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compo last won the day on December 9

compo had the most liked content!


7,136 Excellent


  • Location
    Port William


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    grandchildren and rangers football club


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  • Favourite Rangers Player
    slim jim baxter

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  1. Watched this from the old enclosure with my brother and father the old cup winners cup
  2. As long as they are fit for Sunday
  3. Might be better asking if we can just play with ten men Tav is as good as a defender short anyway
  4. Good match last night Villa beating the Germans tonight I’ll give the Germans another go Dortmund take on Barcelona
  5. Looks like the bid for the 2034 world cup just needs to be rubber stamped and it will be held in Saudi Arabia there will be the usual bleating about human rights homos women drivers but that wont bother them because money talks and the gig boys in FIFA aren't going to give up a nice payday I wont be around to see it but if the top players refuse to take part it will be a disaster but if I were twelve to fourteen today i'd be training very hard to get in a national team .
  6. It happens some players take time to settle early McCoist days weren’t pretty neither was early Alex McDonald days but they became really good players at Rangers.
  7. I think someone on another site did
  8. Anyone who fancies the first goal scorer will be rewarded with Dessers 17/2 Hagi 12/1 Tav 12/1 Cerny12/1 Bajrami16/1
  9. Back to champions league football tonight Leipzig against Villa will be the game I’ll watch .
  10. Rangers fans praying what’s going to be next a few Hail Marys 😂
  11. Right tucked up I'm my scratcher hot water bottle a bar of fruit and nut and watching the hammer's take on wolves
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