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compo last won the day on July 18

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    grandchildren and rangers football club


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    slim jim baxter

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  1. We are skint if it wasn't for these directors loans and some cagey transfer deals this football club/business would go under .
  2. I used to love the old Flash Gordon movies when Dale Arden would say Flash we only have fourteen hours to save the earth and Flash would duly get to work by putting Ming The Merciless the galactic sword and it all ended with hugs and kisses. Now it’s Phillippe you have a season to save our club so can our hero in a tracksuit deliver a ream to mount a challenge to the current champions one thing I know from watching Rangers for many a year is he has to hit the ground running because the one discipline our fans don’t have is patience. so can the manager deliver it’s a simple question.
  3. Anybody watching Killie taking on some Belgian lot it's a pretty dire game at one time European games were special alas that's not the way it is now .
  4. compo

    New kit

    It would make a good pyjamas top
  5. Pity it didn’t work out for Cantwell I thought there was a player in there but maybe Rangers and Scottish football wasn’t for him
  6. compo

    New kit

    Hopefully all the youngsters will be buying it and bring in much needed money to the club
  7. The football hasn't improved any since Clement took charge my feeling is he's lost the plot and will be replaced soon.
  8. What about Johnstone ‘Reilly and Turball .
  9. I think five of the Birmingham players tonight were making a first appearance for the club
  10. We seem to be in a terrible state it looks like the manager doesn't know his starting eleven with the league starting and a European tie coming up , who'd be a manager.
  11. Don't exaggerate they're not that good
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