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Everything posted by ranger_syntax

  1. It's good to hear from Easdale. I can't say I'm too impressed though. The most interesting point for me was when he noted that, despite being in short supply, Rangers shares are at a record low. What should one think of that?
  2. It is certainly admirable to urge fans to make up their own minds. What I don't know is why it has taken so long to release these notes. Neither do we know how much of these notes represent what Stockbridge actually said. It is stated that the notes are not verbatim. This might be an interesting point for anyone who wants to consider whether or not Stockbridge can be held to account for the counter claims that he is said to have made eg the electricity bill. For what it is worth I'd guess this is an accurate reflection of what Brian Stockbridge said. I'd urge fans to make up their own mind about how much truth is contained in what Brian said.
  3. I'm not sure what substantive point you are trying to make here.
  4. If I'm reading this correctly he has also voted against Norman Crighton. I'm surprised that he thinks Crighton has to be held accountable for any broken promises. What do you think is wrong with the way he has voted?
  5. There is not really any irony involved as being unnamed in a newspaper article isn't covered by the Companies Act 2006. That aside, I'm pretty sure that we all have a fair idea of who this is. Why is this still being talked about? Should it not have been dealt with some time ago? For me this just suggests tedious spin from both sides.
  6. Actually, more likely that they have been asked to represent a significant block of shareholders.
  7. This message is being misinterpreted by many on Twitter. It is disheartening to see how eager some are to call fellow supporters scum without taking the time to read the statement properly.
  8. This was mentioned at the meeting in the Grosvenor Hotel. I think that Alex Wilson mentioned it and that Rangers should drop the dignified silence approach and challenge unfair press coverage. It was clearly not a priority though. I interpreted this as an indication that Rangers may struggle to defend itself unless in a position of strength. I happen to agree and as such I'm not disappointed. I would like the club to put its own house in order before worrying about the press.
  9. I see the point you are making now. Although I think that I've been misled by the use of the term 'patterns'. That suggested to me that you were talking about something more general like the outcome of a poll.
  10. Suggest you check this page. If that doesn't have the information that you are looking for then you can ask a question directly. http://www.buyrangers.org/faq/
  11. We will be up against a higher quality of opposition next season. The same will be true the following season. The supporters will be willing and able to pay more to attend and Rangers should increase the price in order to maximize total revenue.
  12. This is what I really wanted to know. I have taken part in the RST poll and have read the current results. What I have not done is read any statement of "Admin's position". Can you say which particular results you think are contrary to RST admin's position?
  13. The price will be what ever share owners want to sell for. If you introduce £10m + of demand into a market of this size then I believe that you can expect a significant increase in price.
  14. Apologies, I see what you are saying now and I've edited my post above.
  15. I'm in favour of fan ownership and a member of the RST and BuyRangers. It's not "pie in the sky" to imagine that supporters can gradually increase their stake in Rangers while still buying season tickets. But if it is ever going to happen then we need to stop thinking that were are only customers.
  16. I'm afraid I don't think that Dave King would unite fans like the o.p. hopes. The divisions that exist would remain. I think it's best just to ignore it and people who want to do something positive should get on with it. What would be better is if people could learn how to disagree, compromise and work together where common ground exists. In some ways I think that the reaction to any news about Dave King shows how little we have learned over the past few years. We still pin our hopes on a big business man coming along to save us.
  17. I was discussing this after the match with my father. He is happy for the current board to remain in place and reluctant to have Paul Murray et al included. Despite this he accepted that about 60% held up cards today and that up to 10% may also have supported this protest without holding up cards. People might quibble about these figures but nobody can deny that a significant proportion of those who actually attend matches support the Sons of Struth protests. I hope Laxey Partners, and others, take note of this.
  18. I think that the Rangers Media position is to remain neutral and that it is some of the users that take this position.
  19. Did the Rangers Media user provide sources for these figures? Are the list of directorships exhaustive or just cherry picking?
  20. The Chairman states that the previous boards have been unfit to run the club. He uses this to attack Malcolm Murray while giving Brian Stockbridge a free pass. I think this is incoherent and should give us an indication of how seriously we should take the statement.
  21. I'd like to think you are right but I suspect that playing away to Dunfermline will be difficult.
  22. That's true, but given our recent history I'm happy to take a chance with the other options available.
  23. Point 3 is a good way to rule out many deals that will not be the best.
  24. Point 3 If everything is above board then it is fine. The problem is that it is much easier to draw a line where the constitution suggests. In the absence of this safeguard we will be treated to months, or even years, of debate about our directors and the deals that club makes. Potential investors (the correct kind) may even be encouraged by a rule like this.
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