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TheWee BlueDevil

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Posts posted by TheWee BlueDevil

  1. What I can't understand is that our board didn't anticipate that this Laxey loan arrangement would cause serious problems and advise themselves to find better alternatives.
    Naive in the extreme. Just shows how distant and disconnected they are from real fans.
  2. Looks as if the wheels of the gravy train may well, at long last be set to come off.


    Here's hoping.


    To Union of Fans I say this - More power to your elbow!!


    Just praying that no more dirty deals have been in done behind closed doors in OUR boardroom whereby more of OUR assets are placed in danger.

  3. Did anyone honestly think that Wallace was anything more than a puppet for his masters? If they sack him, he will only get replaced with some other muppet, who does what he's told. He can stick his 120 day grace period up his arse as far as I'm concerned.

    I did hope against hope. Naive, possibly wishful thinking on my part. I should have known better.


    So fearful again. It's not looking good.

  4. Looks like we are beholden yet again to "get rich quick" types.


    Good Lord, I had hoped we were moving forward. Please forgive my stupidity!


    There is no light at the end of the tunnel, just a huge debt inc interest.


    Laughing stock and a cash cow all at the same time.


    I despair.

  5. have the terrorists ever gone away
    Nope, they now don suits and hob nob with the most powerful country in the world every St Patrick's day.


    Yes, the guys who decided who lived and who died at the hands of the republican death squads are now in government and misshaping my country's future.


    Who was it that said the terrorists can't win? How far off the mark were they?


    It's utterly soul destroying when you remember friends and family who fought so hard to keep us safe from that cowardly band of murderous scum.


    I truly despair! As you may well have guessed.


    For those who fell, I will never forget my debt to you. Sleep well!

  6. on a day where we have the ira planting bombs on British soil we have the trollocs getting ira songs in the British charts.
    We will soon end up back in a situation were people in the UK dying from injuries received from terrorist cowards will be roundly jeered as they lie in agony (just like Newry and others). The injured will be denied help as the haters impede the emergency services and the victims colleagues giving first aid (just like Newry and others). The haters will rejoice at the death of another innocent (just like Newry and others).


    This is what awaits Scotland because as a society they are scared witless of tackling celtic (why?) and the hatred they and their "fans" foster.

  7. The silence of normally loud mouthed, so quick to condemn Scottish Press over the green and grey hordes attempt to get their homage to dead terrorists into the charts is deafening.


    The cowardice displayed by the media mirrors the cowardice of the terrorists rather aptly.


    Anyone for a helping of double standards?


    *Please move this admin if not appropriate for here.

  8. Celtic trumpeted "bringing back the Thunder" into the game, unfortunately for them and everyone else they also brought back into football the bomb, bullet and Aramilte too. It is no coincidence that the rise of the Green Brigade and militant Republicanism in the Celtic support has reared it's ugly head again under Liewell's stewardship.


    Lennon as manager and players like Stokes were no accident of circumstances, they are classic Celtic minded (Republican) individuals, who are appointed to appeal to the terrorist sympathizer in the ranks, the majority of the support, not the tiny minority Peter Goebbels spouts when they have habitually goosestepped over mark.


    It has been documented the Celtic board said they were going to challenge the SFA and get in the faces of referees, history proves they did so with the Referees strike and Liewell being promoted to Gaming Board then the SFA itself.


    They created the havoc and let loose the dogs of war, now they complain when idiots react to their provocation.

    Spot on mate.
  9. Stick to the subject of D'Artagnan's article please folk.


    If there's a continuation of any bitching about VB or their members then we'll have no option other than to lock this thread, but it would be far better to not have to do that.

    Nuff said Zappa. Though I would not call it bitching. I'm done with it, you'll hear no more from me on it in this thread.


    As far the BBC thing goes, I can say I admire the efforts to call them out but I am pretty certain that absolutely nothing will come of it.


    I witness their (BBC) bias day and daily and not just in regard to Rangers, it is far more widespread than you might think. Rangers/Scottish Football is just one area. It is particularly rife on Five Live and I find myself turning that station off frequently because of certain presenters, their obviously one sided "experts and/or the subject under discussion.


    The problem is endemic at the BBC and only a root and branch overhaul can remove it.

  10. Whilst I very much appreciate RPB's comments - I will out of courtesy nonetheless provide you with a response WBD.


    1. VB MEMBER - I am also a member of Gersnet' date=' Rangers Media DTB, FF , Rangerschat and post more on these forums than I do on VB - yet for some strange reason I am defined and characterised as being "VB" ? I have never understood this tendency within our support to pigeon hole one another - to me such a tendency is likely to impair rather than enhance a sense of unity. I am here, I am on VB/FF/RM etc etc for one reason - Because I support Rangers.


    2. AGM/BEHAVIOUR - You started your query mentioning VB as a collective and then referred to some of the behaviour of individual members of VB. It is a distinction which is critical. I noticed "unsavoury" and "uncalled" behaviour by a number of people during the run up to the AGM many of whom were not VB members. If you ask people who know me - I will give short shrift to any Bear whose conduct towards another Bear is unedifying - and I dont care what pigeon hole badge they wear whether they be VB or otherwise.


    But hypothetically speaking it is a considerably huge and erroneous quantum leap to suggest "Real Papa Bear, who is a member of Gersnet think and does this - therefore all Gersnet Members are of the same ilk"


    Furthermore what you have failed to acknowledge WBD is that the unsavoury and uncalled for behaviour was also perpetrated against some VB members. One in particular, who I would add is not a member of any social media platforms - had his identity and the places he frequents revealed and as a consequence his family were subject to threats.


    I dont want this to sound tit for tat - just that your original assertion suggested it was one way - which I know for a fact it wasn't. None of which of course, excuses such behaviour whoever perpetrates it.


    Furthermore there were considerable lies published during the run up to the AGM particularly about VB - I only know they were lies because as a member I was able to validate some of the stuff which was being printed and determine it was not true. In particular the circumstances surrounding the meeting with BS & JH has been subject to particular distortion. The latter makes me particularly angry to this day - not because Im a VB member - but because Im a Rangers supporter and such deliberate lies only confused our support further.


    3. THIS ARTICLE - I wrote this article exclusively for VB as a mark of recognition and respect of their efforts in tackling the shortcomings at BBC Scotland - hence why it is exclusive to their website.[/quote']Fair enough D'Art but this sort of stuff from them yanks my chain






  11. I'm a bit taken aback that you are a VB D'Art. I do remember you being supportive of them during the run up to the AGM but had no idea you were a member.


    You have presented me with a conundrum -


    Whilst I appreciate the effort you put in and quality of your articles (that I more often than not agree with by the way), I'm struggling to square the circle regarding your VB membership.


    VB's treatment of some good folk in the run up to the AGM and since has left a really bad taste in the mouth. I would like to think that you have challenged some of the more unsavoury and uncalled for behaviour of some your fellow VB members.

  12. Thanks for posting that, We really were good at times. Scared the pants off some decent Euro clubs.


    Funny though, McInally is one of the few pundits from the dark side that I can tolerate.

  13. Funny many posters have been saying for years that the club should come out and take a stance against people who try to slur our name. When they do it everybody is up in arms. I think they have to look at what happened in the past when stories like this grew arms and legs and caused our downfall.

    Yep, lazy journo's buy into it. BBC make "award winning" documentaries on the strength of the lies. The Rangers haters lap it up and believe every word simply because their blind hatred makes them want to believe. They also then go into overdrive. The ball starts rolling, gathering momentum and the truth becomes irrelevant.


    Then it's knock ten bells out of Rangers time all over again and and we keep suffering.

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