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Posts posted by crucible

  1. he delivered a bid greater than greens.


    i find it weird that mccoll has to put in before he gets your respect over a guy who has taken millions out.


    regardless you have utterly missed my point.


    corporate governance = good

    highly respected accountants at the top of their field on our board = good

    forensic investigation of our money situation = good (unless your hiding something of course)


    whats not to like?


    For Murray one name covers it, Martin Currie fund Edinburgh I can't recall him having a real job since then.

  2. Personally I would feel extremely confident about the future of our Club with McColl at the helm. One concern I have after seeing this morning's papers through is that McColl's past track record has seen him dive for cover whenever his involvement is made public e.g. he was underwriting the original supporters' bid before his cover was blown, and he declared all bets were off because his cover had been blown. I hope it's different this time.


    It would appear it is he is pledging no monies according to reports.

  3. Why would we be our own worst enemy, our worst enemy is the press nothing surer. who bury celtic stories like that of their rabid vile songs against Drummer Rigsby.


    If so, Rangers, like the BBC, might be their own worst enemy.

  4. Why not, since you are the ones making the claims, back up your paranoia with some facts, rather than throwing insults at people who question its validity?


    First of all, who is this "we" that are now the "second class majority"?

    Second, in what ways exactly are we "second class"?

    Thirdly, in what ways are "their" behaviours any different to "our" behaviours?


    And as a sidenote, the level of casual and gratuitous offensiveness of crucible's posts puts me in mind of 'reaper' - sock puppet perchance?


    Thanks for your input always the language of the defeatist to deflect on to something else, you really should develop a thicker skin for the internet and to claim I am someone else whom you also appear to have a dislike for or problem with just reinforces your lack of perception as to our standing in the bigger picture.

  5. They will vote for their own in any political party they think will win power. They historically all voted for the Scottish Unionist Labour Party(due to their dominance in Scotland) despite all being rabid Irish nationalists every saturday afternoon at 3pm onwards. A very strange mix I'd have thought: Scottish unionist/Irish nationalist.

    The truth is there's no political party for non-catholic unionists in Scotland. The labour party is over-run by them, the Tories are for the toffs & the Lib-dems are, well, just the Lib-dems.

    Also they are bold and do not hide their Sellik allegiance whereas Rangers people in politics/media seem reluctant to reveal theirs. I find this extremely worrying. It seems to me to be an attempt to make Rangers to be some sort of 'toxic brand' .

    I could go on and on about their 'club for all' nonsense but I won't.....................


    One only has to think of Dr Death sex pest who taught galloway the iranaway song book at Stirling uni, The Bruce would have been birlin' at the very thought.

  6. Rangers released a statement in response to STV's story concerning documents lodged with Companies House that suggest Charles Green signed on Craig Whyte as a director of Sevco 5088 Limited.


    Here is the club's statement, in response to Friday's story, produced in full:


    Following the publication and broadcast of misleading and inaccurate information on STV this evening, a spokesman for Charles Green said: "Mr Green is appalled by this blatant attempt to discredit him. These documents are not correct or valid and he did not sign Craig Whyte or his associate on as directors of Sevco 5088.


    "Mr Green was the sole director of Sevco 5088 until he resigned and became the founder director of Sevco Scotland, formed by Scottish solicitors.

  7. i never said it either.


    but he did sign whyte and his pal on as directors and he did say you are sevco. later clarifying that he meant sevco 5088. a fact even you agree with.


    He catagorically stated he never signed Whyte or his pal to anything, why are you making things up strange behaviour indeed.

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