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Ser Barristan Selmy

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Posts posted by Ser Barristan Selmy

  1. Is it just me letting my imagination run riot, but didn't the press leaks escalate rather than lessen after his arrival? I'm not suggesting that he was 'the mole' but I (naively) thought when he came the press would get what we wanted them to get, and not much more.

    I can't see him being there longer than a couple of months more, and I think he will leave these shores (to join Darryl King?) as there is no safe haven for him after us. He will be hated.

    you're right and while he isn't innocent I'd image, he isn't necessarily the whole cause. MM plus the Green camp are obviously all at it. It's pretty telling that in the leaked tapes IA accused MM of leaks and he didn't even bother deny it.


    Christ, what a tragedy our great club has become. We're the new Harchester Utd.


    I always like Traynor (before it became suddenly cool to like him) but he is currently oozing in incompetence in a club that breeds it.

  2. I can't see anything tangible he has done in months? He was brought in as Media Director yet we are at our lowest ebb on the media front.


    All he did was produce a few strongly worded articles on the official website. They were hugely popular but to me they looked very amateurish. A club like us should not be publishing strongly worded blog type articles, it looks pathetic and I doubt any other big club would ever do it. Yes we need to be standing up for ourselves but there's ways and means.


    His articles slightly reminded me of the type of hate filled dirge you see Romanov coming out with where you end up looking like a loon ball.

  3. Just stating the facts; if you want to spin them that's up to you. Another fact is that it took Gretna three years to get out of Division 3.



    Trying to show up a club for not coming first by a as big a margin as another club in another year just seems daft to me. In sport it's better not to take your eye off the ball.


    If you watch the TT you'll have seen the proper competitor's reaction to suggestions of breaking records: "irrelevant to me" and "bigger fish to fry".



    Gretna are one club I'd rather not emulate.

    I'm not spinning anything. I stated a fact.

  4. Very good win.


    Sadly the appointment was 1 year too late. Anyone could see Levein shouldnt have lead the team into this WC group, it was the best opportunity we've had to get to a tournament since France 98.


    I like Strachan also and we could do a lot worse at Ibrox.

    It is a 1 off victory. We beat France under McLeish and he's one of the worst managers around.

  5. Wee Strachan is a shrewd man, he won't bring back the guys who jumped ship for various reasons.


    The players tonight although lacking a bit of class showed real keenness to play for the cause reminded me of the way Walter got his players to play for him...the manager is so important.


    Maybe he could be the next manager of Rangers? :)


    I very much rate him, he'd be perfect for us

    Are you a t arrier or a troll?

  6. Are you being deliberately fucking lazy??? Read my posts. For the last fucking time - I'm not defending his appointment. I'm disputing the phrase 'gangsters' being used about the two of them without a shred of evidence other than gossip. If you can't be arsed reading my posts before accusing me of being 'slow' [to understand] or obtuse as you ever so elequantly put it then take the fucking responses you deserve.

    You claim to have "irrefutable proof of their dodgy past" which warrants the term 'gangster' for them. Where is it FFS and you can put this to bed and prove you are not just another drama queen who wont let facts (or lack of) get in the way of another 20 posts on here about our latest 'end of the world' drama?

    Did I use the word 'gangster'? I think I used the term convicted criminal. Cheerio.

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