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Posts posted by reaper

  1. You'll get more success trolling over on RM or even FF than you will here.


    Perhaps you can enlighten us all on here as to what exactly this "agenda" is?



    Trolling are you taking the piss when you are trolling magobblegivers latest wet dream as some sort of divine revelation, didn't you remember where you found your little nugget of info or to embarrassed to reveal.

  2. When you say "support the club" who or what were you supporting? You had no idea whether Green was another con-man and crook like Whyte - none of us did. If he had turned out to be another crook and if you had blindly supported him and driven the club into extinction by doing so, how is that "supporting the club"?


    As it turned out Green was given the support of the fan base - thanks in no small part to McCoist - and was then able to bring a degree of stability to the club and get us back onto the park again. If it hadn't been for AM it is extremely doubtful whether Green would have got enough support to allow him to continue as Chairman.

    Whether Ally's support was the right thing to have done is something for historians to decide - but the fact is that McCoist was 'our' man and the only one we could trust and he made the decision to give his backing to Green.


    As for AM's decision being a 'no-brainer, If McCoist had come out and told the fans not to buy season tickets, Charles Green would have had to consider whether it was worth trying to flog a dead horse or whether he would be better off selling RFC to someone else for a tidy wee profit.


    I have no difficulty in differentiating between the club and individuals, apparently you do.

  3. I could not disagree more. He is not some sort of Messiah. He is an individual forced into a managers position and given a great chance to win the hearts of the gullable. And i have already said, i didn't need one individual, i was not weak minded, i had faith, faith that my club would of course survive.Perhaps had we appointed a more appropriate manager post Walter we may not have suffered such horrendous outcomes in 2012?


    I am not confusing his position as manager and figurehead, or mouthpiece as some call it. Any good work he did do in front of a mic in 2012 was completely nulled by his performance in the job he is actually paid to do. One thing i do agree on is Ally being one of the clubs all time greats, of course he is and always will be. The man is a club legend, a hero to thousands. my hero growing up.


    Don't assume, it's dangerous. I told you i disagreed with you and did not need any one individual as any sort of figurehead. It's that simple. I had trust in my club.


    The simple equation was support the club or don't whoever was a figurehead, most fiscally prudent know without resorting to fairy tales that Green was the crucible of our salvation, McCoist had two choices advise support or not the second option may have killed us stone dead, a no brainer.

  4. Utter bollox we the fans played our part but we couldn't even fill our IPO quota, seems ingrates are all around when it comes to giving Green due credit, what the reaction will be when he officially returns will be interesting.

  5. Green has done nothing for the game. Anyway, Ally's got his MBE already and I am not sure whether the Queen will award him a Sir anytime soon. That said, the reaction of the Yahoos would be a joy to behold.


    Strangely I thought we still had a team to support, must have been Ally that saved us while he was busy saving the rest of the world.

  6. but we know lot's about green.


    we know whyte brought him in

    we know he tried to get a cva that would have seen whyte regain control.

    we know he has had a million out in cash and is due about another 1.5 in december.

    we know he lied incessantly

    we know he got 5 million shares for 50k


    and ahmed is much much worse.


    i don't really know what you mean by how it will work.


    McCoist got 7000,000 shares for £7k, it's business or do you have some legitimate point apart from pure and total conjecture and scaremongering.

  7. That is what the shyte-stirrers want to install in us. "Look, they sign people all over the place! Look, they are in the 3rd tier of the game! That can't be done without putting the club at risk! Surely! Let's throw some debate up here ... maybe someone rears his head!"


    Mather said that the signing spree will not go on for good. We all know it will not. The transfer window is open til the end of August, hence a good chance to loan or sell some players.

    We all know that Green and Murray don't go along with one another, but Murray has nothing to say on the board right now, has he? Has Green? Shareholder he might be, but does he sit at the directors' table. Has he met Smith recently? Mather? We know nothing about this and unconfirmed sources of the "people-close-to" variety of a paper trying to get ahead of the DR in selling figures (not that great a feat, but anyway) coming up with some "board-room wrangle stuff" of the days pre-Smith and -Mather? Qui bono?



    There was a rather more tangible article in the Herald on Monday along the same lines, I fear our wage bill player wise will be bigger than last year with a pool of around 35 so far at about 3k average say 100k a week total or £4.8 million a year for players only, not good.

  8. Club in newco has same SFA licence as club in oldco. Therefore club hasn't changed i.e same club

    SFA, SPL, UEFA, ECA, ASA etc all recognise this.

    Just the braindead, bigoted would-be journos & their hangers-on who infest this country who deliberately refuse to accept this.


    As big a danger are the brain dead appeasers who believe many of english and his republican loving like scumbags have some sort of validity.

  9. ''Everyone knows Rangers have had to tread carefully''. Eh!,why?


    Quiet dignity and anawrat knowwhitamean, also being available to be shafted at the whim of the mhank controlled infested bawbag authorities, that apart all is ticketie-boo my good man. :bouncy2::bouncy2::bouncy2:

  10. For the "prods" on here, the guy you supposedly worship was the epitome of humility and being humble was at the centre of his teachings. He also taught against pride which in your religion is one of the deadly sins...


    Psalms 25:9 He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.


    Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.


    Fixed that for you. :thup:


    The Apostle Paul sometimes approved of pride and even was proud himself. The NIV quotes him as saying to the Corinthians, “I take great pride in you” (2 Corinthians 7:4), and that he was giving them “an opportunity to take pride in us” (2 Corinthians 5:12); and to the Galatians (6:4): “Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself.”


    The more literal Revised Standard Version translates the relevant words of Romans 15:17 as “I have reason to be proud of my work for God”; 1 Corinthians 15:31 as “I protest, brethren, by my pride in you which I have in Christ Jesus”; 2 Corinthians 1:14 as “you can be proud of us as we can be of you”; and Philippians 2:16 as “so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.”

  11. The word "humility" is to the word "humble" as the word "modesty" is to the word "modest". It's a synonym of humbleness.


    Google it.: That's just what it means. If you don't like it take it up with Susie Dent.


    Sheesh! Talk about getting bogged down in semantics.


    Like I said. Now you be as humble and humiliated as you like, that's not for this bear. :flute::drum::flute:

  12. Humility (adjectival form: humble) is the quality of being modest or respectful.



    Let's use the word Mather used rather than you insert a word he didn't use.

    Now you be as humble and humiliated as you like, that's not for this bear.





    1. conscious of one's failings

    2. unpretentious; lowly a humble cottage my humble opinion

    3. deferential or servile

    vb (tr)

    1. to cause to become humble; humiliate

    2. to lower in status

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