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Everything posted by compo

  1. A rather charming young curvy lady ,do for me seen plenty of tits in football strips .
  2. All sounds to me like this Ms Hamilton is a romancer
  3. Should be good fun next season , wonder if dave king could get him to rangers:crest
  4. All these formations over the years , might as well try a goalie , two fullbacks , two half backs , a big centre half , two bandy legged wingers , a couple of inside men , and up top a big centre forward .
  5. It's one thing to have the balls as someone stated about our club putting out their statement I think it was to quick ,maybe it would have been better to wait until the Tuesday to we hear and see what Hubs are saying ,what the papers are printing and what is being said on radio and television then have our legal firm whoever that is to go through everything and come back with our version we made a mistake by showing our hand .
  6. I wish them good luck in the future at least they had the pleasure of playing for the Rangers .
  7. A smoke bomb is classed as an incendiary
  8. Tav and Kiernan had poor games and Wallace looked out of sorts after a quarter of an hour we could see we were struggling
  9. Been following and attending our games for over sixty years and it's sad to see that all clubs in Scotland have their own section of moronic fans the buckie bigots the only way to deal with them when caught Is a custodial sentence a minimum sentence of nine months and for the smoke bomb boys they should be charged under the terrorism act if we have one a minimum of three years locked away
  10. the media will make any bother out to be our fault
  11. Bad build up one bounce game at spurs in three weeks not match fit , not good enough have to pull our socks up and sort this defence out .
  12. If these fools have money to waste they would be better donating it to charity
  13. rangers will never play in England they don't need us .
  14. There is a betfred at parkhead cross and every betfred I know has the same company colour scheme mainly blue with some white and red but this one is painted green must have been a complaint from the eejits
  15. hibs v rangers 1979 cup final turned out to be a bit of an endurance test , wonder what the above three would cost today
  16. If we keep the cool we will win it wont be easy but we should shade it .
  17. I see Chelsea have signed a deal with Nike for 60 million a year , jings crivens and help ma boab
  18. Would be nice if this could be resolved amicably so we the fans can start buying from the club shop again I still go in when I am passing from the hospital don't buy anything , feel like a shoplifter when I leave .
  19. Nothing against the Hearts woman I admire her immensely for the way she has turned Hearts arround but this article's anti Rangers and disgusting .
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