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Everything posted by Hildy

  1. You're not, though. I'd make a change in management too but I fear that King will keep McCoist on even if Rangers miss out on promotion. Can't you hear the excuses already? It'll be: 'No Rangers manager has had to deal with what Ally has had to deal with'. Walter Smith will be given a directorship and he'll back Ally to 'get it right'. Dave King will praise Ally for toughing it out in difficult circumstances and all the old pals will be back again to look after each other. Right now, Rangers needs King to succeed in his ownership bid, but that's because he is the best realistic option available, but don't get your hopes up about an improvement on the park. Ally's pals are coming. He'll maybe even get his full salary reinstated.
  2. Ally's backing King but leaving the door open to Ashley having an involvement. Ask yourself this: how likely is it that King will sack Ally McCoist - and please, for those who choose to answer, I know we have other problems that need sorting out. Just one question: If the King consortium wins control, will it sack Ally if we don't win the division?
  3. I haven't watched Scotland much recently but I remember Celtic under Strachan. They weren't noted for being a good footballing side and things didn't work too well for him in some of his other jobs. If Scotland qualifies from this group, he'll get better offers than we'll give him and if he doesn't, we won't want him.
  4. A few good results and suddenly people link a variety of managers with the Rangers job. It's Strachan now, but McCall, McInnes, Butcher and Davies have all been name-checked. At least Strachan is different - he has no Rangers connection - but instead of looking at people who occasionally get manager of the month awards, we should be looking at what we want Rangers to be before rushing into appointments. I want Rangers to be a winning side but in a way that is watchable and entertaining. I do not want another Smith or McCoist. I want to see a Rangers team that plays good football out of habit - not once in a blue moon. The next manager will hopefully be none of the above.
  5. We certainly do have pressing concerns, but assuming that we have a future, where will it be? What is our club's vision? Archie McPherson, one of the few respected figures left in Scottish sports reporting, was on television last night and he stated out loud what every perceptive football fan already knows: Scottish football is in decline. Rangers and Celtic are part of a sinking ship. They will either have to join a new league, perhaps with domestic league attached, or win a place in a more lucrative league. The option to continue as we are is no longer a viable option. It will only consign us to mediocrity indefinitely.
  6. Re this fan board, it will probably get bogged down in small stuff, which won't disappoint the club, but it should be asking searching questions of every aspect of the way Rangers is run - even if the club doesn't want it to. It should be asking what the club's long term plans are; does it want to play in the English league system, should it attempt to get an Atlantic League up and running or is it content to remain within the Scottish league indefinitely? Nothing should be off limits to a fan board.
  7. Another twist in the tale of woe that is Rangers Football Club. Nothing surprises any more. Nothing.
  8. I don't think this can mask a European record in the last 35 games which is really quite dreadful. In any context, 3 wins from 35 games is not good enough.
  9. How many major football clubs manage without borrowing? If Rangers lives within its means and regularly finishes second while Celtic borrows and finishes top, will you accept that? Will the Rangers support accept that? If borrowing takes us to the next level and if living within our means keeps us at a lower level, is that acceptable? Ideally, all clubs would live within their means, but if a few borrow and pick up all the prizes, the rest will soon copy them. The real world can be a cruel place.
  10. If Ashley becomes the main man at Rangers, eyes will be closed and ears will be covered to the fact that his financial input will almost certainly be in the form of a loan. The kind of person who worshipped David Murray will love to see Ashley in charge. The short term will be prioritised over the long term, which of course is nothing new at Rangers. Further down the road, if Ashley takes charge, another crisis is waiting, and while it won't affect him, it will affect us.
  11. Ashley is having to wait a long time to get his loan money back at Newcastle. At Rangers, he could go down the same road - pump £50m into the club and wait until he sells it to get it back, but what if he can't sell Rangers for the price he wants plus the loan he put in? He might then sell for a lower price and have the new owner repay the £50m over a set period. We need to be clear about one thing: the money that Ashley puts in he will want to see back again, which means that short term gain could end up being long term misery.
  12. I think King has the wealth, but perhaps not the wealth to match Ashley. If Ashley wins the day, remember one thing: every pound he puts in to the club is likely to be a loan. At some point in the future, it will have to be paid back.
