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Everything posted by Hildy

  1. Amongst my friends and acquaintances there are two schools of thought: One is that we'll be champions again fairly soon after returning to the top. It seems to be based on the belief that, as we are Rangers, it is therefore inevitable that we'll soon be league winners again. Not just that, we'll be better than before because the idea of being 'bigger and stronger' after such a long time away is reassuring. And Celtic - they might throw away their financial advantage and buy a team of duds. The other theory going the rounds - a much more depressing one - is that Celtic are on for ten in a row; that the OF gap is growing into an uncomfortably large gulf, and that the damage from this period will take a lot longer to repair than is generally admitted. Today's crisis loan news wasn't a shock to this camp. Who is right? There is a noticeable difference between the camps. The first group, the optimists, were big SDM fans. They thought that we were so far ahead of Celtic that they barely mattered any more. The good times, they believed, were forever. The second group, the pessimists, called Murray out during the good times. They became suspicious of his methods, noticed inconsistencies in his statements and were concerned about the state of his business empire - and their growing pessimism turned out to be justified. It's almost a battle between head and heart, but I think the pessimistic outlook is where the smart money lies. I think we're in trouble.
  2. Given that we have now established that the police are giving a high profile to their anti-sectarianism initiative, and bearing in mind that the state funds, supports and wants to retain sectarian schools, why should any 'right-thinking person' trust a government which is so blatantly hypocritical? If sectarianism is frowned on, and if people who share sectarian messages are going to jail, why is the Scottish government itself not in the dock? There is a double standard in play here, and it shames our police force and our Holyrood government.
  3. I do - and when I say that the club made an ass of itself today trying to bury bad news with a sham survey that is currently being eagerly completed by Celtic fans, I wonder why anyone would even bother to defend it. Rangers is riddled by incompetence - and that's the kindly way of putting it. Accept it and expect dismal consequences. Challenge it and there is at least some hope.
  4. The club's latest move is a kindergarten attempt to come up with an excuse to get its hands on your money. The club gets away with it because too many are easily pleased. Thankfully, a growing number want the club run professionally and properly, and until that happens, they will rightly take it to task for its failings and incompetence. I do not expect to see you in their number - and that's a pity.
  5. When the club is due criticism, fans should criticise it. How else will it improve if fans are sycophantic and not critical? We are in a mess because we refused to recognise harsh realities and we are paying, and continue to pay, a heavy price for burying our heads in the sand while the club was overtaken by people unsuitable - and far too expensive - for the task at hand. A group of church elders could run this club better than the current mob, and at next to no cost. The board wants your money because it is incapable of running the club as a going concern - and you will doubtless give them it - no questions asked. No wonder we have troubles. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  6. Pay me what Wallace is getting and I'll have a plan ready inside 24 hours. We are paying these people extraordinary amounts of cash to come up with nonsense. This latest gimmick is designed to pave the way for a club-inspired membership scheme. They don't really care what you think but they would like an excuse to introduce a new scheme to bring in much-needed cash to keep their outrageous salaries safe. I won't be joining it. I'm sure you will, though.
  7. If you ask people to do a survey, and then dismiss a large number of completed forms because you think that they are not genuine supporters, you are tampering with the outcome and devaluing the result. If results are ignored from 'interlopers', the way is open for them to ignore results they don't like from genuine Rangers fans. It is Rangers doing what Rangers does best in the 21st century - incompetence.
  8. Apparently, Celtic fans are already all over it. A five-year old could have told them this would have been hijacked by the east end mob. Those running our club haven't a clue.
  9. It's a survey designed to make it look like we want a membership scheme. When it is introduced, they will tell us - this is what the fans wanted.
  10. Why then do particular police officers have ANTI-SECTARIAN INITIATIVE emblazoned on the back of their jackets when on duty at Ibrox?
