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Posts posted by SteveC

  1. 6 hours ago, buster. said:

    Behind or ahead of curves are subjective or semi-objective judgements that don't actually mean much.

    We are where we are and given the amount of change wrt personel both on and off the pitch that is about to be triggered, it's difficult to know where we'll be in a few months and the timescales involved regards performance.


    For AJ, he needs to ensure that the club is run properly and there is no more institutional failure at any level.



    You'd imagine Sundays game will be difficult but it's not that easy to read. A week ago, I'd have said we weren't getting anything from the fixture but now after Hibs scoring one penalty in 180 minutes (away from home), the Lennon tirade against his players, their chance of second place gone, Boyle unlikely to play, our resilience at Aberdeen, Bates back in defence and one penalty goal conceded in 180 minutes........ I'd say we have a chance of taking something.....BUT.....we need to start the game well and not let them swarm all over us and get an early goal.


    It's up to Jimmy Nicholl to get the message accross before the game (not at HT) that we have to react professionally to any adversity or losing an early goal.


    Frankie makes a very relevant point about the amout of players that will probably be featuring in their last match for Rangers, the same goes for Hibs and possibly both dug-outs. How that will effect the game, we'll have to wait and see.


    Can't say I'm not glad the season isn't finishing.



    That last line is causing me problems.........too much for my auld heid!...one too many negatives?

  2. 1 hour ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    So are we saying that 13000 (around 30%) have not renewed (yet)? Is this not a little worrying?


    Was the deadline this early last year as well?


    It is truly staggering just how loyal we are given the unadulterated pish we have had to endure year after year this decade. Our board and players really have not earned this loyalty or faith. It goes to prove that Rangers fans are born, not manufactured, and that we use the "loyal" tag for more than one reason.



    It is.  The whole crowd sizes since Souness came is bonkers compared to the preceding decades.  I first started going in 67-68 (best team I have yet seen, imo - yes the one that lost to Berwick but which could also go toe-to-toe with the best in Europe at the time) and the crowds were nowhere near current sizes on a regular basis.  Not that this was poor, we were praised in football annuals for our loyal support for the following six years too.  25,000 being considered a show of loyalty in ordinary league games.  We pulled in huge crowds for special occasions of course.

    Actually go back to the great 1963 season and look at the attendance figures then and you'll be shocked.  Far lower than when we were in the bottom divisions!






  3. They are probably still processing many, TB, or at least I'd guess so.


    I'll be taking out an annual RTV subscription from the virtual US  to show my support.  Not the same, I know, but I'll only make a handful of games in person and if it's a sell out every week then maybe no league games!

  4. 14 minutes ago, boabie said:

    I'd say Steve that it depends on which of our defences turns up. I didn't see too many problems v the sheep.

    The sheep were terrible, though.  As were we after the outrageous penalty decision. I thought we looked quite lively before that, though within the context of how sh@te they are.


    The standard of the games is astonishingly low. I guess that is borne out by the yearly Euro results which darken Scottish summers, and so should be anticipated - it is still jaw-dropping at times, though.

    All I really meant was that there is a big difference between "highly unlikely" and "virtual impossibility".  Also, I have a fear of 'counting chickens' where we are concerned.

  5. 7 hours ago, JFK-1 said:

    True but there's about as much chance of that happening as Lennon winning the Nobel peace prize.  Ever noticed it's never Lennons fault when they lose?


    It's the referees fault, the players fault, the studs fault. Anything but him.


    After the last six years that we have endured and some of the football scores around Europe this year, I wouldn't be so brash about this nor pick so outlandish an analogy.   A couple of early goals for them, easily imaginable given our defence, and the nerves will start to fray.  We're bound to have  at least one player kicked out of the game (and most of next season) and another red carded into the bargain.

  6. 8 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    We have had second half turnarounds before but how to get into this game. The penalty wasn't a penalty and they seem to have been given licence to kick our players at will. Even Walker who is no friend of Rangers sounded a shade embarrassed about the penalty it was so clearly not a penalty.


    He said the ref "guessed" and obviously guessed wrong.  That's in the rule book?  Make crucial decisions by guessing?

    He had a clear view, he was close - he had no need to guess (and anyway with penalties refs are supposed to be sure) and he didn't guess. Instead, he cheated, plain and simple

  7. 24 minutes ago, Ser Barristan Selmy said:

    Am I watching a different game? I missed the first 15 mins but we’ve been completely awful.

    Further to previous reply, eve BBC text were saying how dominant we were pre their penalty.  We were on 80% possession and looking very lively.

    "It's a very positive start by Rangers - especially down the right," purrs BBC Sportsound pundit Willie Miller.

    And, just before their ludicrous penalty:


    Steven Thompson

    Former Scotland striker on BBC Sportsound

    Rangers are definitely dominating the opening period. I think there’s a feeling among the supporters that Aberdeen aren’t getting up tight enough in Rangers' faces, they’re allowing them to dictate.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Ser Barristan Selmy said:

    Am I watching a different game? I missed the first 15 mins but we’ve been completely awful.

    Completely different story in the opening  - I thought the first ten minutes we had them completely rattled.

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