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Posts posted by Eatdolphins

  1. For a support that is deferential, a single owner is the way forward.


    For a support that has no opinions, it is the way forward.


    For a support that believes in luck more than it believes in itself, it is the way forward.


    For a support that is weak, it is the way forward.


    For a support that is submissive, it is the way forward.


    For a support that ducks responsibility, it is the way forward.


    For an ambitious support that believes in democracy, responsibility and accountability, it is backward move to a dark, dark age.



    Sorry but that's a load of emotional balls. Substitute Rangers for Scotland and that could have been written by Salmond.

  2. He resigned mate. Time for everyone to move on and see the bigger picture.


    Until the ordinary fans have a real say in the running of the Club through a substantial shareholding, we'll always be at the mercy of others with different priorities.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Sorry mate but I don't think that will ever happen. We've shown already we can't pull together on anything. Can you imagine the chaos of everyone trying to get their own way? The splinter groups would splinter in to groups. Any many ways I think one single absolute owner is the best way forward.

  3. Some of the stuff I read on RM is quite frankly mind blowing. I just don't understand some of our fans sometimes


    The felling's mutual by the way. Just shows how fractured our support is. I can't believe this ever got off the ground.

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