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Everything posted by ranger_syntax

  1. It's like some people don't need evidence when certain other people can be accused of something.
  2. Not sure why Margaret Thatcher is being discussed. She does get a mention in a guardian article today but it is limited. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/apr/26/hillsborough-disaster-deadly-mistakes-and-lies-that-lasted-decades
  3. What's the problem? We all had an opportunity to sign up, for semi finals and finals, back at the start of the season. How many did?
  4. Starting to wonder if the use of the word 'independent' is as silly as 'unity'. What do people really think that the problem is here?
  5. I wish I had stayed at home. Foolishly agreed to take a ticket for Livingston and St Mirren despite the expectation that it would be like this.
  6. 8 points behind with 12 to play for, no?
  7. Not sure how difficult it is to take points from us at the moment.
  8. It could be very difficult. Possible opponents include three from Hibernian, Kilmarnock, Falkirk and Raith Rovers. St Mirren will still be there and Dunfermline will also be back up next season.
  9. It's interesting to think about this sort of thing in the context of team sports. In this case the manager, perhaps the club, has decided that the team should do it but some players abstain. A player that abstains implies that he is somehow different from his team mates. Although it is a fairly trivial act it sets a precedent that not all instructions should be followed. The players no longer trust each other to act in the interests of the team when some personal interest comes up. It's not a recipe for success.
  10. Oh . . . my aching sides . . . if only success was the result of repeatedly telling people about how great you are.
  11. Pretty sad that Deila can't stick around for all the fun. Now we can only hope that the eventual replacement is hyped beyond all reasonable expectations.
  12. Why would anyone describe him as a diehard Rangers fan? His priority was obviously money. That's fair enough. There is no reason for him, or journalists, to grumble if that is all he gets.
  13. Best to get in now. 11/4 is still a decent price as far as I'm concerned.
  14. One of the many good points from yesterday. Not least because you would be forgiven for having doubts about how he would handle this match. In general he has not been very effective but in particular situations he can be. When he does play you can almost always rely on him take the ball and ease any pressure in midfield. I thought that we were needing that prior to his introduction and he proved himself equal to the challenge. His penalty was excellent and, as an added bonus for the evening, the celebration did cause me to smirk a bit.
  15. I've never enjoyed a match as much as that one. Now looking forward to watching our second goal again and again and again.
  16. When people come out with empty language like this I always find it utterly hilarious to go and look up the definition.
  17. He either should have been lifted for being drunk or he shouldn't. Either way I don't see how the police get to redistribute tickets on a whim.
  18. I'd be interested to hear what the causal link is.
  19. The end of what? Topics like this one just stir up a load of crap. Presumably why it gets printed.
  20. Well done to, ahem, all of the Dumbarton fans who made it along.
  21. I'm glad that we are finally out of that league. The distance left to travel will be the most satisfying of all.
  22. It's ok because taxes can pay for it. Maybe it would be different if money actually changed hands when people went to watch football matches. If that happened then the people who organised football could spend some of that money on the facilities.
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