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Everything posted by stewarty

  1. Why would fans asking for engagement be dumb?
  2. Are you against fan engagement in its entirety?
  3. A tough watch from our perspective. They’re a great team to watch.
  4. Great news. The Walter section of the NEH museum is going to be a treat.
  5. I would say that constructive criticism is one thing. But clearly setting out your stall as spoiling for a fight and hiring a guy like Craig Houston, who I admired for his combative style in our dark days, is a signal of intent. no personal beef with Craig but some of his stuff in recent times has been difficult to comprehend. Like one of those guys that criticises everything just to be able to say ‘I told you so’ when he’s eventually proved right on something.
  6. How many months on from the EGM and still zero examination of c1872’s governance? Yet they seem unable to grasp why the club won’t talk to them? This is no more than a device to wrap their internal problems with those of the club in order to regain some level of credibility.
  7. I suspect thats still in the post then.
  8. I'm assuming part of it was for rushing to the liverpool fans at FT and the assorted handbags.
  9. I was surprised too, but in fairness, there was about 15 appearances in total between the other 3 of the back 4, so I could see the logic in keeping him there to coordinate things.
  10. Such is our strength, we operate stealthily and in the open. Have you seen who runs our beloved Gersnet??
  11. Careful now… The baldies union is strong!
  12. predictably tinpot!
  13. I heard that. What’s the reason for no Hawkeye? Are we doing things on the cheap again?
  14. It’ll help in some areas but it’s guaranteed to create new issues, especially until it beds in. We need full time refs and I’d also mic them up like they do in the rugby - it’ll add to the spectacle and stop all confusion in the ground when something is referred. It’ll also cut out a lot of the egotistical posturing from refs and players if they know everything they’re shouting is being broadcast.
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