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Everything posted by SteveC

  1. Both Alves and John off with strains, ice being applied to both. Our back 4 = Tav McCrorie Cardoso and Hodson! McCrorie just did well however and even Cardoso has made one good tackle this half. Ally is hard to take on the comms. Thistle go close.
  2. Good save Alnick. We break from resultant corner. Thistle slip Candeias rounds the keeper, empty goal......van Vossen's it.
  3. Clint Hill I'd take for sure..............I'm missing Bomber Jackson far less jaws and Dave Smith
  4. Defence terrifying me for the weekend tbh. Run about like schoolkids at times
  5. Game's turned a bit. Wonder save from Alnick from a header a few yards out. Cardoso being roasted. Full backs bombing forward and leaving space.
  6. Just looking at their Champs League group. Anderlecht have just sacked their manager Infighting at Bayern http://www.latimes.com/sports/soccer/la-sp-bayern-munich-baxter-20170916-story.html and now: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2733988-neymar-edinson-cavani-reportedly-separated-in-psg-dressing-room-after-lyon-game and http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4899036/Neymar-demands-PSG-sell-Edinson-Cavani.html
  7. You have to take gambles when you are supposed to be chasing a team with a far bigger budget than you have. We're in a position where if we want quality we have to get quality players with a drawback - say, age, injury or attitude - and hope that we can get a way round the negative and re-ignite the positive.
  8. Pedro said that he told all his squads, everywhere he has managed , that they are the best. He patiently explained why he did this at the time, and repeated that very sensible rationale thereafter, in a language that was not native to him. He was crystal clear. To this day (literally this day) Scottish journalists and Chris Sutton pull him up about it because, sadly, their grasp of the English language is so lamentably weak.
  9. It went wrong long before that, imo; we were shite after the calenddar new year far less the football one (with one glorious exception).
  10. Would have been a lot more game on had we not drawn on Friday and v hearts (the hibs game is hard to mention given the chreating ref)
  11. How Stewart can still go on deliberatel misinterpreting the "best squad" remark after having it explained ot his face baffles me. You'd almost think a hate filled agenda was at work.
  12. I know it goes against the grain of this and the only other Rangers forum I ever see but if I was the manager then Miller would not only be in my team for the tim game but would be the first name I put down and the one I'd most worry about picking up an injury. Apologies for the fit your are having now, Tannochside.
  13. No-one thinks they are any good outside of the benighted land of Scot. And half to 90% of those inside that land who claim to, are only doing it for their careers' sake. But it doesn't matter, objectively. In the land of the blind the one-eyed man etc. They can be putrifyingly bad but still be out of range for all other Scottish clubs. I'll be singing my heart out and hoping for a win but I'll know it will be against all odds and make bugger all difference to the league's final positions even if it all works out for us on the day. They'll stroll the league - but that doesn't mean they are any good, in other words.
  14. There we are in agreement, DB. I can assure you though that on the 23rd, my first OF game (apologies for language) since an occassion it is best not to recall, I will be espousing utter pish as I leave the stadium. It will take hours therafter to hear a sensible comment from me on the game, I suspect. Actually there's OF games (as was then allowed to say) from the 70s where that is still true....
  15. My point was that I think you mistake the purpose of an internet forum - almost on any subject, far less that of the current fortunes of a football team to which the posters are actively reacting. Surely what I mean is self-explanatory? On such a forum posters will "end up swinging from one polar opinion to the opposite." It's a f@cking internet forum, ffs! As such it is specifically designed to elicit such responses. It's not a question of what is "deemed necessary". Football forums, like FarceBook and Twatter, are specifically, if unintentionally - perhaps - designed to ampily unreasonable reactions. The Internet (and yes I'm old enough to have been in on it when only a tiny percentage was, I made it my job, in fact, for over a decade from '84) was once seen as a wonderful tool where information and eductation could be shared amongst all. What it has become, of course, is something else altogether. Apart from all the sinister manipulation, the generic in-built appeal to black/white yes/no me/you polarities has created a worldwide primary 5 playground that turns the stomach. On the other hand - isn't that just about where a match thread on a forum for committed (both sense!) fans should reside? Does that not match the reality of fans reacting after the match? Reflection comes later. Perhaps you should start another regular post match thread, say two days later, entitled "mature reflections". (I mean that seriously, btw, and you could lead it off each week - just don't be optimistic just for the sake of it , please :-) ) In case that parenthetical comment backfires, I honestly - desperately trying to take my bias out of it - still think we would, in a just world, be at most one point behind going into next week. Having said which, we should, and must, have enough about us to overcome this, by now ingrained. instituional bias. PS I never saw a single game where Amoruso didn't make a mistake defensively. Usually many in any given phase of the game. Gough on the other hand.... PPS I know where we are vis-a-vis our ambitions. I wrote about it pre-season and last season. Folk still don't seem to realise what was done to us and how long it will take to recover. Nor the timing of it all with the Timz desperately trying to work a passage out of a dead end, hence the constant media onslaught and manipulation, I'm 60 next year and I honestly doubt I'll see us in the Champions League again. Even if we win the league - an Everest of a climb from where we are. That becomes a triple Everest when you consider the off-field forces that would cohere to block it. Even if we do eventally win our league some years hence, we'd not be seeded in the CL qualifiers and therefore hugely unlikely to make the group stages. That's probably all moot anyway as by that time it'll be a closed shop for the usual suspects from "the big 5". All of this = frustration = boils over in immediate post match threads.
  16. Well usually I would agree. I was born "ready" and grew up "biased" Notwithstanding that, objectively speaking , I think your paranoia is well justified. However, last night, Sutton was far less anti-Rangers than anyone else I heard, including (especially?) Ally. Sad to say, but true.
  17. Yep, they did. Sutton(at half time), McCoist (in commentary) repeatedly and in detail as to why it was so well taken.
  18. Have to go offline now. Fingers crossed you hear me screaming with joy..........
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