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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. OK i agree with a lot of that but who would you say makes up a decent back 4?


    we have no right back worthy of the name - wallace hmmm - ok but not great defensively and as for CB well who do you pick?


    I would go




    Hearts are flying with 6 academy graduates in their team, there is no reason why we can't either.


    Foster-Zaliukas-McGregor-Wallace is the most experienced, that should also be more than capable of dominating this league.


    I do stress again however, midfield determines how successful any defence is.

  2. He said "My loyalty is with Rangers, not with Sevco, who I don't know anything about." He was absolutely spot on with that. Why would he choose to lose more money in order to line the pockets of Green and his cohorts?


    This shite about having his salary paid when injured is a complete red herring. Every club has to take out insurance which covers a player's wages when crocked, so it was the underwriter who picked up the tab, not Rangers.


    You don't appear to understand how TUPE works either. If he and all the others had agreed to transfer their contracts over and then sit tight on their hefty wages, where would that have left Green's little plan?


    Been saying that since it happened! :) Cheers.

  3. If we say for arguments sake mccoist was replaced tomorrow with a good manger.


    you think the back 4 in all its forms is good enough to go and win enough games to overhaul a 9 point lead?


    I know they are, absolutely. You seen how Walter Smith coached guys like Papac, Whittaker and Davie Weir to a European final. The defence is fine, for this level, what isn't, is our midfield, that is where our game goes to shit. Midfield. There is no help for the defenders, no support and no protection for them either, and it the same for our strikers, the midfield is a rotten. Our engine room and heartbeat, it's a disgrace. Right across the whole 4, they don't help the defence and they don't help the strikers. They basically do nothing. They offer nothing.

  4. We are not going to win this division now. You have to realise that.

    If anything Hertz will increase their 9 point lead as opposed to us reducing it.

    Our only hope for promotion is playoffs where we'd face an improving Hibz side who have already won at ibrox


    I know you are slightly pessimistic Rab, i am too but saying the league is over in November is nonsense mate. 9 points is nothing.

  5. A 'good manager' will want funds to bring in new players to at least give us a chance of promotion via playoffs.

    Not sure that's possible at present


    A good manager would see the extensive resources we currently have and win the title as well as make a proper fist of the three domestic cups. A squad of over 30 first team players and numerous international footballers, hall of famers, record goal scorers, club captains, leaders, We have a great chance here to make history. The quad was on, Ally staying ensures we only end up with 1 useless mickey mouse cup.

  6. this interests me because I've read that our players costs are a lower proportion of overall costs than most football teams. Richard Wilson said it but I've read many other journos saying the same thing


    I don't get it..............why are the writing this then ?


    Journos write nonsense all the time depending on their agenda. Perhaps they were simply relaying the nonsense 27% McCoist try to fool fans into believing? Who knows, but they wrong, so wrong.

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