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TheWee BlueDevil

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Everything posted by TheWee BlueDevil

  1. Does your heart tell you to blindly accept the asset strippers just because they wear Rangers ties? When are you going to wake up the "Berliner"?
  2. Roddy Forsyth's patronising guff has always given me worms.
  3. It is a nightmare I agree, but I do not see King or Kennedy in it for personal gain. King is a Bear who has his money made, even though some, mainly WizardBillMcMerlin (the ever hungry feeder at the red raw teat of Toxic Jack, that's when he can get in ahead of IRA lover and terminal Rangers hater Phil3names of course) and his lackeys would want to portray otherwise. Kennedy is also a self made man and I believe he wants to protect Rangers from further pillage. I think he recognises what a huge loss an even further diminished Rangers would be to Scottish and European football. Souness is in the background here surely. Ashley just wants OUR cash. Greed is good don't forget. Isn't it??
  4. Wasn't sure what to read into it, could have been meant as negative or positive from Jackson. Surely with Nash now gone GW is a lame duck (if he wasn't before). Spill the beans dude, come on!! All I can think of is a proper complaint to the appropriate authorities about the complete lack of duty to shareholders e.t.c.
  5. Too true! That's what we are up against. Our Club's very soul is for sale and that's all some folk can find to bleat about.
  6. Merlin is a pathetic excuse of a man who has well and truly sold his soul. And for just thirty toxic pieces of silver.
  7. Ouch!! Eyes are watering...at the thoughtI know where you are coming from. I also know it suits some to muddy the waters. Who would ever have thought being a Rangers fan could become such a chore. A very complicated and downright depressing chore? Bring back the JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I want to disagree but can't. You are right. It should be noted however that some folk have been bought and sold more than once.
  9. Well done those who did!Keep on keeping on! We will get there! Despite or in spite of those who continually mock us.
  10. It would suit a tiny incredibly angry minority to come on here and pretend they are a majority. Thankfully this place is no place for bully boys. Long may that continue. ]Go figure!!
  11. The board are the only people who can remove Ally. Please identify what positive moves the "board " have made in that respect
  12. For me this is the biggest reason he is clinging on. He must know deep down he is finished/not good enough as a football manager. But how can he turn his back on the big (way too big) pay packet? That is understandable to an extent, he has his future income to think of. He is certainly not going to be inundated with other managerial offers is he? I hate that it hasn't worked out for him and we have to criticise a man who is a genuine Rangers legend but common sense has to prevail. Rangers football team is stagnating under Ally's stewardship. The longer the change of manager is delayed the harder it will be for whoever it is that replaces him and has to pick up the pieces. Worst part is, due to the relentless cash burn/lining of pockets our glorious leaders cannot afford to replace Ally. As others have pointed out we just can't afford the pay-off.
  13. I really have to say I'm fed up to the back teeth with Ally's tired old rhetoric. None of it washes any more and nothing will change as result of all his talk. Will big Lee start the next game? - Of course he will. Just one example.
  14. The day the title reads - Craig Whyte jailed for 15 Years! just can't come soon enough. Where is the poisonous rat skulking these days?
  15. Hello people, This place has always seemed to me to be a haven for sensible debate and civil acknowledgement (if not agreement) of opposing views. I recognise the irony that I have not always been able to bite my lip and I apologise to all who I have criticised unfairly and possibly ridiculed. Therefore I say this - Please do not allow this brilliant forum to descend in to a slanging match and just another hatefest. This is by far the best Rangers forum IMHO (not sucking up, had my wrists slapped by admin more than once). Just saying, maybe reign it in a little folks, I'm certainly going to try and do that.
  16. This is a Rangers forum. Footballing matters?? Behave yourself please. You are interrupting our attempts to divide our fan-base irrevocably. Cease and desist right now!! Now enter your response to the prompt below or you are not a proper Rangers fan - I now hate.........................................
  17. Glass hammers, bubbles for spirit levels, tartan paint and long weights of course. What else could it be?
  18. Oh my word, can't you just imagine it! Panties in a bunch is a massive understatement, more like total meltdown if true. I so hope this is true, just for the entertainment value!! Note to self: Buy popcorn.
  19. This exemplifies exactly what it is to be a Bear. The hatred was palpable pre referendum, post referendum we are even more despised than before (if that's possible). They will not grind me down, ever! Always proud to be a Bear.
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