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Posts posted by ComeOffit

  1. The flight to Oz is peanuts in the grand scheme of things and would pretty much be covered simply by persuading a small handful of Australian fans to subscribe to Rangers tv if they don't already do so. You're making a mountain out of a molehill in an attempt to make Green look bad in my opinion and that's coming from someone who isn't a fan of Green.


    Wtf, how much is it to subscribe to RTV? It's not peanuts to a club that is losing money. It's not just about the money. In a week that we could possibly be losing titles, he is off on a holiday to Australia to get his ego massaged by people that contribute little in the" grand scheme" of things. Apart from that, he should be there on monday to chew the baws of Ally for that debacle on Saturday. If he must tour supporters clubs, he can do it in the close season, or do we really not need him at Ibrox in the current climate. If that's the case, lets get his wage off our books asap.

  2. How much do you think he would have made out of the share issue if he had imposed a travelling ban on himself and not meeting potential investors etc? You are an awfully naive bloke if you think Charles Green still needs 'jollies' :). He's not a 30 year old salesman.


    No, he's a 60 yr old salesman, travelling the globe on the back of our dollar. Age isn no limit for taking freebies for his like.

  3. in that they control european football top to bottom.

    That doesn't really concern us at the moment, or in the foreseeable future. I think we have much more important battles to finish a bit closer to home. We wont get thrown out of eca because we give this meeting a miss. Our expenses sheet will make for an interesting read next year. No wonder we are losing money. Are any other div 3 clubs present at this meeting? Doubt it.


    Aye, are they paying for the flight to Australia too, and all related expenses?

  4. and to a meeting of the eca an incredibly powerful organization of which we are founder members.


    Powerful in what way? It will be a few years yet before we are bothering European competitions. It's a jolly boys outing, whatever the reasons for being there. These supporter club meetings have been an absolute joke. Nobody ever asks him any real questions. They have become ass-kissing sessions to boost his ego.

  5. No-one can deny he puts the hours in.


    Aye, he's currently on a beach in Dubai. He must be fucked. Nvm, a nice wee jaunt to Australia should re-charge his weary batteries. Fucking joke really. Our team's falling apart and he fucks off on a world cruise of supporters clubs with less than a thousand members.

  6. if he does it tomorrow it will be 3 months to late.


    personally i don't think hes got the bottle to do it. hes given ally shares and sucked up to him to get the kudos he needed in the summer and while that worked well it's left him in an awkward position.


    i don't envy him his position in this matter but hes earning millions and he needs to show why.


    I'm not sure how easy it is to "sack" someone who has over a million shares. Does Ally get a vote on his own future? The truth is, charles will get his millions no matter what he does about Ally. As long as we stumble back to the top league, Ally will still be here. The only time green will act is if it looks like we wont get a promotion, which is unlikely.


    On topic, good to see he's meeting the man behind bluepitch holdings. Someone should follow him and find out who it is.

  7. Sorry, what does this mean? We should have staged an SPL boycott instead of boycotting an away Cup game at an SPL club's ground?


    You've lost me.


    It means I could understand a boycott of league games when the time comes, seeing as the home team keeps all the gate money. Boycotting a cup game where we get half the gate money is just self-defeating.

  8. There was widespread talk of boycotts back in April before Green was even known of, the merits of it can be discussed without bringing him into it.


    The facts are you have a self confessed agenda and have to try and pollute every thread with it, despite they're being plenty of platform to air your grievances without doing that.


    You can't deny that green stoked the fires on this one with DU. Also, without him making it "official", we would have had much more than 300 odd there. Something else you might want to ponder. For a club that will make a loss this season, can we really afford to deny the club it's rightful Scottish cup income. It seems to have damaged us much more than it's intended target. DU will make much more in the following rounds, than they lost here. Add to that the Bears that never miss a game that got "conned" into missing this one, and it all leaves a sour taste.


    It's time to move on from all the petty revenge. The best revenge is getting it right on the pitch, which is sadly being neglected in amongst all the drama.

  9. Can we now stop referencing Charles Green in a thread which is nothing to do with him. This thread is apparently about the merits or otherwise of a boycott yesterday, NOT about Charles Green.


    STOP derailing threads - and that goes to ALL of us !


    So we can't mention the man that made the boycott "official", and the man who actually created the circumstances that made our support think the boycott was a good idea? It's hardly derailing threads. It's part of the bigger picture of what's happening at our club. It seems too many of us are prepared to follow this man off a cliff, the only difference being, green has a £2m cushion at the bottom to break his fall. The rest of us will crash and hit the ground and wonder what the fuck just happened. The boycott came from green, to the fans, and then back to green. But let's not talk about that.

