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Beetle Bailey

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Everything posted by Beetle Bailey

  1. You cite John McLelland (for one) as being managerial material, yet doubt whether Stuart McCall would have been any good. Where the hell is the logic in that argument? Astonishing rubbish which takes away from any good points you make (which aren't many).
  2. I quoted the 2 posts that I thought fell into this category. How about you explain why you think you're right.
  3. Boo hoo. These tossers now spend more time complaining about Bears' attitudes towards them than anything else. It makes them look more and more like ******** (although I'm not saying that's what they are...they just act like it). I thought they were bang on at first, but now think they are a group of wee boys filling in their time.
  4. Utter shite with absolutely nothing to back up the nonsense. What do you guys actually think about in your quieter moments?
  5. I hate Bain, and never want to see his face darken Ibrox ever again, but this is a car crash of a post. It's worthy of a FF 30 pager to be honest.
  6. Don't be stupid. The two questions should be: 1) Any good? 2) How good?
  7. Sounds like your missus needs to learn how to work a washing machine properly.
  8. I've got love for sale if anyone's interested.
  9. As agreed by the Baileyites in the Beetle Inn boozing establishment, it's like going back to the close season just after the season starts again. Give us a break...er...no...in fact, stop giving us a break. Get international breaks to beeeeeep.
  10. I never rated Niven but his medals belie my opinion.
  11. It's sad when a Bear passes away, but Norrie was ordinary at best. Sorry to see him gone though.
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