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Everything posted by compo

  1. Would love to play celtic in the final a nice day out at the final would just perk me up
  2. willie hill was giving 40/1 for four nil hope some of the fans filled their boots .
  3. thought it would have been a harder game , but well done the rangers
  4. the mans a dud seen better refs in the juniors
  5. as good as six points with hibs getting beat
  6. another three points and with hibs dropping three a good day all round
  7. another three points and a good display can set us up for a good run in , its like the derby we are just coming round tattenham corner into the straight .
  8. I have know bertie a long time he came from Panmure street good player I remember meeting him on gallowgate when I was doing a job there he asked me into the infamous bairds bar for a coca cola as you know I am a non drinker we had a good laugh and he was telling me about some of the boys on a building site just along from the pub , they were shouting down at him all the names of the day including ,ya wee f****n B*****d and he gave a laugh if they only knew he said iam a wee orange b******d that was bertie always fun , we could have done with a player of his skill but some you get some you miss . and one more thing I was in a rangers club in Sydney and it was no different from the video the sash , billy boys the lot great nigh that was then down to kings cross wont type any more the wife sometimes looks at the threads .
  9. Fraud charges are very hard to prosecute in front of a jury , very , very hard .
  10. In my say we had a reserve team when a young reserve would step up , like a forrest or a jardine lets get a proper reserve 11
  11. Well next game 40000 at ibrox we have to chant as we did in the 60s we are the people , we are the people , some folk take offence at anything .
  12. Legend is a much abused word I knew a wee nurse who worked in belvidere hospital for thirty years now she was a legend
  13. the crazy transfer market will decide the prices , Its all gone bonkers I remember when jimmy greaves left milan for spurs 99,0000 trying to imagine what that sum of money would look like
  14. Keep creating the chances the goals will come , its like buses you wait for an hour then three come at once
  15. When I was a young boy working down in deepest Ayrshire I asked a question about wages and this old timer said , son its awe poalatiks an poalatiks is a durty word and a durty business , he was spot on
  16. well as I say let the best man win and good luck to them all .
  17. Murdoch , McGrain and Allan Gilzean
  18. Maybe if he has the money some of the stars at celtic before they get snapped up by madrid or barca I am sure I heard someone say he was at the ek v celtic game yesterday .
  19. A wee bit of fun do you ever think back about player you would have liked to see playing for the gers lets make it you can pick three , here's my three Neil Martin , Alex Edwards and Allan McGraw I would have liked them at Ibrox .
  20. £5000 on booze bunch of fools should have went to one of the republican slop houses in the east end could have got wallied for a score
  21. slept for 26 hours after treatment ,wife thought she was going to get her wish my money and a widows pension
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