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Posts posted by missq

  1. I am going as have paid for ticket and missed last home game.


    However I like the idea of some sort of banner i.e.g we support the players but lost confidence in the board and management?


    Something like that.


    It has to be a combined effort for notice to be taken a few voices would certainly be lost or ignored.

  2. I am not fully satisfied with the product I purchased from your establishment.


    Please find it returned in enclosed envelope


    I look forward to a full refund.


    Yours Faithfully


    Miss Q

    GF Row R*






    *only joking will still follow follow but man it's frustrating!!!

  3. Another cloud for me would be our defence - flap flap flap flapping whenever anything came near them - that Svensson had a shocker we were lucky they didnt capitialise.


    But 2 - 0 is a great result and it could of been more so I am not complaining!

  4. Well this 'wee' team gave Liverpool a bit of a hard time so we need to be careful.


    Fans definitly play a part hopefully everyone will put the SPL to one side for the night and get totally behind the team with singing and encouragement instead of moaning at every astray pass (sorry. the guy that sits behind me constantly just moans and greets about everything - if he doesnt stop it I am going to take off my bra and stuff it in his big gob!!!!!).

  5. Great result


    But I am more pleased about the way we played - we played like a team and there was some real passion there.


    Some players really pulled their socks up after the weekend i.e. Charlie Adam!


    Thought loads of players played well but my stand outs would be Hemdani, Adam, Buffel, Barry and Smith


    Follow follow!

  6. a dull lacklustre performance if it wasnt for macgregor we would have been a couple of goals down.


    No real threat at all.


    Was so bored I nearly turned over to Dragons Den.


    Hopefully a dressing down from PLG will make them pull their socks up - we made Molde look half decent side not sure if they are given some of the attemped shots on goal from them were ludicrous.


    Wasnt impressed with Barry at all - what about all this earning your place, granted he is still coming back but should be walk back into the team?

  7. Well i must of woke up and read it at 3am then :)


    Did i not call you on sat? Mr Jonc was more pished that i was (again :D ) when i called him.


    No phone call that I could see. Keep that for this weekend I will be at my folks behaving myself I'll need some entertainment!

  8. It couldnt have been 4:30pm that 11:30pm here and i was up watching the chelsea game.


    It was ya maniac (I have an honest face) I was on the train going home and was texting folk as the train took blooming ages.


    You text me at 1am on Sat morning unfortunately I was in a vino stuper dreaming about Alex McLeish again:o

  9. I didnt know Caley had scored until MissQ sent me a text at 3am or something.


    I forgot to phone the bookies and put my bet on, i thought it was a banker draw all day.


    3am ooops sorry - how far ahead of us are you timewise?


    I sent it about 4:30pm our time.


    Sorry mate didnt mean to disturb your beauty sleep - or lady boy sleep over:p

  10. I am not pushing the panic button - we are only a few games in, the team needs to work together and be aware of each other.


    However the last two games have been frustrating due to all the chances we had and there has been bad defending that goal we conceeded yesterday was a howler.


    So I thinks it's fair enough that there are a few nervous chewed nails however I wouldnt be flying off the handle just yet.


    Cacking it about this weekends game tho!

  11. I've subscribed to setanta 12.99.


    I've got NTL.


    I never did it last season but now that they are going to show more games I think it might be worth it - I really want to watch it this Sunday too but will have a hangover so not planning making it out the door so it will be handy

  12. Hello,


    I used to get an email when I got a reply to either a topic I was viewing or a private message - I dont anymore.


    I've checked my profile but dont see a setting in there.


    Is this still a facility?




    Miss Q

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