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Super Cooper

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Everything posted by Super Cooper

  1. I don't rate Neymar, i can see him easily heading the same way Robinho did. I think he flatters to deceive. If Real get Bale they will have got the better deal imo.
  2. According to Daily Record and the Herald. Unless they are photoshop pages and made up articles, he will be, or is the new chairman. Good or bad? I can't really say i am in favour of this to be honest. Looks to me like a PR stunt and a case of anyone but Malcolm Murray. Can someone verify if this is true as i have only seen the headlines, i won't buy the paper itself or give their site hits.
  3. I am not going over it again. It's in this thread somewhere. It's not a big deal and i don't even agree with it! I agree with gunslinger.
  4. Someone has a hard-on for young Daniel. I told you what i was told, i have no reason to lie. Contradict it anyway you want, the fact is, it was said.
  5. And yet they are working for the club and spent their lives in the game yet you are stuck on a computer chatting on online forums.
  6. Champions League experience through necessity more than anything else. Liverpool are nothing like the club of old you speak of either, the club who spent the best part of £100m on Andy Carroll, Stuart Downing and Charlie Adam. I actually remember quite a few sceptical of his talents at the time as he was found out on more than one occasion. He will never be the centre half some people think he will be. A relegation dog fight in the SPL is just about his level.
  7. We could cut our squad by 10 and it would not affect our first 11.
  8. You must think Ross Perry is a world beater then because as kids, Perry was always the better player according to the coaches at Ibrox.
  9. Players need ability to justify their arrogance. Wilson doesn't have enough of it. Ability.
  10. We have enough of a battle telling our enemies we are the same club without the club itself doing this to its lifeblood. What a shame. I do wonder who is responsible for such a decision.
  11. It does come across as a bit of an agenda mate but i am with you 100%. I think you are spot on.
  12. I am fairly new here but already i see a blatant, obvious and blinding agenda at play on Gersnet, an astounding support of Rangers Football Club!
  13. Riccarton a few weeks back. He has a swagger like he is the best player in the world and a chest Barry Ferguson would be proud of!
  14. No mate, I have not heard anything to convince me it is the right thing for Rangers.
  15. Whilst i am all for a change, i just don't see it happening. Law, Bell and Daly all signed on the strength of Ally as manager.
  16. I was under the impression the £1m a month losses which was only for the first 6 months trading included several large one off payments and wages for players no longer here? Also, i would love to know why we are once again living outwith our means? Why was Ally given such a huge budget to work with when the club only needed a fraction of that to achieve it's number one objective? And i imagine investors will not be pleased that all that money has basically been pissed up against a wall just like our hundreds of millions in turnovers from the last decade under different regimes. Doesn't matter who our manager is, who is in the boardroom these days, it seems to be the same messy cycle every single year.
  17. Do all the major rhags have Celtic supporting editors?
  18. Absolutely not mate, where has the IPO money gone? It wasn't supposed to be for running costs, was it? Running costs, salaries, investigation fees, pay-offs etc etc should all be coming out of our turnover, not IPO money. What would we have done had we not had a share issue?
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