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Posts posted by reaper

  1. More importantly what are his ties to murray and why the change in the closeness of the ties from hardly knowing him to a friendly relationship, still a fellow from a devout west of Ireland family is obviously going to have the well being of the premier Scottish Presbyterian estate foremost on his and his allies agendas.

  2. It is important to remember that the findings of the PM/Deloitte review were examined and verified by a hugely respected legal figure, Roy Martin QC. Agree with Stewarty, it is unlikely that even the SFA would be prepared to challenge the opinion of Mr Martin.


    Really ? they ignored the ruling of a Law Lord and insisted their reading of the situation was included in the 5 way agreement, despite the Law Lord saying it was outwith their remit, seems we will never learn.

  3. We have been "punished" already for any & all previous issues. They may want to pursue the links with Whyte, but again their grounds for it look VERY shaky to me, since an INDEPENDENT inquiry has already stated there is (or has been) no involvement. If an investigation & following punishment is pursued, they better make sure their case is 110% watertight - otherwise it will clearly be a witch hunt.


    For us next season...it's business as usual in Div2.


    Your faith in those who deserve no faith only suspicion is admirable, if badly misplaced.

  4. I don't see this as a bad day for us....it's a bad day for Scottish Football!!!


    The SPL will now be in control of the who game - expect a greater number of "irrelevant" clubs to be shafted over the coming seasons. The top teams/league have no interest in the lower league - and neither would we if we were still in the SPL. However, we can look at things differently after last season. We now have an interest in Div3 teams - we have a more personal relationship with them now.


    I don't think there will be any further repercussions for us - on what grounds could they be applied??? What it may do is give the SPL more power to jump us a league.....


    You may have been asleep for awhile , any grounds that they deem fit is the simple answer.

  5. Has it been proven that the documents were forged? Has Green come out and made that claim?


    His denial through the club seems clear enough.


    However, Rangers have cast doubt on the validity of the documents.


    A club statement said: "Mr Green is appalled by this blatant attempt to discredit him.These documents are not correct or valid and he did not sign Craig Whyte or his associate on as directors of Sevco 5088.

  6. reaper, agree we have to fight back. They will not stop, they want us dead in the water.



    The unfortunate thing for us is that the conspiracy pushers are doing more harm than good and stoking the enemies fires if not loading their guns, they are giving nothing less than succour to our enemies and creating unwanted and unwarranted division in an already fractured support.

  7. "Drifting leaderless" ... can you give a reasonable way the club could act right now, being associate members of the SFL who is under fire from the bigger authorities? Just asking.


    The only thing the club should do is starting their own independent investigation into the dealings between the SPL, SFA et al in 2012, the way they have acted against their own rules and in full knowledge about what Whyte did to the club. Possibly asking UEFA in advance about such an investigation ... in private.


    The club could start by fighting its own battles rather than have the fans fight them through the RFFF, otherwise what do we pay and have a board for, the days of quiet dignity are long gone but are still sitting in the Chairman's chair, if you think being reactive rather than proactive worked for us in the past that is your choice.


    Yesterday Smith should have been telling rhegan to stfu and address any concerns about further SFA kangaroo courts to the Rangers board and not the press, there again Traynor must have been sleeping again.

  8. Absolutely.


    Clearly he brought many of the institutional people on board so you'd think he (or Ahmad/Zeus) be their rep on the board so to speak. Now they've gone, you'd have to think it will be Easdale but it could just as easily be Mather, Hart or Stockbridge.


    Who knows!


    We are drifting leaderless being bounced from pillar to post without any voice in authority speaking out in our defence, if CG does indeed have the power of a kingmaker I hope he uses it soon.

  9. Charles Green was the majority/controlling shareholder but now he has effectively transferred a small portion of his shares (or at least the option to), Hargreave Hale Limited now own the highest %age with 7.60% of the club.


    We've yet to see if the club intend offering share dividends to them and others.


    What we need to know is what percentage of shares Charles Green has control of voting over irrespective of who the said owner of such shares could or would be..

  10. Just another attack in a long line against anything to do with our club or connected to our club, Gibson street gala has a few luvvies who see themselves as the conscience of all.

    Perhaps more worrying is the mantra spouted by some of our own, "naebody likes us we don't care", when you don't care you become isolated and the Gibson street sort of thing becomes the norm as we are well aware from other incidents, if we don't start caring very very soon and I emphatically include the board in this others will continue to take care of us however they see fit, my own view is that our enemies have led by their leader, decided we are more of a hindrance than a golden goose.


    If our board and club do not take the fight to them we may end up in a darker place than we ever imagined.

  11. Anyone still think the corrupt SFA doesn't have an agenda against us ? Regan is liewell's puppet in the SFA & Dumbcaster is liewell's puppet in the SPL. They do as instructed. The whole set up in Scottish football is rotten to the core. Unless we're prepared to confront these people head on it will be this way for years to come. Let's get with Longmuir's SFL & set up a new league & invite applicants. A revolt is needed and now is the time


    Strange things are going on, I have just noticed that a thread pointing out that very same sentiment has been removed from FF after running for around five pages, I fear we are our own worst enemies even while these rhatbags are intent on killing us.

  12. So who is the relevant party at the moment as they all employ (or have employed) MH: RFC, MIH, LBG, Whyte, Green or the Easdales? MH's importance with respect to the last few years seems pretty clear because they've arguably been party to more information than anyone else.


    Just as D&P were the relevant party at the time they were running the club and signing the cheques, RFC and the board/owners would now be the relevant paymasters, to suggest anything else would infer a weakness within the RFC board that I don't even begin to want to think about.

  13. Sorry to interrupt but isn't the point (to a degree at least) that MediaHouse appeared to be the ones all too often deciding the strategy given they worked with so many of the relevant parties. In effect they were driving the narrative from a range of angles as opposed to just the one. And they still are.


    It's like me replying to my own post under a different user-name - rather underhand and mischievous.



    The relevant party at the time any time would be I suggest the one writing the check, the paymaster.

  14. It is a strange one at least three people to my knowledge have claimed the information came directly from a NARSA official, one claimed NARSA now just want it to go away as it doesn't do anyone any favours.

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