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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. If they are aiding and abetting those destroying the club, even if just through inaction, they most definitely should not be ignored, they should be exposed at every opportunity.
  2. That will depend on whether their expectations are realistic or not. If they forsee annual participation in the CL / EL post-Christmas, then no, probably not. If they will be satisfied with sharing titles with Celtic on a cyclical basis, with the odd decent run in the Thursday cup, then most definitely. Times have changed.
  3. It's more important for them to have the business nous to oversee a club which is run within it's means. The last thing we need is to end back in a position where we are vulnerable to a Whyte, Green or Ashley. Lessons need to be learned and mistakes not repeated.
  4. It's not even built on the original Ibrox footprint.
  5. That was reported by one or two media outlets but it wasn't specified in the statement that was released. They merely offered to up their funding package. Of course, that may have meant that they would match any other offer.
  6. Did he actually state that? Anything I remember was worded in a way that can give them wriggle room. "We have no intention to...." was one example, from back in May, I believe. Oh aye, this isn't all about you.
  7. Aye, but only after the board explain to a sub-committee just how wonderful it is.
  8. You focussing on me focussing on what Kennedy thinks - now that really is small stuff! If me taking my eye off the ball to give my point of view caused a seismic shift in the fortunes of The Rangers, please accept my deepest apologies.
  9. They first have to determine whether the granting of security is illegal. Given that the Albion and Edmiston House are already being used for previous loans, to this layman, there doesn't appear to be any difference other than sentiment.
  10. FFS, don't get me started on that subject!
  11. Won't the board just argue that the funding needs to be immediate and that, if the BBC report is accurate, it offers double what is being offered by LPT?
  12. I agree with that. A lot of it's impetus came from a desire from various quarters to sideline the RST initiative.
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