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Posts posted by Rangersitis

  1. GW: If you want me to go along with what others who have a tendancy to bullshit say, you'll have to pay me 600K+ salary.


    DS: Couldn't do that, wouldn't go down well but we could perhaps do something that has precedent at Ibrox.


    GW: What's that ?


    DS: Pay you half of that in salary then the other half via a bonus that we can design to be assured.


    GW: Sounds good, I'll bring up my 'empty corporatespeak dictionary'.


    :D You were in the room!

  2. "penalty apart"


    That was enough to swing the game at a moment when Brazil didn't look like scoring.


    In this position a ref. can't blatantly whistle for 90 minutes for one team and when for Brazil he'll probably not need to at all in the majority of occasions if the team play well. But if 'bent' / 'influenced', blowing for a non-existant penalty in the last quarter when it's 1-1 is pretty much what you'd expect.



    You might aswell say that X wasn't hurt apart from the bullet that went between his eyes :champs:


    It obviously wasn't a non-existent penalty in his eyes. The defender put his hand on the top of Fred's arm/shoulder and the Brazilian very cleverly flung himself to the ground. I think it was a soft decision, but there was certainly enough there to fool the ref into giving it.


    How anyone can state that the whole tournament is bent based on one game, nay, one penalty award, is beyond me.

  3. At Rangers they give their CEO a 100% bonus for his time if it sees both the share price and ST numbers cut in half.


    Let's be honest here, they give him a 100% bonus to ensure that he stays on message and keeps his mouth shut. For those reasons, he deserves every penny of it.

  4. Very poor performance by the ref last night, but I expect Brazil to improve after a nervous start. I might add that they better as I have backed them to win!!


    Some great games coming up over the weekend, and some not so attractive ones as well. Does anybody actually think Columbia v Greece will see a shot at goal over 90 mins? A banker 0-0 for me! Spain v Holland tonight will hopefully be a good game, perhaps the game we should have got 4 years ago. Heard good things about Chile so looking forward to seeing them as well.


    The first game of the tournament is traditionally a bit of a drag so now that one is out of the way it will hopefully settle down.


    Back to the ref last night, I wish FIFA would stop pandering to footballing backwater nations when deciding on officials for big tournaments. There is no shortage of good European/South American refs with a great deal of big match experience that should be used for the big tournament. We cannot keep accepting dreadful performances from refs out of their depth just to say it is a global game and to keep the diddy confederations happy (and therefore keep voting for Blatter!).


    All referees can make blunders and err under pressure in the same way as players do, just less often. The ref last night wasn't great, but the penalty apart, neither team benefitted. I can think of three howlers off the top of my head that were by officials from major footballing nations.


    Howard Webb in the 2010 final not giving de Jong a red for his Cantona tackle.


    The disallowed Lampard goal in the same year was from a Uruguayan unit.


    Graham Poll failing to send a Croatian off until he gave him his third yellow.

  5. I'm not into slating the fans that have renewed,however the fans that have renewed are surely backing the board,no?, I've chosen not to renew my ST because of the actions of the board!.


    There will be many who have renewed even though they don't back the board, although their actions have, indirectly, helped to ease the pressure on them.

  6. I can't see how financing isn't needed. Even adding a 33% premium to all tickets sold (which is too high) then club doesn't have enough money to see out the season. Not without drastic cuts or other investment.


    The Rangers support has spoken and the board cannot hide from this any more.


    The board are mocking the support and saying "We now have enough to be getting on with and we reckon that you will return either by way of a ST, or on a game by game basis."


    This statement buys them some time and nowt else.

  7. Soft penalty, but when a defender puts his hands on an opponent, it presents an opportunity to go down easily and runs the risk of the ref buying it.


    Yellow was the correct card for Neymar. Caught him, but no swinging elbow.


    Olic jumped in to the goalkeeper. Could have gone either way.

  8. Peaceful protests from Brazilians in Sao Paulo turned pretty nasty a wee while ago with bricks and petrol bombs getting lobbed at riot police. Apparently protestors are trying to block certain roads and getting heavy handed treatment leading to riots. Looks like we're going to see a lot of trouble at this World Cup and we probably won't even see the half of it reported.


    Peaceful protests with bricks and petrol bombs? :D All those protesting against the World Cup will be glued to a television tonight cheering on 'Canarinha'. Afterwards......

  9. Aye, roll up roll up,look what we have done, we have brought this great club back to the top league,now! who wants to buy our super successful club?,for the right price of course,you can start the bidding at £150m......................or we will sell all the assets to get our cash back!......:)


    Spot on! A return to the top league with that lot in charge will see them really start to plunder the takings.

  10. Fans are rightly critical of the club because of the lack of information on their plans.


    It's only fair King is subject to the same scrutiny and, while I agree there's a fine line between wheat and chaff, saying nothing at all can be equally damaging. I think a sit rep on King's position is well over-due.


    I agree that a lack of information is what causes confusion, but I just don't see what he can add at this particular time as the board are saying absolutely nothing. They are playing a blinder on that front.


    He could come out and repeat his previous attacks but they will just be rebuffed once more with a terse statement and that may even be perceived by the support that he has nothing more to add. I would expect him to fire away whenever there is an official statement released.

  11. To be fair to King, there is little point in him making additional statements until something tangible comes out of Ibrox with regard to ST sales and/or new investment. If anything he was saying too much at one point.


    The SoS/UoF are there to keep the pressure on when press speculation/rumours are doing the rounds and they are doing a decent job.

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