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Everything posted by Hildy

  1. If a few years or torture doesn't put you off a seriously flawed ownership model, a few false starts from fan groups shouldn't have you giving up on your fellow supporters. I have been as critical as anyone of fan group attempts to be constructive, but I'm not giving up on them simply because they have mostly faltered up to now. You are holding the door open to strangers with this ownership model, and so you will get whoever walks in. It might be Dave King, whose heart is in the right place, but it could be Mike Ashley or AN Other, and they might have rather different priorities. This idea that Rangers can be secure indefinitely when we are doing nothing to stop dubious characters buying into the club is ridiculous. With a proper fan ownership structure, we could have a president at the top of the marble staircase, and we'd elect him to the position. Instead, you prefer a system which can deliver Craig Whyte, Charles Green and the current lot. We are running an unnecessary risk when we allow people like this to own and run the club, and when they get it badly wrong, we can hardly grumble when it is the Rangers support itself that keeps refusing to bolt the door to undesirable elements. The weakest link at Rangers is its ownership model. If we fix it, we can build a future together. If we don't, we will be left to hope and pray that everything will be okay. That's the choice, and it's not a difficult one.
  2. Fan ownership is you and me and thousands of others taking responsibility for the club. It is us being active in securing the club's future. Wishing for a billionaire is valueless, pointless and worthless. It is a 'do nothing' approach while Rangers goes up in flames. It is a crowd of a hundred thousand watching a drowning man die, each hoping that someone else will have the courage to do what they choose not do. Many of the fan attempts to do something have indeed been flawed and naive. Should we write ourselves off forever then? Are we just too thick? We've had Murray, Whyte, Green and the current lot making a right royal mess of things, and yet you want yet another complete stranger to waltz in and take charge. If you have written off the fans, why haven't you written off an ownership model that has brought us administration, liquidation, demotion and humiliation? If I owned Rangers, it would be an obscenity. No cherished institution should be the property of one individual. We really need to understand this.
  3. In the end, it does depend on us, but it remains to be seen what Dave King's intentions are. Yes, he is a supporter, but there's plenty of fans on here who would keep the fans at arm's length forever. He might turn out to be exactly the same.
  4. Many Rangers fans want a messiah. It is this culture that has to be broken. They have no confidence or belief in their fellow fans. Dave King has never been keen on fan ownership. He may have moved more in this direction in recent times, though. In time, we may find out.
  5. If there was criminality afoot, hopefully a police investigation will reveal it. I'm as cynical as you are with regard to what went on. As for the support raising £5m, the RST's SaveRangers campaign had pledges of around £13m but the club scored a massive own goal by derailing this effort with the utterly pointless RFFF.
  6. Sitting back and saying that 'we need someone to take overall control' is not offering a solution. It is an exercise in wishful thinking. It is no more than belly-rumbling. Anyone can do that: we need a rich guy to pay all our bills, sign top players, pay them exorbitant sums and write blank cheques. See, I just did it too. You need an IQ similar to that of a gorilla with learning difficulties to come up with that - and I mean no disrespect to anyone when I say so. The culture of the Rangers support is naturally subservient. It wants Churchill at the helm. It doesn't want the rank and file being promoted to a level where it gets above itself. Fan ownership means taking responsibility instead of tugging forelocks. It means having the self-belief and confidence to safeguard the club forever. Rangers cannot be protected forever while ownership is random and unpredictable. People want the club to plan ahead. This isn't possible when it can be sold on a whim - and bought on a whim. Who on the current Rangers board would we have elected? Not one of them, and yet these non-Rangers people are supposed to have plans that coincide with yours? This is fantasy. The club has been handed over to hedge funds and money men. Until the club becomes the property of those who care for it the most, the kind of unedifying spectacle that has been witnessed in the last few years will continue until the party is finally over. People like you will have to get to grips with the fact that Rangers has no business being the property of random passing charlatans: ever. And so will thousands of others.
  7. It isn't fan ownership that has brought us to this. It's having inappropriate private ownership. You can complain endlessly about failures of different groups to make a difference, but they have at least tried. Yes, RFFF was a waste of space and an unfortunate distraction, and so was the Assembly - and so will this latest fan board be - but the fan ownership message was put out there over ten years ago and many looked the other way. Those fans who have not participated in finding a solution are arguably more at fault than those who have tried and failed. If fan ownership ever happens, many will wonder why it took so long and why there were Rangers fans opposed to it - and there will be no going back.
  8. As with everything else at Rangers, ownership is key. If we leave the door open to the wrong sort, the wrong sort will stroll on in. Only fan ownership can stop this. We don't need a private owner that we can't get rid of - we need an elected president who we can replace if we don't like him - or her.
