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TheWee BlueDevil

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Everything posted by TheWee BlueDevil

  1. Dude. I know it's really hard work being a Bear these days but at least now I realise there is at least one thing worse - Max Boyce in concert......... Thanks for posting.
  2. I wouldn't fancy us at all in a play-off situation with Ally in charge. His record in "knockout" games is atrocious.
  3. It's all about the money! He is going nowhere even though he surely knows within himself he's not up to it. Sad.
  4. Dude, you do not have to use the phrase "et al" in every other post you make. It's not a rule on here mate. Seriously, you will not be punished if you do not say "et al" in your posts. Just sayin' How's Berlin this fine (very early) morning ?
  5. Thank you for saying that mate. I agree. BH had a long time ago "grown" far too big for his boots. Always knows better and is incredibly patronising . Maybe a little shake down with us non anointed might make him think again. Welcome to Bears who care land BH.
  6. Just want to say thanks for using the word bourgeoisie. Congratulations! Now how do I fit proletariat aristocracy into my shopping list? All I want is a couple of tins of beans but.................
  7. I would say nice try but you can't even spell his name correctly. Need a spoon for stirring at all???? 5 for a pound dude. Best price in town!
  8. The guy is obviously a supporter of Irish republican terrorist cowards. You know the kind - those who support the butchering of innocent people at Enniskillen war memorial on Remembrance Sunday yet when retribution comes their way they yap like babies. "I want to fight a "war" but only if they agree not to shoot back!" That's the brave warrior type that James believes in. The guy is a wannabe provo. He has a talent for football but a hankering to be a terrorist. The hypocritical moron is best ignored I agree but that's only until his usefulness as footballer has gone of course. After that maybe we should worry.
  9. It is to our club's recent custodians eternal shame that we are even questioning if we will have enough fans to make this display a success. It is one of the proudest moments of every year when we Bears pay our respects to the fallen at Ibrox Stadium. I just hope there are enough there to do right by those who fell. I feel so utterly inadequate when I think of their sacrifice. God bless them. Lest we forget.
  10. I can send an email to the President Of The United States any time I want. Doesn't mean he is going to pay any heed does it?? Will he invite me to live there and leave this God forsaken shithole? Of course it doesn't but I live in hope. Point being, this whole fan board guff is a sham. Those who cosy up may benefit in some way. The rest of us are just punters who will be persuaded to part with our money same as we always do in expectation of better things. Bring on the sellick!! We can't lose. We've got deeper pockets than them don't you know? I despair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  11. Agreed. I, like you I think, smell sh*#e, the bull variety.
  12. As if our whole cub is not a big enough laughing stock, we have been training the opposition. What a shambles. Good work again Ally, always keen to lend a hand to the opposition. Joke manager, comedy legend!! Come on Mikey Deep Pockets, sort this clusterf***k of a football club out!! Root and branch reform (AMcC & pals all out please). We've had enough humiliation thanks.
  13. Good grief dude you really are poison. You snipe at everyone constantly. WTF is your master-plan exactly? You seem to think you are smarter than the average Bear on here so tell us please.
  14. A while back I might have agreed, but no longer. Now I think that is the sort of attitude that has resulted in being us being humiliated and scorned time and time again and why we get nowhere when we do complain. Screw the rise above it guff, get into our detractors hell for leather. They certainly would not be slow to shaft one of ours.
  15. Great post mate. Keegan (what a footballer! I'd have him here in a heartbeat as manager also) is no mug so it's hard to dismiss his comments. Pretty damning stuff. Wey hey.............let the good times roll! Heavy sarcasm there people, sorry about that (not the Kevin Keegan stuff obviously).
  16. Starting as he means to go on maybe. Par for the course. We are Rangers fans don't forget, gullible as ever with money to burn! Welcome to Rangers Mr Llambias. Fill your boots mate, everybody else does.
  17. It's never Irvine himself. However the account may well be another "merlin mcsoldout" type. Just another puppet. There are quite a few out there willing to take on that kind of role so it would seem.
  18. If they do it's a real pity they pay no f*#*ing heed whatsoever to genuine concerns.
  19. Bye bye Rangers as we know it, or should I say knew it. We won't get fooled again???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  20. Sorry dude, I did try to edit, see above - I think!! Maybe all this turmoil has bumped me into another dimension. Who knows? It's all still rank rotten in this dimension by the way!
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