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TheWee BlueDevil

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Everything posted by TheWee BlueDevil

  1. Don't rate them but I think we should be careful what we wish for. Much lesser teams have given us a hard time. The last thing we need is a hiding from them, it's tough enough going just now without that.
  2. All sounds a bit desperate. This is RANGERS we are talking about. The CEO has to go in to the changing rooms to reassure the players they will get their wages. Pardon my French but FFS. We have been transformed from a world renowned football club to pennyless nobodies with the stroke of various pens. We are finished in the short term. Keep up the good work Charlie, et al (thanks dB).
  3. Well said. The mind boggles, just how pathetic, cowardly and twisted do you have to be to do such a thing? Utter disgrace, seems like some are determined to plumb new depths not yet even visited by our greatest footballing foes. Truly disgusting behaviour. Shame on them!
  4. Really???????????? Yikes! I wish I knew as little as you. Can I come and live in your fantasy land please??? Sounds so good, all rosy in the garden, no spongers, no bleeders, no debts, no problems. Sign me up mate. Can I have a club tie as well? Deluded Loyal!!
  5. I do find myself wondering how she can continue to square that circle. I do fear the worst though. Who/where/what will I be/belong to/believe in?? Gone forever? There will be no way back.
  6. You still letting on you are German?????????????? No bother dude. Enjoy.
  7. Poor show all round. How on earth can Ibrox not safely house 1700 away fans? A handful of decent bouncers could handle that but Police Scotland can't??? Ridiculous, more power games I'm afraid. Someone's uniform is making them feel awfully important and clever. It's a pity he/she is neither.
  8. At least they are getting paid. The poor punters have to pay to watch the relentless dross. Can't pass. can't cross, can't/won't try to go by an opponent, can't anticipate, can't realise that keeping on doing the same things badly over and over again does not work. The buck has to stop somewhere!
  9. I have bitten my tongue at times but just cannot any longer. If Ally truly holds RFC dear he will step aside/down. If not surely money has to be the motivation.
  10. Who'd a thunk it! Them getting another get out of jail free card. They are a club who are completely incapable of accepting defeat or victory with dignity on or off the pitch. Odious is not just a perfect description for that "creep", it fits rather well over in the east end too. Always cheated, never defeated. How sad is that?
  11. Unfortunately (that's debatable perhaps) their reputation precedes them.
  12. He'll be a "moderator" elsewhere in no time. Fits the profile perfectly. He would certainly be in good company over there.
  13. Perhaps you should expel some "wind" and blow yourself outta the bath?
  14. Apathy and blind faith rule!!!
  15. I have heard from reliable sources that he is the Devil. And is currently the main man behind FF, SOS, RAOB, IBS and IVF. Watch this space - I have also been told he is responsible for even more secretive acronyms. I'll keep my ear to the grindstone and my nose to the the ground. Hurts like hell but I'll persevere. TIAWU! No really TIAWU!
  16. Board defenders typical response. It's all good, they are looking after us. I can feel their love... Even a wee hint of Charlie in there. That's it, we are home and hosed. Thanks SC, I always liked a bit of sci-fi and fantasy. Cheers
  17. Or as young Bill Shakespeare (The Merchant Of Venice) worded it - "All that glisters is not gold". The fact that Haggerty was invited at all tells anyone with an ounce of wit everything they need to know about BBC Scotland's true motives, standards and ongoing leanings. They are about as subtle as a brick.......... Utterly shameless and they DEMAND I pay a licence fee so that I can be force fed their anti-Rangers poison.
  18. Unfortunately it is no surprise. Nicely put though, our internet following certainly does have many SHEEP, aided and abetted by certain interweb folk who not only refuse to censure their nasties but actively encourage their hate filled bile. Embarrassment!!
  19. I see that there is much foaming at the mouth and hate filled abuse aimed at the organisers from the usual suspects outwith here. If only they could turn their venom on our detractors with the same relish and delight that they do on their fellow Bears. I won't hold my breath.
  20. Exactly this. I would also say, all the US players we have had, have had personal skills and qualities beyond football that are a real credit to their nation.
  21. Really depressing to hear and read of so many Bears now jumping ship. I thought and truly believed I belonged to a huge, faithful family, loyal and true and our Britishness was sacrosanct and was at our core. I stupidly assumed it to be non-negotiable and certainly not for sale! A real eye opener for sure and genuinely heartbreaking!
  22. If I was you i would not challenge anyone's argumentative skills. Peralta or Peralta. Tell me again SBS which one is it that plays for us? Oh I forgot, apparently they can just pick any South American country and jump ship at will. I'll go for the Venezuelan/Bolivian/ Paraguayan/ Ecuadorian Peralta - you know the one you like so much. Or is it the Mexican/Columbian/Venusian/Martian other one you like so much?? Honduran? - No way.
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