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Everything posted by jhunter

  1. I'd go 4-3-3 Bell RB huge problem I'd try the young lad Murdoch there CB Real lack of quality here - a crap shoot IMO - that is why it keeps changing - I'd try Mcgregor and Moshni. LB Wallace picks himself , smith is OK back up. Law -Black-McLeod I'd also try out Peralta with Law moved to the centre. Templeton-Boyd-Miller
  2. My point was directly related to the "going forward" part. I agree we do absolutely lack quality and yes that is being exacerbated by woeful management but there is some quality there and things could be better than they are. Young mcleod , Law - although he went back rapidly after signing, templeton - when fit , wallace - going forward , Boyd and Miller - proven together.
  3. Just to clarify , are you saying that with a settling of things off the field and a better manager/coaching this present group of players are good enough to win the SPFL?
  4. Ahhh Laudrup - The Great Dane - The Prince Of Denmark. A real high level water mark in our history - one of the best, if not THE best player in our history. A class act on and off the pitch. God how i miss his sublime entertainment.
  5. Roughly what proportion of the shares do they control?
  6. As Brahim points out - you can have all the data/analysis in the world but can they interpret it properly? look what they did to jon daly last season
  7. Changing to 3 at the back to accommodate a 40 year old davie weir may well be one of the most stupid decisions ever taken by a manger of Rangers. and strangely enough we're 3 years on and the same sort of stupidity is still being exercised at Ibrox.
  8. We desperately need a manager who improves players Sees a bargain brings them in improves them and sells them on for profit. The club as it used to operate is finished we can't out spend celtic here at home let alone abroad any more. Half decent players have arrived at Ibrox in recent years and gone backward that is simply incomprehensible.
  9. In fairness keepers do mature the latest , mostly. Was mcgregor not about that age when he finally made the breakthrough at Rangers?
  10. Oh you can - its called evidence , evidence as to why people have arrived at the conclusions they have. You were presented with an exhaustive list from ALL through his time in charge - even the European disasters were left out. The BARE MINIMUM anyone expected with the resources he's been provided with was to win promotion and win the Ramsden Cup. Multimillion pound budget - which the club couldn't afford - up against part time dross and he couldn't even achieve that. If you then add on the absolutely abysmal "style" of football THAT is why there are only a handful of people still defending mccoist - people it seems who have lost all touch with reality.
  11. Physically tired playing part timers and can't get motivated for a cup final. And people have hope that this squad can achieve above the sum of its parts.
  12. THIS Board have admitted the club will require funding before the season is out - that isn't even open to argument. The argument comes - where is the money actually going? - well THIS Board have admitted that the club (business) is labouring under onerous contracts. IMO those contracts are to extract money from the club - others may think it "wiz aw jist a big mistake" - fine i don't zip up the back of the head. Nothing is being built - quite the opposite - we may well be sailing into a position where the club can never recover to where it was.
  13. Nothing is being built. The club is bankrupt and the team will need completely overhauled in a years time. To paraphrase gunslinger 100M will have been spent and what is there to show for it?
  14. Terrible decision absolutely awful and will be paid off before the end of contract on top of simonson - what another truly dire day in the machinations of Rangers football club
  15. He is by his own admission a sick bastard. the fact that this reptile was given air time on Main stream media in Scotland tells you all you need to know about the state of journalism in this country.
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