they were only risking a tenner of their own money, it would still be more than them. I don't know the ins and outs of the other bids, so I can't comment about that so much, but I think kennedy was pumping at least a few million of his own money in.


    When exactly does a trading liability become a debt? When the shit hits the fan again? Was ticketus just a trading liability also? Most people went crazy because whyte kept that all hush hush. Green has pulled the same stroke, only he didn't need as much up front as whyte did.

  7. That is a tad disingenious and you know it Sir.


    It is a trading liability and is not considered "debt" in the traditional sense that most would consider it.


    Well, have we got anymore of these "trading liabilties" in the post? Technically speaking, it's not even our "debt". He must have arranged it all before he even had his hands on the keys to Ibrox, ala, whyte/ticketus. It's totally amazing that we have let 2 men have so much control over our club, when they risked absolutely nothing of their own.

  8. Share issue?




    Are you claiming the share issue as a justification of his rewards? A 2 week road tour and probably another few phone calls to some more private companies to find him investors? Back-breaking stuff. Do you actually think chucky found all these investors on his own? Virtually anyone could have done it. The hard part was getting hold of the keys, and having the brass neck to get away with it.

  9. Even if the cash helped keep the club running?


    He said not 3 weeks ago we had zero external debt. This is a "debt" from 6/7 months ago. Did he just forget about it? Is it not external?


    It doesn't matter what the money was used for. He lied about us having a debt. I told you when he took over that they didn't have a pot to piss in. This just proves it. He basically bought the club with the help of a private company loaning him money and finding investors. How is that different from what whyte done with ticketus? Maybe on a smaller scale, but who else does he owe? Can he be trusted?


    I'm sure some people think he has a wide network of buddies that he found to invest in us. This proves that any wide boy off the street could have done it. The difficult part was getting to the top of D&P's wish list. How did he do that? He still to this day hasn't invested a single penny of his own money. Neither has ahmad. All they have done is take, and organise a private company to find investors. Close on £3m for that? Really? Should be wearing a fucking mask.

  10. it will be the people chasing the money. it almost always is in these cases.


    Why would they leak it if a deal with the club had already been agreed, and the amounts are "insignificant"? Is 400k considered "insignificant" for the club, or was it more like 10k they owed. I suppose we'll never know seeing as Rangers see fit to not bother their arse telling us. Much better to give us a pat on the head and tell us not to worry. Maybe someone in Oz will ask chucky at the supporters meeting, instead of asking for an orange shirt, or bending over and saying re-naming Ibrox is a good idea.


    NO EXTERNAL DEBT=BLATANT LIE. It shouldn't even be paid by the club. It's green's and his buddies debt that they have shifted on to us. Robbing us blind.

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