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Everything posted by compo

  1. Would be great to win but a disaster to lose and end up paying all the legal bills for all of them
  2. I don't think there will ever be decent money in the Scottish game now I fear wehave seen the best of it during our 9 in row ,maybe our manager is getting fed up with Scotland and the Scottish game .
  3. They are an embarrassment to every sane person
  4. An enjoyable read that was , I remember Andy Penman getting a right bad injury due to being caught with those metal studs back in the 70s
  5. I remember the days when you dropped the old bloke behind a certain turnstile 4 bob and you climbed over
  6. Good job it wasn't Roger Hynd he made contact with .
  7. Here we go again it will be fobbed off as high jinks will the video go to police Scotland
  8. compo


    You get a Kilmarnock pie now in brownings
  9. Need a leader at centre half someone to command the box and sort out his team mates ,
  10. How long have the deals with Puma and Ashley have to run
  11. never expected anything else from the authorities just amazed were not made to pay hibs compensation
  12. They were dark days indeed , but we are back and we are the people .
  13. compo

    New strips

    I don't think Greece sports are going to sell it
  14. The kind of news you like to hear , well done him .
  15. No point in going on the park if you don't think winning is achievable
  16. I think its only a matter of time before all charges are dropped I don't think the prosecution service have the will or time to waste on this case anymore
  17. Would be better calling it the hand to mouth cup a crap amount of prize money in fact micky mouse money .
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