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Posts posted by Hildy

  1. This is just speculation.


    McCoist could be doing what the club should already have done - giving the year's notice that is required on a supposed rolling contract. With the news being made public, the club will have to offer him an entire year's salary or an agreed compensation sum. He really has to go quickly now that the whole world knows that he wants out.


    Why did it happen today? Another guess - perhaps the club put pressure on him to change his assistants, effectively forcing him to resign if he wasn't prepared to do it.


    If this is as sudden to the club as it is to us, they should tell McCoist not to travel tonight and ask Kenny Miller to take charge of the team in Dumfries.

  2. There are many important Rangers topics to discuss and the new club/old club argument is certainly one of them.


    We have won this battle although the message is taking far too long to penetrate many of the thick skulls in the Scottish game, but if we had somehow lost, there would have been no reason for any of us to be on this forum, or even for this forum to exist.


    We are the same club so we are all still here. If we were a new club, why would we even be supporting it?


    If the old club had really died, we could have a brand new club of our own rather than one that some say Charles Green and friends started up.

  3. Successful at what level though? Given (2) above I would say Arthur Numan's 'success' and style of play as Holland B\Under 20 level manager may be worth a punt.


    Successful at any respectable level.


    The one thing we simply must not have again is another clone of Walter Smith, which is what Ally McCoist is. We need a manager who will achieve success with a team that loves the ball, that is adventurous and bold, that is prepared to take a few risks - that wants to play entertaining football.

  4. Billy Davies wouldn't be in the frame if it wasn't for the fact that he is a Rangers fan. His managerial record isn't great, his teams aren't noted for playing attractive football, he has had a small group of Rangers fans enthusiastically behind him for quite some time, which could be divisive and problematic if he is appointed, and he's not noted for always working in harmony with his employer - can you imagine this Rangers board taking him on?


    The first thing a new manager has to have is a track record of being successful while playing a brand of football that is watchable.


    That rules out all the usual suspects.

  5. It has been suggested in some circles that non-attending Rangers fans were disloyal or maybe even malcontents and rebels. Such suggestions were nonsensical and preposterous.


    The club as most know it is done. Fans don't need to be particularly perceptive to know that Rangers has become something substantially different to what first attracted them to it.


    The great irony is that the club is not a new one, but it feels like one. Those who retain an interest in it tend to do so for what it was and might one day again be, but not for what it presently is or is perceived to be.


    The astonishing part of this affair is that there are Rangers fans who have not just stopped attending, they actually feel so cold towards the club that a thrashing at the hands of Celtic will not be the nightmare it once would have been.


    Rangers has become like an ex-girlfriend to some, and while an attraction is fondly recalled, it has all but evaporated in the present.


    I cling on to hope for the future, but my optimism diminishes a bit more with every day that passes.

  6. Detail here from RST Facebook:


    "Looking for a rousing 9th minute rendition of "Super Ally" tomorrow to drown out an embarrassing and shameful protest planned for the same time.


    He might have come up short in his time as Manager but the fact is no-one wants Rangers to succeed more than he does and fans would do well to respect that."


    A 9th minute protest is out of order but protesting against his continued employment as manager is perfectly reasonable.


    The RST's response to this protest - and it pains me to say it - is spectacularly stupid.

  7. Firstly, any protest against Ally in the 9th minute is inappropriate, and secondly, any group organising public backing for him is seriously misguided.


    I don't know the detail on this but if the UOF or RST are behind a public show of support for the manager, they are seriously out of touch.

  8. I suspect that the advice given to Ally from friends, family and colleagues will be to stick it out until he is removed, and with a large cheque being part of the deal.


    He should have been served his year's notice period long ago, but because it didn't happen, sacking him now will be just as expensive as it was months ago.

  9. Given our situation, it's great to see an alternative to official merchandise being produced. There are red and black shirts, blue shirts and red and black scarves available.


    I can't imagine when I'll next buy official merchandise so this is a very appealing alternative.

  10. The UOF is doing a power of good letting fans know the detail on what is happening at Rangers.


    The people involved are due enormous credit.


    It's a sad day when buying official merchandise is unpalatable and off limits, but that's where we find ourselves.

  11. You see there is a section of our support whose sole purpose is to get Dave King & co installed as owners and are prepared to go to extreme lengths to achieve this such as trying to force an administration. I, for one, do not believe that would work as tne club would never recover and am sceptical about anything involving King as I do not believe he has the wealth many claim he has.


    It could take more than Dave King to fix this. While a King takeover would give the club a boost, it might still not be enough to fill the ground again.


    When non-attenders find other things to do, they need something special to attract them back into the fold.

  12. The folk I have talked too that didn't renew are not missing it, that for me is the most worrying thing.




    It may take something as dramatic as a Souness-type revolution for Rangers to properly recover. When people stop going, they often struggle to return to something they have stopped enjoying.

  13. We're told that football is a business these days. If it is, Rangers is failing not only to attract new customers, it's losing many of those who used to attend regularly.


    If people choose to stay away due to a poor 'product' and because they perceive that the club is badly run, no amount of urging them to demonstrate loyalty is going to make them spend their money in a way that they just don't want to any more.

  14. Football fans, especially in Glasgow, are often blinded by prejudice.


    To people who seriously dislike Rangers, Whyte and co are heroes. Will people like this put their prejudice to one side on a jury and call it as they see it?


    Then there are Rangers fans who think Whyte and co should not be convicted simply because they were part of the club once - who see an attempt to convict as an attack on Rangers. This might seem strange but we have people amongst us who take this view.


    I'm just not comfortable with this trial being held in Glasgow.

  15. We are not going to win this division now. You have to realise that.

    If anything Hertz will increase their 9 point lead as opposed to us reducing it


    Any manager with your attitude won't win it. That's why we need a manager with a more positive frame of mind who has the ability to get this squad over the line in first place.


    It will not be easy but it is far from impossible.

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