  10. I don't share the view that the boycott was a failure just because 300 fans did decide to attend. We have demonstrated that we can starve these clubs of the income they would expect to gain in a normal set of circumstances. I agree that as a one off it had little Impact but a sustained boycott in years to come will hit these clubs hard. I will personally never return to the grounds of any of these SPL clubs and I would hope that the overwhelming majority of the usual travelling support feel the same way. If they do, the real day of reckoning for these teams is still to come.


    An SPL boycott would make much more sense, and be a lot more damaging to all of them. A cup game where we were all desperate to get through was a terrible choice of a boycott. Especially when we get half the gate money. It just proved to be more of a hindrance than anything else.

  11. Well actually you do, he wants Rangers to win football matches and trophies like you do, even if he does so in a boardroom status rather than supporter status.


    Or is he a Celtic double agent now trying to make us lose?


    Lol, if he wanted us to win trophies and matches, just like me, Ally would have his jotters monday, and we would have spent more than 800k in the transfer window. We are the richest cash ready club in the country at the moment, and we don't have a centre-back that can head a football. He's used Ally to keep the support onside and sell books/shares, much the same as he brought in Walter. I don't even blame Ally 100% for our team. It's not easy doing a job like his with one hand tied behind his back. He's the most under-funded manager in our history, and been forced to rely on the likes of the decorator.

  12. A fellow supporter is still just another person, a couple of guys that sit behind me at Ibrox are two of the biggest arses i've met.


    Arses they might well be, but you still have a common goal with them. I have nothing in common with mr green, therefore I can have zero respect for him.

  13. we had the tools to do it but the players and the manager bottled it. i said yesterday i was so excited and so confident pre match until i seen the line up then my heart sunk. ally had made the same mistakes he has been making for the last 18 months. i didnt feel sorry for the players because despite allys non footballing ethos they didnt bother trying a leg, perhaps it was because they had no fans to back them or more likely it was because they have been getting away with not trying a leg every week since they joined. life is too easy at rangers for players, there are no longer any standards, no expectations, no requirements anymore. they can turn up, do what they like, play how they like and go home minted without a care in the world.


    i have to agree financially the boycott was a failure, as it was with hundreds of our fans there. the boycott was a big fat failure. but i dont think the result would have been different knowing the way the team was set out.


    The players and managements attitude is another story though man. I meant I felt sorry for the likes of Hutton and Perry. The decorator and his mercenary buddies can never pull on our shirt again for all I care. A hostile atmosphere, of our own doing, can affect players. It's why we have a big advantage when we play at Ibrox.

  14. Just proves that our support will never be fully united.



    One bloody game.


    Hundreds of thousands of people will never all think the same way. The least you can do is have a certain level of respect for fellow fans, if you don't agree with them. I don't agree with about 90% of our support on certain things, but I would never dream of calling any of them a "scab", or worse.

  15. you put across a very very strong case comeofit.


    That was our our last chance of a giruy by beating them, and we gave up one of our biggest weapons. Saying otherwise devalues our away support, and how much they help the team. I felt sorry for the players yesterday. The game they needed us most, and we wern't there. It will hardly bother DU financially, so it was pretty pointless.

  16. The only thing to be proud of yesterday was the boycott.


    Players, management and scabs let us down.


    The performance from the team and management was hardly a surprise. The treatment of people who just went to watch the team is shocking. The only good thing about the boycott, was it proved we at least have 350 fans in our support that haven't been brain-washed by shite on the internet.

  17. This boycott was an embarrassment to our club and our support. It achieved absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. The boycott didn't emanate from the club. It was started by a few ubers on forums and supporters clubs. The club just jumped on the bandwagon, like it always does these days. DU will probably make more money from being in the next round, than what they lost with this boycott.


    Sorry, sorry episode in our history, and calling the people that went, "scabs", is pathetic. Sending our team out in front of those rats with only 350 of us to support them was shameful. Cutting off our nose to spite our face nonsense.


    EDIT by Craig : You have lasted about TWO DAYS without bringing Green into a debate which is of little, if not no, relevance to the thread. Green is irrelevant in terms of what you were posting here. Frankie posted a thread with guidelines on this and you are already over-stepping that guideline. Give it a rest please.



    We really showed them eh? They wont fuck with us again......

  18. The club has got more important things to be doing than responding every time that wee shite bumps his gums. The only thing worse than people talking about you, is nobody talking about you.

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