  9. Indeed. The CL is a tournament for large-nation Europe with small-nation Europe effectively permitted to participate as cannon fodder. What surprises me is how small nations with big clubs have just let it happen. Holland, Portugal, Belgium and Scotland have just rolled over. For our clubs, a large wedge every now and then keeps us sweet, but that large wedge is getting harder and harder to get. When we can't even get in to the big league any more, the future can only be a bleak one.
  10. I wonder if seeding should be done away with altogether. I enjoy the latter stages of the CL but give the group stage a miss unless Rangers are present and of course it'll be a long time before we're there again. The old European Cup knock-out format sounds exciting and I don't think they had seeding back then. Big clubs could draw big clubs or even tiny clubs. Money would have been important in those days too, but it's into orbit now. It seems almost impossible for smaller countries to provide a winner. Celtic, Ajax and Feyenoord were all able to triumph without bursting the bank. What chance a club from outside England, Germany, Spain, Italy or France winning the CL now? Porto did it a few years ago but would anyone predict a winner from outside the big five countries in the foreseeable future? I'm not sure that I would. For much of our existence, we have had the advantage of being a big club. Now, though, in a European context, we are like a non-league club in the FA Cup. We're cannon fodder for the giants. Our aim is to make a few quid before being turfed out after parking the bus. For the millions of fans who don't follow top teams in major leagues, we are left to pick one of the usual suspects in the CL and hope they win it. In the last few years I've been drawn to Barcelona and Bayern. In the next few years, I expect more people will be drawn to the elite European clubs, but perhaps on a more permanent basis. From a Rangers point of view, it's all quite depressing.
  11. I can give Mr McGlennan some advice if he feels the need to win a case. That contentious Livingston programme - get the club responsible in the dock. Cases don't get easier than this.
  12. Thanks for getting back to me. You'll remember the RFFF firing up? Too few questions were asked of it and subsequently many people have come to regret paying into it. It was a mess from the off but asking serious questions, in some quarters, was deemed to be an act of disloyalty. Basically, it seemed to be about getting the money in and sorting out the details later. It was obvious straight away that it was a glorified way of passing the hat round, but most didn't care about answers never mind questions. Lessons have to be learned. We should ask searching questions of fan groups when they ask for our money. The idea of paying over a monthly sum to RF - in perpetuity - when its vision seems vague does not appeal to me. Fan ownership may still be a long way off, but I'll be riding the RST vehicle. I've paid my money, I have my share, my annual membership will continue and my monthly outgoing is zero. Thanks for the answers.
  13. I thank you for your clarity on this. You are entitled to hold this view. I do not however share your opinion.
  14. If the tone of a post is worth criticising, read back your own contributions and make a call on them. You'll have to excuse me for now as I have to pop out, but I won't be rushing back to answer hysterical questions.
  15. Greg wants RF to stay at just under 30%. He said it earlier in this thread. The get-out clause is always to say - it's up to the members - it's whatever they want. As someone who believes in fan ownership, why would I join a group that might vote to restrict its share in Rangers to less than 30%, maybe even 5%? It's far better to join a group that openly declares that it wants the club owned by the support, that has this as its vision and focus and that won't back off at some future date. That's why I have committed to the RST. I have a clear destination with the Trust. I don't want to be diverted down another road en route.
  16. Tell me exactly what RF stands for. Greg here seems happy for it to be a minority shareholder, which I find quite absurd. Is Greg right?
  17. Right now, we have a system where anyone can buy a majority share in Rangers. This is not acceptable. Any scheme that leaves the door open to Ashley, Murray or even King is not to be recommended. We know, or at least we should know by now that the ownership of Rangers is a major problem. Making the club more like Barca or Bayern has to be properly investigated. Continuing as we are is no longer a sensible or desirable option.
  18. It would probably be a good thing for the RST and RF to examine fan ownership at clubs in Spain and Germany and any examples elsewhere worth looking at. If major clubs can make member-ownership work for them, surely we can make it work here. Let there be a model for everyone to look at, and if it needs tweaking and adjusting to make it better, we can do it, but it's time to roll out a model and say - this is how it could be.
  19. I believe a full takeover is essential. Random majority ownership has brought us to this. We have to learn our lesson.
  20. Mike Ashley would only ever loan Rangers money. Or maybe he would write it off if we signed over the club badge or some other asset. Do we agree that any Ashley money will be in the form of a loan?
  21. Frankly, I do not believe this is their long term goal. In a recent discussion with one of their leading members it was suggested that that a minority share would be enough. I don't disbelieve him. And I don't agree with him. I even spoke to someone on here who said that he joined RF specifically because it was not about fan ownership. He's either not very bright or he's wrong - and he seemed quite sharp to me.
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