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Posts posted by ComeOffit

  1. "Game of hate"


    What a pile of shite.


    Anyone who "hates" over a game of football is mentally ill and needs to get a grip of reality.


    It stopped being about the "football" years ago. None more so than this season of farce. It's now just a bunch of leeches feeding at the trough of the working mans pocket. Fucking sickening.

  2. Not even the ones who go AWOL when they are about to be deployed, having never seen battle ?


    No craig. Those types deserve to be vilified on internet forums/blogs by people that would start greeting if they so much as got a skelf. Unless you've been in the forces and faced the prospect of battle, you can't really judge the people that decide "fuck that" and do a runner. We used to shoot people from our own country if they bolted from the trenches, and now a lot of them have been rightly pardoned.


    I'd love to see leggo and STB go into a barracks and call the general a coward. It's easy to spout pish on the web, as this thread and many others proves.

  3. Aye just like the hundreds of bookstore owner who recieved threats that their stores would be burned down if they had Mad Phil's book on display. Laughable.


    You can add green to the list of people that said they have been threatened by us. Still waiting for an arrest on that one. Must be criminal masterminds to be able to evade capture so well. Seems to be vogue to be threatened by a Rangers fan.

  4. That "coward" has served his country in N. Ireland, Kosovo and Iraq. When you or leggo have done the same thing, you might have the right to call a serving soldier a "coward". I'm not saying you can't criticise him about this, but petty name-calling is out of order. Statements like the one the good general made, are often ordered from their political masters.

  5. So it's ok to say our travelling support are not "decent people", and that it's good for Scotland that Rangers wont be in europe for a while. Do that and we give you a well paid job. Clasp your hands over your head at the tax case result and it's a full boycott of the record. The rules are getting more and more complex by the day. Nobody see's the irony of who revealed this shocking head clasping behaviour.

  6. Except you haven't got one bloody shred of evidence to back that up.


    Next you'll be saying Green is actually selecting the team.


    Well we do have a youth agent type person who bought his place on the board, so there might be a shred of truth in that one day, but that's another argument.

  7. It's boring, tedious and frankly spoiling the forum for me, it's not even worth using the ignore funtion thanks to quoting. This thread is about Jim Traynor's piece and bringing your agendas into it is not required or going to create good discussion.


    But do carry on.


    Only it's not "traynors piece". That was my point. green hiding behind traynor so he doesn't get his hands dirty. Kinda like him not paying for the defence of the titles.

  8. It didn't need to be included, I'll grant you that, but it's also completely accurate, so it isn't something that's just been plucked out of thin air for the sake of manipulating opinion. The SPL chairmen JT is targeting will already be well aware of the point he's highlighting, so it's nothing more than a casual reminder of the facts.


    Aye I know, but to the outsider, it doesn't look too good.

  9. From what I've gathered, he wasn't being allowed to fully voice his opinions at the Record and when something even remotely pro-RFC or even just balanced and fair that he'd written WAS published during last year's bloodfest and agenda against us, it was normally tucked away in a corner rather than taking a front or back page spot where it belonged. Basically people above him were trying to silence and dampen his opinion pieces and he ended up having to write blog articles about certain subjects because the paper wouldn't publish them.


    That's a fair enough answer, and if you have a link to one of his blogs about this, I'd probably admit defeat on this one.

  10. Strange how when you can't answer my questions that you accuse me of the agenda pish. Why didn't traynor write a piece like this for the record if he is so passionate about it? This article has been dictated to him by green in my opinion, and passed off as his own work. I make no excuses for having an agenda against green. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and it doesn't make my points any less valid.

  11. See what I mean about bringing Green into everything? This is a opinion piece by Traynor, no need to make it about someone else.


    His resignaton from the record was due to disbelief at the attitude towards us.


    If that's traynors opinion, why was it not in the record? I brought green into it because it's obviously his handywork, under traynors name. Traynor doesn't give a fuck about anyones attitude towards us. He said it himself, he doesn't even support Rangers. He's just another self-serving drain on our resources.


    We need a centre forward, not another mouthpiece. One is quite enough.

  12. They've hardly played fair with us have they?


    This should have been scrapped the day after the tax case result was announced.


    I never said they have played fair, but this sort of talk makes us look bad to an outsider, and might imply we are gulity, but are too important to the game to be punished. Let the lawyers fight it out and prove we did nothing wrong, then it buries it forever. It's laughable that green now has traynor doing his dirty work for him now, so his hands stay clean from it. Why was traynor not saying all this when he was at the record? Would have had more impact then.

  13. "If there is any attempt to take away titles deep divisions will be created with Rangers fans feeling they shouldn’t set foot in any other grounds. Scottish football cannot afford that."


    Pish like this does nothing to strengthen our case. It's almost like blackmailing them to find in our favour.

  14. The Scots guys did a great job so they did. :facepalm:


    Aye they only won us 54 titles, numerous cups, and a baw hair away from a CL final. Add to that making us one of the most well known and well respected teams in world football, and I can see your point. They really did make a mess of things eh?


    It's arguable that our major issues all stemmed from south of the border. HMRC, Lloyds, Ticketus, Whyte, D&P, and now sir charles of green. All mostly based in London I believe. Makes me sick that people compare green to the many good Scottish Rangers men that made us who we are. green has done next to fuck all so far, apart from presiding over probably our worst ever squad in recent memory, and 2 humiliating cup defeats. Talking shite for 6 months means nothing. The only good thing he has done is keep us out the red.....oh wait, he didn't even do that.

  15. At today's prices, a stadium expansion to increase the Ibrox capacity above 60k would cost well over 20 million, so there's practically zero chance of it happening and no point in keeping harping on about it.


    Stops people talking about the real issues and problems we will face. So in that respect, a worthwhile soundbite.

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