  11. The above is chattering class-inspired drivel, designed to criminalise people who do not deserve to be criminalised. It is no wonder that the word 'mince' became associated with this ill thought-out and oppressive bunkum. Graham Spiers, to his eternal shame, actually stated that there are sometimes circumstances where people's thoughts should be criminalised. This is the level that the debate has descended to, and the legislation was drafted after hearing from him and others like him. It is a crass piece of hateful ignorance that should never have seen the light of day in a parliament that is too quick to legislate and too stupid to contemplate. Frankly, it is an embarrassment to Scotland that it has so many elected politicians who wish to regulate and control people's lives to such a ridiculous degree. This embarrassment of a law is the sum of the parts of the people who created it, and history will justifiably ridicule them for their crassness, their stupidity and their pompous intrusion. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  12. Merely joining in with the singing can mean running a heightened risk of arrest. Is The Sash sectarian? A court of law decreed that it wasn't - in particular circumstances - but on another day it might be deemed to be criminal behaviour. Why is there no published list of what is and isn't sectarian in the song repertoires of Rangers and Celtic fans? The other lot believe that IRA utterances are not sectarian. Are they, or are they not? If sectarianism is a problem, why is the state funding it in our schools? If 'right thinking' people have a problem with sectarianism, why do they tolerate it in our education system? You might be unhappy at the songs sung at Ibrox and on our travels, but is criminalising people an appropriate way to change habits - or is it a clumsy and dictatorial act by a government which has no real concept of free speech and civil liberties? I don't think we portray ourselves as well as we might when we sing certain songs, but I am certain that criminalising people for giving vent to songs and chants which irk 'right thinking' people is absolutely intolerable. The government put bad law on the statute book. It should now remove it.
  13. Dr Waiton: "This act makes it illegal to say anything offensive at football based on the say so of ‘right thinking people". We all know that the behaviour of football fans - not just us - is sometimes tasteless and crude, but this legislation is an obscenity and should be totally opposed. Almost all of us are far more at risk of arrest at or near a football environment than anywhere else, and a conviction for a 'sectarian' offence could mean curtains for a promising career. The Celtic support is feeding off this as only it can, and adopting its default victim position, but if this law is not binned, an element within the Celtic support is going to become acutely political - and not give way. They expected us to be rounded up in hordes while they laughed loudly from a safe distance, but it hasn't worked out that way. This law may cause far more trouble than it's worth. The Scottish government should have steered well clear. This law should be binned. It is 'mince'. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  14. HNWI, for goodness sake. Does that make the rest of us LNWIs? Can we drop this please? Anyone coming on here will need a codebreaker to understand and participate. This isn't helpful.
  15. Andy, the club is presently underachieving massively - not just as a team on the pitch, but off it, too. We've touched on this before, but until the basics are right, everything else will fall short. It is no use thinking that things will eventually fall into place when we can never be sure into whose hands the club will fall next. The club is a sporting and cultural monument, but it has no protection. It is as vulnerable as a high street shop. It can change hands at any time, and to any one. Is anyone actually relaxed about this? If they are, they shouldn't be. If Rangers is as important as we think it is, we should surely endeavour to look after it - short term and long term. We think it belongs to us, but the reality is rather different. Rangers belongs to whoever is prepared to pay for it, and as long as this remains the case, its future is going to be bumpy and difficult, and nowhere near as long as our mostly distinguished past.
  16. Having complete strangers, whose motivations are a mystery to us, being able to own Rangers is the biggest pitfall of all. Worrying about fan ownership is like worrying about democracy. There will always be problems and difficulties to overcome, but standing back while rogue owners march in to Ibrox is more than a pitfall. It is a mineshaft to oblivion. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  17. What a powerful statement in favour of Rangers being a fan-owned club. So if we want to keep 'capitalist parasite types' away from Rangers, we know what to do - work towards making the club fan-owned.
  18. If Hearts can get through this, they may emerge as a bigger club - and certainly a better club - than the one that got into trouble. I do respect the lady behind this. She is doing it for club - not herself. In years to come, there may be a stand named after her.
  19. I wasn't going to invest anyway because a financial commitment to one scheme is enough, but this latest idea wouldn't have enticed me to join it. I want fan ownership and I want every penny of my money to be used to buy shares to make this happen. The idea that some of it could have been used for other purposes is extremely off-putting. BuyRangers is the best scheme available right now, but who knows, maybe there will be other options in the next few years. Fan ownership won't easily happen at Rangers, but it must still be our goal.
  20. Brahim is correct. Anyone, or any group, that has ambitions to be influential in a company should buy up as many shares as they possibly can at the lowest possible price. The RST has done that.
  21. Wonderful news. Things are looking up. Celtic are out the Cup, an easy home draw for Rangers in the next round, and another parcel of shares coming home. Excellent! Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  22. I invested with BuyRangers. I'm drawing the line right there. I won't be making monthly payments or giving money to any new scheme. Fan ownership is the right path to follow - and I have followed it - but no more money will be changing hands.
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