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Everything posted by TheTinMan99

  1. Obviously playing for time while the tipp-ex dries on the bonus section of Wallace's contract, allegedly.
  2. He has been reasonably well supported, but to a certain extent, he had use the "sledgehammer to crack a nut" approach. Failure to win any of these leagues would've been a total disaster. Taking the utopian view of building a team from scratch, with promising youths, etc, was never going to guarantee the promotions we needed. Ally has to work in reality, not with idealistic goals. The fact is, we need an entire new team to compete with them on any serious level. This can only be achieved by spending on established players. It's been proven to be the way for generations. Building teams from scratch is for teams that have little income, which we are well on the way to becoming.
  3. I'll rephrase; do you personally think it's excessive? Or does Ally have a genuine point, without picking apart the words he actually used. It's been so long since we bought anyone, he probably forgot.
  4. Lol. 6% of our expenditure on our total coaching staff, and player purchases, and you're saying that like it's excessive?
  5. King and Gough, or faceless hedge funds? Quite a poser who to trust.
  6. Are you talking about King or Wallace? You could argue that 2 seasons book money has been "lost". It certainly hasn't been spent/invested wisely with the clubs best interest at heart, and that's directly from Mr Wallace's mouth. Perhaps a better choice of words from King would've been "pissed away", as opposed to "lost". As for who has been plain wrong, or grossly misleading, only one of the aforementioned chaps is currently being investigated by Police Scotland for their recent comments. It seems that Mr Wallace was the only person in Scotland that thought we had enough cash to see us to the season end. It's not surprising you pick out one sentence from the King statement, and virtually ignore the sentiment behind it.
  7. If Wallace didn't know if there was sufficient funds to last until the season end, he could have quite easily have said that. Saying things changed, or he didn't have all the information is not a valid excuse. In fairness, he was handed a car crash to sort out, but he hasn't exactly covered himself in glory.
  8. Finishing 3rd with the 2nd? largest budget in the league=Genius:laugh:
  9. We don't need to know how much the tea lady is on. A list of whoever is pulling £100k+ p.a would suffice. A separate list of bonuses would be swell also. Don't hold your breath for either. It's none of our business.
  10. Here was me thinking it was a credit facility. Calling it a 'loan', would imply that Mr Easdale physically transferred the monies directly into the clubs account. Maybe he has, maybe he hasn't. Maybe it was a public relations stunt. Who knows. All we do know is, whatever happened, it was half a million, secured against assets. Just out of interest, do you consider the credit card companies advancing book money as a loan? It's not just traditional loans that can command some type of security.
  11. You don't need to be a businessman to know that pissing away 70m in 18 months is beyond a joke. The " big boys dun it, and ran away" explanation, is unacceptable. Those very same "big boys" are the ones who are appointing our entire board. It's shameful how "we" have fucked this up, and there is little hope in the review for it changing any time soon. I could have typed up that pish in 120 minutes, not 120 days. Tell us who's on bonuses Mr Wallace, or go fuck yourself.
  12. Journalists don't have to sign off our accounts. Any outside investors won't be aware how legitimate Whyte's claim is. We don't even know, and we've been following it for 2 years.
  13. The general tone of the rest of his post would suggest otherwise, but I'm sure he is big and ugly enough to defend his own words, if he feels the need.
  14. Were you not just a few days ago commenting on how there is no company set up to administer such a scheme? Now they set one up, and it still doesn't sit right with you? Maybe you could expand on why Mr King being granted the security makes you feel "uncomfortable", because I'm sure you would rather our most valuable assets were under his control, than the staus quo.
  15. Is there really any need for that, Andrew? You may or may not agree with the Orange Order, but that's a bit low.
  16. I can see Jig getting this bus driving gig, when he finally stops impersonating a centre half. Daly as his assistant, hopefully.
  17. Fair enough if you have heard it elsewhere, but I'm not convinced that Somers would be so naive to put something like that in writing.
  18. "McCoist added: “The last thing we need is more injury problems." Aye, how will we cope with the 4 meaningless games we have left to play.
  19. .....and what exactly did Sir David of Cameron do to help us? You know, the guy that actually controls HMRC, and was the current Prime Minister of the UK? You're on very dodgy ground trying to make it political, and agenda driven against us. If anything, it was an English led assault on us.
  20. This is nothing more than the board softening us up for the rejection of King's money. When we're 20 odd points behind the ******** in our first season back, maybe then the King doubters will realise the urgency that we needed the major investment. I don't think they actually want to refuse King's cash, but they are probably worried he will find out where the bodies are buried. They will literally do, and say anything, safe in the knowledge that a certain percentage of fans will renew regardless. If this renewal/review date farce doesn't convince people, then nothing will. They know this review will be all pish and air, and anything short of a commitment to an imminent share issue will only further prove that they don't have the interests of the club at heart, as if we didn't know that already.
  21. I'd rather have Boyd, than Daly, but saying that, I'd rather get big Kyle back, than persist with that imposter of a footballer. Boyd isn't getting any younger, and we don't create nearly enough sitters for him to be effective. It's all fairly moot, considering there will be no extra money in the transfer/wages budget. Any cash saved from natural wastage should be spent on a scouting system as a matter of urgency. Buying Ally an updated version of Football Manager just isn't going to cut it in the next two seasons.
  22. Meh, what else can he say? We're shite and we know it?
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