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Everything posted by ranger_syntax

  1. This all sounds silly to me. Who exactly is asking for all this crap?
  2. How important is this? Does this mean that the club needs to give a return in cash? If so then why are we discussing perceived bias. Seems quite important to me.
  3. How much compensation would we get for him?
  4. Do whatever you like. If an article/quote is posted it's definitely good to have a link to go and check what has actually been published. I would personally prefer not to see Haggerty's work posted, or linked to, here. What difference does it make though. Go somewhere like twitter and you will find plenty of people circulating links to it. Whilst on the topic, I recently overheard a conversation between two Scottish journalists. They definitely depend on people circulating links to work. As such, Haggerty's rise to the staggering heights of the Herald should make sense. She will generate lots of traffic from gleeful celtic fans and angry Rangers fans.
  5. It would be great if this happened. I think we'd need to do something unexpected, like win the Scottish cup, to get people out and buying tickets in the numbers required.
  6. Has this always been said? I seem to recall that previously the line was about signing a player in January if he would help to challenge for the top league when we get back.
  7. Giving up on winning this league?
  8. Unlikely. Eager Rangers supporters will be circulating links to the herald at every opportunity.
  9. Do we really want to forget him? We seem awful keen to read about him and discuss him. Your reply, for example, bumped a dying thread.
  10. I'm not sure Law is the answer. I'd expect him to play in rotation. Has he been injured lately or just out of favour? I think part of our problem is that we can be quite predictable. If opponents can predict what we are doing then they will stand a much better chance of defending against us. One of the really frustrating things about our recent decline in form is the predictability. Another is that when the team does do something unexpected of creative it often ends in a miscue. We also often ignore chances to break quickly in favour of keeping possession. As others have pointed out this just lets the opposition get back and get organised. So I'm not really looking for a steady tempo. Finally, wading into the real controversy, watching it from the stands is different. You do see different things. It's not all one way though. I don't always bother watching the highlights so sometimes remain ignorant of details that are repeated on television.
  11. Airdrie was his first match. Looked like he was making a big difference that night. Perhaps it was just because we were playing opposition from the lower league. I was wondering about how many goal scoring moves Zelalem and Oduwa had been involved in. In the case of Zelalem one assist is not a lot.
  12. I hope Warburton can identify an alternative to Eustace in January. As for Zelalem I hope that he starts to be more effective. We can keep possession better when he plays but that is not what we lack.
  13. No, what I really meant was that you should ask yourself that before rambling on about magic hats and faith.
  14. . . . and another question we should be asking is will his sharpness get better, or worse, as time passes.
  15. Why are we resigning an old player who has been injured? His work off the ball? I don't think that work off the ball is enough. We will need more than that next season. Also . . . I can't help it if you are feeling insulted. I did hope that you would offer something of substance and, to be fair, you have started to.
  16. Have you watched any Rangers matches, this season, that he has played in?
  17. Why do we even have a thread about this? What is there to discuss?
  18. It's pretty funny to notice that Craig Brown equates "a disadvantage" with "can't work to that".
  19. Can anybody make sense of this?
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