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Super Cooper

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Everything posted by Super Cooper

  1. Decent wee midfielder, like a poor mans James McArthur, who we could have had for £500k a few years back. Would do a job at our level no doubt. Certainly better than Kyle Hutton.
  2. Do you think Celtics make a profit? They have kept that open. It must be worth it. Exposure maybe? Brand awareness? I don't know but there must be a reason why they are there.
  3. Hearts are not and never have been a threat to Celtics dominance. We are the one they wanted. I have a feeling Hearts will get a helping hand from somewhere.
  4. Not really a fan of it tbh. I have not seen one Puma kit for next season that i would buy or that i like. I would love us to go plain again with just a blue top and smart collar, no flashes, stripes or colourful bits on it, just a blue top with a big blue RFC crest. Nice, plain, simple and smart.
  5. Is it not next door to the Celtic shop i thought i read a few weeks back?
  6. Brand wise the JJB deal was horrendous for us but financial wise, it was probably pretty decent short term. £3m clear profit per annum was not bad. I do wonder if Celtic have ever made such a profit from just merchandising?
  7. I am glad we didn't get any of Charlies moonbeams or nonsense after yesterdays result. I think, yesterday, was a day for dignified silence. It may be a justified stick to beat our club at times but it was not applicable yesterday.
  8. Who would buy a season ticket to watch a team of kids led by a novice manager fight relegation all the while their club is owned and run by a group of complete and utter clowns?
  9. Another vulture wanting to feed off us.
  10. Marcus Haber was a very weak footballer when at St Johnstone. I hope there is nothing in this. In fact i would rather have one of Novo, Miller or Boyd before him!
  11. Can someone please simplify this for me and tell me, Is this good or bad for Rangers? How many more years have we lost a say in the TV rights thing? Do we now get a vote on any new changes to the game? This this make us stronger or weaker? Will there or can there be any more unfair or illegal sanctions placed on our club? Thanks guys.
  12. Can it be updated by one of our computer wizz's Frankie?
  13. You sound as if you would love it to be true. Desperate for a case of "i told you so?"
  14. We have been hearing they are going out the game for the last few years, i don't see it happening.
  15. Not another one? What is wrong with these people? Is it a way of keeping their nose in our current business? Spying for the enemy?
  16. I do wonder what part Celtic FC and it's powerful board played in this.
  17. Jim deserves a break until he gets his personal issues sorted, ie his sisters illness. All the beat to her and Jim can come back when he is ready.
  18. Super Cooper


    Apparently he has said he had family commitments.
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