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Everything posted by ComeOffit

  1. Thanks for clearing that up, because I wasn't sure. We will still be dipping in to the share issue for running costs though. Something that green said we didn't need to do. pre-share issue. Another semi-truth from the great man.
  2. I assume those high earners are getting punted next year then, and we will be leaving Murray park, seeing as we will be making a profit. That's before we sign any new players, and give new contracts. Technically, we wont make a loss this year anyway, unless the share issue doesn't go through the accounts? We spent less than £1m on transfer fees, and we are still running at a loss. It doesn't bode well for when we have to spend maybe £5m on players, and even that wont be enough to compete with them for the league. The share moeny will soon run dry, and we will be stuck with an average team, struggling to compete for a UEFA cup place, never mind the CL. The quicker we are back in the SPL, the better. Maybe then people will understand how a profit making football club, wins nothing. We need real investment, and by that I mean people that can afford to lose their money, in the pursuit of making us the best again. All we have is a bunch of suits looking to make a fast buck. Any new money" invested" will go to them, seeing as they have all the shares, and none of it will go towards the team, or the club. This business model is doomed to end in sporting failure. It will make a few people rich, but it does nothing much to help us as a football team. Under green and co, we will never win an spl title or ever compete in the CL. That is a financial fact that most of us haven't woken up to yet. Green to be fair has played a blinder......
  3. Beyond a joke that we are in debt to watch this current squad toiling away to beat a shower of shite. Green saying we could realise a profit if he punted a few members of staff is ridiculous. He should start with Ahmad and his mystery bonus if he's going down that road. Thank god for the share issue, otherwise we would be using our credit facility that doesn't exist.
  4. That's you on the STB ignore list. How will you cope......
  5. Actually, that wont work. Someone quote me, lol.
  6. Quoted so greens NO-1 fanboi cant keep his head in the sand.
  7. These littlle get-togethers are akin to a N.Korean cabinet meeting. No-one ever asks him any real question. Like are we still paying his rent and houshold bills? Why do him and his boyfriend deserve massive bonuses for getting us out the SFL? How much do we still owe him for buying us? How the fuck are we running at a loss in div 3? Why did he want the share dough so fast, when he has hardly spent a penny of it, as yet? Why the fuck did he let Ally give the decorator a contract of more than 5 ton a week?
  8. How the fuck are we running at a loss to win a pub league? Because he kept on the tea lady? Get fucked charlie.
  9. A new manager wont make much difference to how pish we are. The money would have been better spent on teaching our kids how to pass a ball 10 yards, without it firing out for a shy. That wee fanny will make his million, then fuck off with his tail between his legs after making an arse of qualifying for France 2016.
  10. An unforgivable error in my opinion. You imagine them playing that video in a court that we are defending our titles in. It was too important an issue to just make a rash, untrue statement like that.
  11. Jeez, edit that man. I don't want you banned. We're just talking here. Put me back on ignore if me telling the truth makes you so angry.
  12. Why would I give someone that said our history is "swept aside", a chance? Or did you just ignore the video I posted because it doesn't fit with your agenda? You don't have to lie on greens behalf, he's quite capable of doing it on his own.
  13. Do you think the share price will take a massive hit, depending on whether we keep historic titles or not? I have my doubts.
  14. Aye, your first point is valid, but he doesn't actually "own" the club, and isn't dependent on a re-sale value to make his money. Maybe to keep the share price high, but he isn't the owner. We dont have an owner, apparently.
  15. Aye, very good batman. That's what he said after the cva failed. Before that he said something along the lines of " why would Dave King want a cva to fail, and not keep all Rangers history". Search for it on youtube if you can stomach the tarrier pish that accompanies the video.
  16. Let's not forget he is the same man that said without a cva our history was all but gone. He's a liability in this battle against title stripping.
  17. He did mention something about kangaroo's, yes, but I think his main argument was that it is oldco business. He doesn't make too much sense when it comes to oldco and newco affairs. His moaning about paying oldco football debts is a perfect example of his confusion. We can't really claim all our history, but in the same breath write off all our historic football debts. I know he paid them, but with a heavy heart.
  18. Green couldn't give two fucks about our old titles, so I'd imagine that the less he has to spend on them the better, from his point of view. They don't have a re-sale value, and it's not if he is the sole owner of the club who will lose out if we happen to lose them. Always annoys me when he harps on about "buying our old titles". You can't buy titles. You can become the owner of the trophies etc, but it doesn't mean you own the titles. The titles belong to the players and management that won them, not some fly by night that's been here two minutes. I'm probably alone in this, but I think the RFFF money would be put to better use by paying some of the oldco's small creditors, or maybe even compensating the old shareholders. Let green pay for the defence of "his" titles if he is so passionate about it. The last I heard, green wasn't even going to the meetings to try and defend our position re title stripping. His most recent defence was "it's fuck all to do with me".
  19. Was probably just a genuine mistake. Charles would never deliberately mislead the support...........
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