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Everything posted by compo

  1. Watching this last night we must see how much we have to catch up . Depressing watching them play well .
  2. So what the judicial panel is saying that clubs can not be held accountable for the behaviour of their fans , now if I was chairman of any Scottish club that has received a fine for any fan trouble I would be looking at a refund and a full apology from the SFA .
  3. Might help if after the matches the refs explained their decisions then we would all get a sense of how they seen the matches
  4. if they have a story then put the names into print if its all true then the paper have nothing to fear
  5. Sunderland and the hammers might be needing him soon
  6. Identify them huckle them and jail them a true fan does not bring shame to a great club
  7. One of the best I heard was from one old Dundee United fan many years ago when relations between our club and them was more cordial . They had a player Jim Henry and he was having a stinker this day at Tannadyce when one old fan with a voice like a foghorn let rip , luck at him luck at him he canny raise a gallop its no that when he's shagging the twa barmaids in the pub, noo he's in here shagging the fans for oor money howk him aff
  8. Wonder if Sunderland and West Ham are missing big Sam yet
  9. If I were Mark Warburton I would be looking for a decent job down south away from the bigoted morons that ruin the Scottish game and lets face it every club up here has their own bunch of fools using football as an excuse for hatred of others and horrid bigotry .
  10. Lets hope police Scotland pull out all stops , should not be to hard to track them down as it looks like its been orchestrated , just been reading in the newspaper how the police tracked down a conman by using a bus ticket he dropped lets get these morons locked away for the safety of everyone .
  11. Some you get some you don't
  12. Let's face it no quarter will be given by either side the ref will probably need to be on the ball from the start
  13. Great tie it will give us a chance to see if our defence has improved since the last game , bring it on .
  14. Is Jim Traynor still working for Rangers
  15. They should be made to play their next 5 European games at home behind closed doors
  16. You can go to WH Smith shop at Argyle street on the 27th at 15.oo hrs and meet joey as he will be doing a book signing they have squeezed him between Damon Hill and Katie Price
  17. Back to winning ways well done Rangers good confidence builder for Sunday .
  18. Time to get back to playing football wont be easy but it never is for our club get on the park and play like Rangers players show some character .
  19. He is already spouting off in today's daily mail never read such crap in my life his maw should have christened him Dum Barton ,get rid of him
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