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Everything posted by buster.

  1. Bottomline is that each individual has an economic choice or decision to make wrt the ST question. As it stands it would seem as though a large percentage are delaying or have decided not to renew/buy. With that in mind it would seem as though the board of the club decided to engage with the UoF. What is important here is that the board of the club made this decision based on the deficit between projected and actual ST numbers at this point in time. Ie. the board perceive that the UoF vehicle and their fundamental aims are in good part favourably recognized by many of those who haven't renewed or pledged to 1872 Ltd.
  2. I think the number that is most important is projected ST's less actual ST's. It will probably need a regulatory notice to tell the markets because of the 'hole' it makes in projected numbers.
  3. Just a sitrep that I don't think contained anything new. The stand-off continues. Let's see if today brings any communications from board to UoF.
  4. Just to add on the apparent split/disagreement within the boardroom. If GW was in the middle, will he have to consider his 100% bonus given that the trigger(s) are non-specific and depend on the judgement of the renumeration committee. Remuneration and Nominations Committee James Easdale (Chairman)...................................Blue Pitch / Margarita Norman Crighton...................................................Laxey David Somers...........................................................?? / Note: Was recommended by Daniel Stewarts Ltd who have always been close to Green Graham Wallace (attendee)
  5. Sometimes it's best to read the story and any quotes before reading too much into the headline but it doesn't sound good or for that matter, unsurprising.
  6. "Silly" ?...............I thought it was pretty much on the preverbial button. 1. 'Old mucker' referred to a former FD of a board you 'supported'. 2. Brian Stockbridge is now officially toxic and in part to blame for things this board want to wash their hands of ! I and others saw him as toxic from the summer of 2012. Others such as Somers and yourself have rather belatedly come to that view. 3. The camera refers to dubious tactics of 'innocently' attempting to drop someone in it using a social occasion although I do appreciate different levels.
  7. The law of averages says that you must be correct with something, so yes you probably are but I can't recall the subject off the top of my head.
  8. Rather than reply here, I think I might put up a thread later/tomorrow where these issues will be covered in more depth.
  9. You are entitled to your opinion and you may or may not be right,..... or indeed somewhere in between. If you can be so categoric then I'm sure you'll be able to expand and tell us what is 'right'.
  10. No ! He's conducting a little damage limitation. If you removed them, you would only play into his hands. For the record, it was the McMurdo website on 'leadership & strategy' that had references to himself being like "Merlin' but they were fairly low-key. He was generally mocked for this image he had of himself and the name stuck in social media circles. Only at this point has he went large on 'Merlin' himself in an attempt to limit damage. ps. he does have a PR consultancy that advertises................. "IMAGE ENHANCEMENT & REPUTATION PROTECTION" When you open the page, the James Bond theme "Nobody does it better" plays
  11. When you think about it, Bill Jnr. doesn't give value for money when it comes to spinning for certain interests within of the Rangers board. He only seems to be taken semi-seriously by those who could be considered as 'unconditional followers'. In fact he almost serves the observers of the saga moreso as an 'early-warning system' of sorts regards what may be coming. Not only that but his personal credibility to call himself a Rangers supporter has and is taking a heavy hit. This long-running soap opera has had many metaphorical 'victims', I think McMurdo Jnr. is fast becoming another.
  12. I think you have to consider that many companies may consider Rangers a brand that is currently to be avoided because of the ongoing soap opera (which includes financial risk, a contingent liability on Ibrox and the spectre of S&LB that doesn't seem to go away).
  13. I always found his mini-PR consultancy and the Super Abundance preaching a curious mix. Perhaps it's the SA preaching that enables him to write so easily about sums of pounds sterling, such as 50M (Blue Pitch) and 80M (McGills). Perhaps it's the SA that confused Mr.Somers about the fans protests in December, who knows ? ps. I did notice that in an attempt to counter-act the "Merlin' tag he has began to use it himself in a prominent fashion. What we need now is for Mediahouse to use 'Toxic' to preface Jack.
  14. Wasn't a blog for a while and then two came along one after another so,...probably.
  15. McMurdo ain't lost his marbles as such, he's just being used. His various ventures on the internet tell us much about him and his methods. Maybe I'm wrong and he has lost his marbles, or perhaps he sold them !!
  16. The over-riding message is that as heavily suspected, the root of our problem (post administration) is still there.
  17. Bill Jnr. is struggling.......... I think the numbers of supporters who believe him to be a reasonably objective blogger are few and getting ever fewer. Bill does PR consultancy on the side along with Super Abundance preaching, why doesn't he offer a 2 for 1 service to the Rangers board and solve all our problems ?
  18. Haven't yet read it but as you know McMurdo is the mouthpiece for the Easdales and more to the point, the proxies behind Easdale. His blog can be a good indication of what is simmering as he is fed info/spin from the sp.ivs to relay to the wider support with a particular spin. edit. Just read it and yes the man in the middle (GW) must be moving away from the Easdale/Blue Pitch line. It may be because Wallace thinks it too toxic, having too many ties/links to the age of 'onerous contracts'.
  19. I think it pertinent to remember that it is the 'Union of Fans' who are involved in negotiations rather than individuals, who may speak on behalf of the group.
  20. I'd agree in that I think some (me included) have almost forgotten about the football side of Rangers. In part because it is so poor and in part because they judge it to pale into insignificance in relative importance. Where I would say the two strands come together and tell a story is the continued lack of action from the various incarnations of the sp.iv boards to address footballing problems with solutions that may be viewed as beyond the short-term. This goes back to the provisional allocation of spend in the IPO prospectus (nothing for footballing infrastructure) to the present day with Graham Wallace on his 156th day in the job telling us that we need a scouting system as he appoints a spin-doctor. I'd also say that IMO, the business review and the continuation of Ally McCoist as manager don't reconcile. Hence there would be a decison to take for the board/ proposed DoF.
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