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Posts posted by ComeOffit

  1. I like to see balance from individuals, I can admit negatives about Green like he gets carried away when talking sometimes, and I've admitted in this very thread dividends are not ideal from our perspective.


    You on the other hand seem to cast iron guarantee Green is bad and everything he does is to be mocked. Is there not one thing about him you can admit is a positive, like being more vocal than previous owners, and clearly having a high work ethic?


    The difference being, if I'm wrong, then everything is rosey in the garden. If you and the majority are wrong, we are back in shit street. Maybe that's why I'm a little more forceful than someone that supports Green and co. The simple fact is, apart from everything else, is taking a substantial profit out of Rangers will leave the team a mile behind them for the foreseeable future. How can anyone be happy with that?


    A successful Rangers CANNOT be ran at a profit. It's that simple.

  2. Brilliant business model, pity we needed to match the likes of Real Madrid in Europe to help pay the deposit.


    Of course, you much prefer the green plan of having the support paying the deposit, and the purchase price, as in the cva route. An £8.5m loan to be paid back by 2020 with undisclosed interest. Do you think Murray or Kennedy would have got their money back that they were prepared to put up? Green invested nothing of his own money. Absolutely nothing. He lent himself £5.5m to buy us. Great stuff.

  3. No balance, insults, arrogance at insisting this opinion is the truth which can't be disputed.


    If you like comeoffit's posting style I'm surprised at you FS.


    This is almost slander, lol. I had many a debate with you without insulting you, and many other posters. People like you provide the balance in these situations, no need for it to come from my side. I rarely state my opinion as the truth, but I might state the truth, as the truth. Sadly this doesnt go down too well with the hard of thinking.

  4. what i cant help wondering is if paul murray loaned rangers 200k and got a 50k arrangement fee then was repaid 178k and the other 22k was turned into 2.2 million 70p shares what would people be saying.


    i think we all know. its time people stopped looking at who won and who lost who supports who and look at whats going on. not the speculated goings on or opinions but the factual goings on.


    The best way to steal something is to do it right under peoples noses. Baffling.

  5. Frankie, this is just comeoffits response to people disagreeing with him.


    lol. Give a rest man. I just searched the dude on RM that I thought was greens mole, and he mysteriously has no posts??? He joined in april this year and has 166 profile views from other members, but no registered posts? Looks fishy to me, unless RM has lost everyones old posts during the cyber attacks? Maybe you can enlighten us if this is the case.

  6. Green certainly monitors the online community (as did SDM) but no admin have not been paid off! :D


    I wish! :cool:


    Dont worry man, I wasnt including this site in my accusation. Did SDM have active posters trying to sway any negative opinion on to a positive? Green certainly has. Seems a bit low, and underhand to me. Fair enough if they reveal themsleves to everyone, but this one dude on RM clearly has indside knowledge, and only pops up whenever green gets criticised. I challenged him once to reveal who he was, and he bolted like shit off a stick.

  7. Demands about what we deserve helped motivate Murray into his boom or bust plans and look where that helped get us. Prudent financial management is essential otherwise no lessons have been learned.


    There was no bravado about winning cups, just that we wanted to be competitive and we brought in some of the SPL's best players. Motherwell showed what they're capable of, against Inverness they never turned up. And division above or not we should have beaten part time QOS. We cannot break the bank on the off chance of winning cups Ally went out of very early last season anyway. The priority is getting up the divisions.


    Prudent financial management? lol. Are we paying everyones flat costs, and gas/council tax bills. I hope not.


    I doubt we'll ever agree on our squad, and how weak it is, or whose fault it is.

  8. haha. this rm thing crops up again. seen it mentioned numerous times on here, not sure i want any part in it tbh. sounds like another ff.


    i think you are right, these investors and green are not here for our good, they are here to make money and that is what they will do.


    Green has people on both RM and FF, I know that for a fact. Seems that is where he is getting most of his policies and speeches from. It's scary how you can read something on one of those forums, and the next day it's in one of his speeches. Admin on both sites have been paid off to deflect any critisism, I'm sure of it. Sad really. (tongue in cheek that last comment ofc.).

  9. didnt take you long to suss him out. he isnt a bad lad stb, i like him, he just believes a bit too much in green.