  13. One has to wonder, is this Gough running up the white flag on behalf of the King camp? Do they think they are in a battle that they are unlikely to win? Didn't Gough say at one point words to the effect that King had a plan for every eventuality? Is this one of those plans or is it a new one? King never struck me as someone who wanted less than overall control and yet now we're hearing words from a leading figure in his camp that King and Ashley could maybe work together. The sorry saga continues.
  14. So in Europe, our last 35 games have resulted in 3 wins, 18 draws and 14 defeats. Although our games have nearly all been two-legged affairs, for a club that perceives itself to be major club, these figures are a disgrace. Of course we can say that we reached a European final, but clubs like Gretna and Queen of the South sometimes reach finals and everyone knows that they are a rare event, just as it was for us. It actually sums up the dreadful negative management that Rangers have endured for far too long where our only real tactic was playing not to lose. We desperately need new management, but not more of the same. Our next manager must know how to get Rangers playing in a manner that will enthuse and excite fans. The cowardly play of the past has to be consigned to the history books.
  15. Maybe he doesn't listen, but if a campaign to disrupt his business interests gathers pace, he may review the situation. This is what SOS seem to be trying to do - to get his attention. They probably have it today more than they did this time last week.
  16. From Wikipedia: On 14 September 2008 Ashley made a statement announcing he had put the club up for sale, a day after the first home game since Keegan's resignation, which Ashley did not attend. This was a 2-1 defeat to newly promoted Hull City. In his statement, Ashley stated: "I have listened to you. You want me out. That is what I am now trying to do." Okay, he's still at Newcastle, but if he can make a statement like that, he might be prepared to listen to those who do not want him at Rangers.
  17. Money is the only language they really understand, but it is for the broad Rangers support to come up with the money to buy them out. We could certainly be more active in this area. It seems that SOS is keener on what some would see as negative measures rather than seeking positive solutions. We are good at saying no to just about every board member, prospective buyer, or high-ranking employee but not very good about saying what we actually want. The vast majority of us are just waiting on the situation being fixed. In other words, we have opted out. Most of the fan groups have opted in. They should be commended for that even if they have not been successful in making Rangers better.
  18. In other words, your role in this is to spectate from the sidelines while wishing for a billionaire. You can knock people for coming up with ideas to win headlines by causing minor disruption to a nationwide chain of stores, but when your alternative to a deteriorating situation at the club is to sit back, grumble loudly and wish for Santa, it isn't really an alternative at all. I'm not sure that this latest scheme is a good idea, but be glad that there are Rangers fans out there who care enough about the club to do more than just hope that everything will be okay.
  19. I'm not sure that being Celtic manager suited Lennon. It made him leader of his tribe and was a heavy burden to carry. Being a manager where he is not emotionally involved might be better for him. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out.
  20. It's the top table for me too, but I fear that our ambition to mix it with the best is evaporating. To win again at a good level on the field, some major battles will have to be won off it.
  21. This is my view too. Big clubs from small countries should be having regular meetings to get this on the road.
  22. To give us a break from the usual boardroom speculation, let's imagine that the club finally exits this nightmare period and a semblance of normality breaks out. What do we want from Rangers in Europe now? What kind of expectation do we have? Just qualifying for the CL group stage is a tall order these days and it's quite possible that there will be no CL anthem heard at Ibrox for years. Where do we want Rangers to be? Are we prepared to accept European failure just as long as we have domestic success? In the bigger European picture, where will a well-run Rangers fit in? Can you settle for Rangers being an easy draw for the European big guns or is your ambition for the club to be almost permanently at the European top table? Can we live with being a European nonentity or is it essential that we find a way to compete with clubs which are currently miles ahead of us? Glimpse the future - what do you think?
  23. I'm not saying that it's easy and it doesn't look as though it will happen quickly, but it is still something we should be looking to do. I'm in the RST because it is pretty much in tune with my views. If Ashley takes over, the task to achieve fan ownership will be much greater, but if King is installed, he might be prepared to move in a direction that has never really tempted him in the past. We should raise the subject with him when the dust settles. He must realise that Rangers will need a long-term solution to this ownership issue. Don't think I'm having a go at you. I'm not. You are a good contributor and I'm sure you will continue to be so long into the future - but please, don't write off fan ownership.
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