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Everything posted by Bearman

  1. Through all the recent past of events, it was never in any doubt Dave King's 'dodgy dealings' would surface if he got anywhere near Rangers...he must be very close now.
  2. Better to scrap it, most of our fgs predictions might not be here by the time the rescheduled match is played
  3. So wrong and you can't be that serious Hildy?
  4. Unfortunately I won't be taking part in the demonstration as I'll be taking my 8 years old grandson along to the game and don't want to confuse the boy. Also I don't think our board will give two hoots about the demo but good luck to all those who will be taking part. Give 'em Hell. In another thread... http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?68055-Notice-lodged-to-remortgage-Ibrox-and-Auchenhowie-to-Sports-Direct/page14 (post #138) there is mention of the RST calling in lawyers regarding Ashley' plan, I think if there is any route to take on this matter, this would definitely be the most effective.
  5. Yeah, I didn't attend that game because I was in a huff. Why? The day before we sold Willie Johnston to WBA and I swore I'd never go back, I did of course. Also after that defeat Rangers didn't lose another that season winning 19 of their 21 remaining league games, missing out winning the league by 1 point, that defeat to the Jambos proved very costly indeed. On a happier note, we continued the run during the season winning the Scottish Cup with a 3-2 win against sellik, 'Jaws' grabbing the winner with a 25mm sclaff.
  6. A backs to the wall performance and we snatch a lucky 1-0 victory I say.
  7. “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King Jr.
  8. Like my support of Rangers isn't as good as yours? eff off!
  9. You replied, I replied, then you stick something up about keeping it on topic. BRILLIANT! Scary pants.
  10. Of course, and rid the strange interpretations of Sel Barmy while we're at it. No?
  11. Especially when guys like Ser Barmy continually hits the guys who attend the match as if it's his right to do so. Very boring and annoying poster indeed.
  12. An unhealthy crusade against people uninformed to your way of thinking yet again. These parasites don't do realisation.
  13. It's also worth letting folk with some doubt about putting their address out there. Someone asked on the SOS Facebook page that very question...
  14. STV Sport have created these graphics this morning... Rangers shareholders http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/rangers/305651-who-owns-rangers-our-detailed-breakdown-of-the-shareholders-at-ibrox/?
  15. Rangers: Dundee United pay Charlie Telfer cash to Ibrox club http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/30700561
  16. Our 9-in-a-row left back saving us...it just gets a little bit to take at times. As most threads start with hope, most end in gloom it seems.
  17. Oot the windae and save the stairs would be my preference.
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