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Everything posted by ranger_syntax

  1. Can you explain for those of us who are a bit slow? This is not the first time that I've read one of your posts and had little idea of the point you are trying to make.
  2. Let me see if I understand. King promised a nomad. There is no nomad yet. If King gives Warburton some money in January then I don't care about the nomad. Is that fair?
  3. So money must be divided in a way to maximize all three of the above, yes?
  4. I like to get my knickers in a twist about stuff like this because it is not often that I look for news about other teams. I only come here to keep up with, er, Rangers Chat. I don't like reading stuff from anti-Rangers bloggers either but every now and then it turns up.
  5. Can we take this seriously? I mean, has he even kissed the badge yet?
  6. The only thing that I would change about Scottish football would be to ban any opinion columns on the subject.
  7. Completely irrelevant if the board don't even bother to deal with the council.
  8. Yes, I wouldn't rule out improvement by the current team though. A couple more players will be required for a significant improvement though.
  9. After watching us against St Johnstone tonight I don't expect a run in the Scottish cup. Hopefully get drawn against another top league team though and we will see what progress has been made.
  10. This is a quote from an article, by a Rangers fan (yes ?), about Celtic.
  11. Well, he was getting paid a wage . . .
  12. Quite poor today. Despite that we performed much better than the referee.
  13. I quite enjoy King's press conferences. Despite that it does sadden me slightly to think of him having to answer a series pedestrian, often repetitive, questions from Scottish football journalists.
  14. We've started well and I don't think anyone seriously believes we will fail to win this division now. All of our wins have been against teams playing in this division or below though. Despite our success there are still plenty of unanswered questions about the team. I'll be interested to see how we cope if we encounter a team who prevents us from controlling possession and forces us to defend. We have not had to defend much so far but we have still managed to lose a few goals. Before the end of the month we will face opponents from the top division, St Johnstone, in the League Cup. It seems like most supporters are looking forward to this now. I don't think we are going to learn too much more about the team from the league matches but that's not the case with the cup. The top division appears to have a range of quality in it. Last season we managed to knock some out with a poor team, so we should expect to beat some. We also lost against three of the teams now in the top division, so we can expect it to be more difficult against others. Once we start to play teams from the top division we will find out how far we can go in the cups and have a reasonable idea of who we could finish above in the league. Interested to read what you all think just now. Who can we expect to beat from the top division? How far will we go in the cups?
  15. For a while, during the first half, I wondered if Raith would ever get to kick the ball again.
  16. I registered, with a view to signing up, to it a few years back and found cause for complaint quite quickly. I contacted them and was advised that the problem wouldn't be getting corrected. I then decided not to sign up. Didn't realise that it used flash though. Can't think of any software that I hate more than flash.
  17. A bargain price for a great player. Admin: Is there any chance of Gersnet organising a crowdfunding campaign?
  18. I think I would prefer Kilmarnock to Celtic but I would take anyone at home too.
  19. It does free up plenty of employers national insurance contributions though. I'm new to this but if such a thing happened to Darren McGregor I think we might have just saved about £27,000 from our playing budget.
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