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Everything posted by Bearman

  1. I couldn't care less what Doncaster says, he's little fish in a big pond (and he knows it). If coming out and standing up to deluded anti-Rangers folk thinking it is part of his job and quoting other folk, then he has to pack his desk and go. Rangers are still here, and that is a FACT.
  2. Aye...and with all the stuff going on at Rangers, ITN News has Gerrard scoring as top news
  3. I wonder how the boy feels now. I'd imagine he'll be sick to death.
  4. http://therangersreport.com/2015/01/05/rangers-declines-to-release-fraser-aird-for-u20-tournament/? Daniel Squizzato reported that Canada’s request to add Fraser Aird to their U20 team was declined by Rangers management. The team begins the 2015 CONCACAF U20s Championship this week. It is a three-week tournament that includes twelve nations. The top four qualify for the 2015 U20 World Cup in New Zealand. Squizzato states that “Canada did attempt to add Aird to their tournament roster but Rangers declined the request.” Dundee’s Dylan Carreiro met a similar fate. David Rowaan, of Walking the Red, confirmed that Aird had been invited to the camp leading up to the tournament but he was also not released for that. Rowaan believes that Aird would still be on the radar for the Canadian national team as they prepare for qualifications for the 2018 World Cup. Rangers on-loan center back Luca Gasparotto is expected to play a critical role to Canada’s success as he will be called upon to anchor the Canadian defence.
  5. From the Official site... http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/8312-rino-to-return-for-fernando? ITALIAN legend Rino Gattuso is just one of several big names who have recently confirmed they will take part in Fernando Ricksen’s highly-anticipated Tribute Match on Sunday 25 January 2015. The players confirmed to play on January 25 so far are as follows: RANGERS SELECT Michael Mols Arthur Numan Jorg Albertz Bob Malcolm Alex Rae Thomas Buffel Ronald de Boer Bert Konterman Marvin Andrews Michael Ball Peter Lovenkrands Marco Negri Nacho Novo Stefan Klos Barry Ferguson Tugay Kerimoglu Russell Latapy Rino Gattuso Andy Goram FERNANDO’S ALL STARS Ronald Waterreus Dave Beasant Teddy Sheringham Darren Anderton Matt le Tissier Des Walker Mark Falco James Beattie Kevin Hofland Kiki Musampa Denny Landzaat Paul Bosvelt Kenneth Perez Pedro Ricksen Gino Facenna Rick Geenen Evgeniy Levchenko
  6. Ally is not a manager we know he was some player though, best of my time, Smith won 9-in-a-row with his dire football and took us to a UEFA Cup Final to boot, best in my lifetime, and he wasn't a particularly great player. They are not welcome? Sorry, below the belt. We need to move away yeah. Where to?
  7. Nothing wrong with these guys coming back if they want to, they'll be welcomed back by the majority when we're flying high. Souness must be itching to come back instead of what he has now...same with Smith and McCoist. Greats and Rangers go hand in hand. All should find a part to play with an excellent young or young/experienced manager at the front.
  8. I'm sure you suffer from the same thing mate.
  9. That's out of hand mate...the support however misguided have only been interested in what is good for the club..nothing else!
  10. I'd be comfortable with that, not sure Souness would be though
  11. If you read the pish of that Nationalist crap "Wings Over Scotland" mhob you wouldn't believe it. I won't post a link to it...it's horrible journalism from those who claim to be above Scottish politics.
  12. Exciting news, I must admit I never saw coming. It will be great to have all our fans singing from the same hymn sheet and not arguing with each other like it's been these last years.
  13. Good news no doubt but being on the 'shoogly' fence regarding moving up and out of this hell shit league we still find ourselves in, can we progress on the park instead of wetting ourselves off it? I'd expect a decent recruitment of player who will take us up, but suspect most fans will just be happy to start again next year which is nonsense.
  14. Bearman


    Happy New Year guys...for better things together, recent developments show we may at last have that. WATP!
  15. I would take a billionaire sugar daddy like Chelsea, Man City and United have in England long before anything right now. All across Europe we have teams notably from Eastern Europe run by Billionaires with fans following in their droves, watching seriously clever players in packed stadiums with total tv exposure. In my lifetime, football clubs, and how they are run has changed dramatically over time. Spain, Germany, England and even Russia have total control of all things good (or bad) in football. The days of an 'honest' football club operating in today's world are long gone. The idea of Rangers being or at least trying to enter that elite fills me with some degree of hope. I want our club to be part of that elite once again. We have a far wider fan base than any other club in the world and if the the right people come in regardless of their greed then we should accept that. Our club has the potential to feed the 'Hobbiest' as well as the fans, and make it's mark once again. Only a pessimist would disagree with that. Mike Ashley grabbed Newcastle United to promote his business empire, and it worked, it's Newcastle United ffs! If Ashley wants to take on the Rangers it's because he believes it may well be the biggest thing he's ever took on in his life, and possibly his most rewarding. We are a sleeping giant. I'm looking forward to very prosperous times in the the future. It is just round the corner somewhere. Edit: This is Bearmans view not necessarily yours.
  16. Please please tell me that's 'photo-shopped'...look at Shiels and Daly? They look like they're thinking "hope they don't pick me next" Very dire. Onwards and Upwards as we say, easily achievable from now surely.
  17. If he's managed a EPL side, then he'll do for me. We need someone now just to kick ass in the hope it gets some kind of reaction. Time will run out eventually.
  18. Posing unshaven with three wee lassies and pint of beer complete with bunnet and grin just makes me sick.
  19. I cant think of a single other reason why he wants to do with Rangers...those players out there today realise it, because they wont be part of it.
  20. You really really have to take the walk now. Mental case.
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