    Aye,he's my old nemesis from Rangers Media. He's not a bad yin, but he did get me banned about 4 times. haha


    Back on topic, I think the prospectus is too long winded and complicated, and is more likely to put people off, than encourage them to invest. A simpler version should have been released for the "fans" side of the share issue. Being cynical, I cant help think that the plan was to bamboozle people into not reading it properly, and missing the finer details that could set alarm bells off.


    The loan that ahmed made and him geting a large arrangement fee for it being a prime example. Seems they have all done not too bad already out of us, and thats before this share issue takes off. £1600 per month for a bill free flat in Glasgow is also a joke.

  10. How terrible, spending less than 1 million on players in Scotland's bottom tier.


    Green's tactics vs QOS were awful, and the way he made all the players go missing vs a young Inverness team.


    However did I like this man? Burn the bastard!


    You seem to forget all the bravado about winning cups pre-season. Spending less than £1m on players when most of our squad had left was daylight robbery. He's doing the bare minimum to keep us happy, player wise, and it's not good enough. It doesnt matter what league we are in, we deserved a better squad than this. I suppose we had better get used to it. This is what you get with a profit-seeking regime. Spend as little as possible and hope nobody notices.

  11. Why? Everyone can buy tickets for the came via any seller or via Dundee United normally. We simply do not offer them our services. We still get 40% from any sold ticket. As for a possible replay at Ibrox ... so what? They like any other team have taken 40% of our supporters money away from these games for decades, laughing all the way. If they laugh a little louder this time, so be it. The financial end result is the same.


    And in case you did not notice it: it was the supporters' wish to boycott the game at Tannadice, not just Green's idea.




    I take it you are one of the more active anti-Green campaigners?


    Supporting the team in a hostile atmosphere is much more important that some daft game of one-upmanship against our supposed enemies. I'll be there even if I'm the only one, which I'm sure I wont be. I dont recall Green asking me if I think the club should take tickets. It was an open goal for green to refuse tickets, take a 50k hit, and become a hero amongst the support. Would he have told us to boycott Ibrox? No. It would have hit his bottom line too much.


    When Green starts doing the best for Rangers, and not for himself and his "investors", then I'll get off his back. He needs us more than we need him. People have to start realising that. We are heading for 3 cup exits before xmas, and it's mostly his fault, not Ally's. Billionaires, new investors, 30k plus season books, and less than £1m spent on players. Ridiculous.

  12. No doubt backing up our fans on Tannadice was just another 'cynical ploy' in your eyes.


    Ally will be an idiot for buying shares as well.


    What will he do if it's a draw at tannadice? Boycott Ibrox? They will make thousands more for a game at Ibrox, than they ever could from a home tie. Refusing tickets is a ridiculous thing for our club to get involved in.


    Who said Ally "bought" his shares? Green seems to be throwing them about like christmas presents.

  13. i find the bonus thing for winning, as you say a formality, disgusting. i really do. it is scandalous and still some fans think he is greatest thing to happen to us in years.


    It's worded as a bonus to make it look like they arent pulling much wages, but if you tot it all up, it's close on a million for them both, which on paper looks a lot more dramatic. It's this sort of thing that annoys me about him. Treating us as if we are idiots. I'm sure it's just a tax avoidance thing mind, which makes it worse, considering. Do we really need a CEO and whatever ahmed is, earning close on a million a year in these leagues?


    As much as I hate to crtiisise Walter, what exactly is he there for? Telling green old Rangers stories after hours for 50k a year? Getting him onboard was just another cynical ploy to help the share issue. Cant really blame Walter, who wouldnt turn down 50k a year for doing literally nothing.

  14. Laughable prospectus. Your average football supporter isnt going to wade through all that, and will just trust Green and co at face value. So in that respect, mission accomplished. Having had a cursory glance at it, I wouldnt trust that mob as far as I could throw them. Double dunt of wages, plus shares for winning a pub league? ?? haha, good one charlie. Massive fee's for arranging shady loans is probaly just the tip of the iceberg with this mob. Wait until next year when our accounts are showing payments for "managemet services", etc.


    Continued backing of Green and his merry men is handing the league on a plate to them for a generation. When will we wake up and smell the coffee, again?? Maybe when he is sat in the Bahamas with his £2m payoff, and almost £1m a year salary in his hip, we will realise he is at it.


    In three years time we will be back in the spl, or whatever it's called, potless, and Greenless.

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