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Posts posted by Rangersitis

  1. Can't see any poll, but I'm with gunny on this. Templeton has the flatter to deceive role down pat, so no need for another prima donna.


    I will be totally underwhelmed if all these unimaginative targets being put forward just now are coming from Warburton.

  2. Not according the SFA who have fined both Ashley and the club.



    Ashley was charged under SFA disciplinary rule 19, which states that a person “involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management or administration of a club”, cannot – without the prior written consent of the SFA Board – “be involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management or administration of another club or…have any power whatsoever to influence the management or administration of another club."



    A second charge – that Ashley “failed to act in the best interests of Association Football” was found to be not proven.



    I don't think that Ashley holds any power or influence over the current board.

  3. Are mash now legally obliged to renegotiate the contracts memtiond in resolution 2?



    No, and if resolution 2 had gone the other way that wouldn't have been enforceable either. It's all posturing from King and Ashley.

  4. I'd hope it's a priority and I'd imagine it will start to take shape now Warburton is in position.



    Scouting should not have been based on Warburton coming in. It can't be something which needs to be overhauled every time that there is a managerial change as that would just be chaotic. The planning for it should have been done in all those months that they had leading up to taking over.

  5. Rangers fans were conned by Green as most were desperate for someone to come in and save the club,which in turn makes fans more experienced and vigilant on whoever is running the club,we should all keep our fingers on the pulse in that regard,however Kingco seem to be moving in the right direction,and I believe will do their best for the club and not line their pockets like the previous thieves. One of the questions Warburton was asked by the press was did he have financial guarantees from the Rangers board,his reply was if he didn't get these insurances he wouldn't have accepted the job.



    I am not expecting King to be channelling funds out of the club in the way the likes of Whyte and Green did. My concerns centre around just how much of the pre-EGM sound bites will materialise in cold, hard cash on this side. A wide-ranging scouting network should have been implemented on day one as that is the only sustainable way that a club playing in Scotland can compete on the continent.

  6. I don't think anyone is dictating anything - merely offering an opinion for us to debate which helps pass the working day.


    Of course the regime should be held to account and the best way to do so is to continue to show how much of a key part we are of funding anyone who is in power.


    Can we trust King more than someone like Whyte, Green or Ashley? I'd like to think his Rangers supporting credentials (inconsistent history recollections notwithstanding) means he's more trustworthy but of course people shouldn't hand their cash over regardless.


    However, again, as it's worth repeating, we (or most of us) voted for regime change and we (or most of us) wanted a new management team with a new vision. We've got that so we can't keep mumbling about our next demand.



    King is preferable to those mentioned, of course he is, but Green was also viewed by many as being preferable to Whyte.


    I am most impressed with the management team that has been brought in. Even if it doesn't work out, it has shown that the board have a certain amount of imagination with regard to the football side of things. My pal is a West Ham fan and when Allardyce went I said to him that Warburton would have been a good fit there, so I am pretty positive about the appointment.

  7. Why would the manager appointment suddenly end scrutiny of the boardroom?


    It's just one positive appointment in a list of positive moves the club needs to make. However, if we want all the improvements we ask then we'll have to (once again and as always) play our part. I think King has been pretty clear on that.



    It shouldn't, it was merely directed at Gillian saying that everything was back to normal and that he hoped that everyone would forget who the directors are. That is not going to happen for decades, if ever. The trauma of the last few years will ensure that.


    I am more than happy to play my part once again as King has been very clear about. What he hasn't been so clear about is what part he and any other investors he can acquire will have. Everything has been kept deliberately vague. The amount of millions required for the job has fluctuated wildly and now it is "open-ended". The timescales are non-existent and despite saying that they wanted to hit the ground running in order to keep the momentum of the EGM victory, the first four months have seen very little happen outside of the Ashley fued. Quite frankly, pinning him down to a straight answer seems more difficult than nailing a jelly to the wall.

  8. I'm sure we could all pull quotes from whatever period we like to infer inconsistency but at some point we need to either back the regime we voted for or the club will continue to struggle.


    Everyone is capable of making up their own mind about King's intentions. Mine is made up but I respect that others may reserve their opinion (and cash) until a later date.



    I'm happy for everyone to make up their own mind too, Frankie, indeed I am fed up listening to people dictating how others should spend their money or what type of supporter they should be, but I also feel that King's board should be closely watched and held to the various promises that were made prior to their power grab. I hope that I am shown to have been concerned over nothing.

  9. The results are both a formality and immaterial to everything that is going onbetween King and Ashley.


    Warburton and Weir being appointed should not end the scrutiny of those within the boardroom. They now need to provide the required funds to bring about the long list of improvements needed to once again make Rangers a professional football club.

  10. I thought that was an excellent piece mate and while I can understand some of the mild criticism from others, I think that there is a lot of merit in fans playing their part this season by supporting the new regime and new manager via high season ticket sales.


    Most, if not all of us, have all complained about the politics and/or the football in recent times and have gave those as (somewhat valid) reasons for not attending games. Well, now the regime and the manager has changed - as will many of the players - so I think these reasons now become excuses if we don't go.


    I'm not saying everyone MUST go but I do think it's fair to expect larger numbers.


    I will certainly be renewing.



    A wise man once said:


    My recommendation is to do nothing until they see the business plan. If there is a commitment to raise funds then the fans should back it. But if the business plan turns out to be more modest then the fans will have to think very carefully. Withholding season ticket money is a huge decision. But let’s give the board the chance to demonstrate that they will honour what they have publicly stated.



  11. So what is your point caller?



    You really think Warburton has listened to fans and the Scottish press in considering Wilson? I feel quite sad at times reading this brain numbing stuff. Davie Weir mentored the guy and has always rated him highly http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/editor-s-picks/davie-weir-is-backing-danny-wilson-to-shine-1.1042778

    Why was that so difficult to work out? Blaming Warburton? I despair with our 'fans' at times. No, often actually.



    How did that prediction work out?


    I echo the sentiments of that other boy in regard to hoping that Warburton has a deeper knowledge of what players will fit his system than the Scottish public and parochial media.

  12. The really good news for trublu and his ilk is that Warburton just strikes you as the kinda that will give a fuck who a player's daddy supports or what school he went to. Thankfully that will be way up his list of priorities rather than their ambition and ability. Welcome to knuckle draggers r us....



    Someone expresses their feelings about a player and you get all uptight, so much so that you resort to name-calling. Not the type of behaviour one would expect from such a progressive chap as yourself.

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