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Everything posted by stewarty

  1. We needed a reaction from the team and we got one. We must build on this come Saturday.
  2. As well as we being on UEFA's "watch list" for sailing very close to the wind in terms of FFP (or whatever they're calling it now), its prudent for the Board to be wary of inflation and its unknown impact on our short term cost base. Other financial unknowns (at least to us) are the particulars of the settlement with Ashley, the capital needed for New Edmiston House, any new/significant maintenance costs for Ibrox and Auchenhowie, new contracts for senior players, amortisation of previous transfers as well as previous losses which we have racked up... and thats before you get to the shitshow that is the SPFL's TV deal renegotiations which continue to hold us back financially and will do so over an even longer period if they gerrymander it through. Despite all of that, I was disappointed we didn't manage to make at least one more signing before the deadline. My gut feel was there should have been scope for it, but I guess we will need to see what the accounts say to get a clearer picture. We seem to continually shoot ourselves in the foot from a communication point of view though. The Board should know we are hyper sensitive on financial matters and read the room by providing more timely information rather than waiting till the pitchforks are drawn.
  3. There may also be UCL group stage qualification bonus payments triggered with sponsors, though doubt we will get much detail on what they are.
  4. Sands for me. Very calm and assured in pressure situations.
  5. stewarty


    Hard to disagree. Seems like he’s a good team man too; putting in a shift and making himself a menace.
  6. A number of very close mentions, for sure. I just thought there were a number of moments under pressure where he made the difficult play look normal. He still makes the odd little mistake, but he has that knack of being in the right place at the right time, which is a very good attribute at centre half.
  7. Tremendous performance. the players really backed up Gio tonight. now for the board to do the same. Sands MOTM
  8. I can’t vouch for this so take with a pinch of salt, but my mate texted me earlier to say that one of the dads at his son’s football who knows folk who work for the club …says Morelos apparently bowled in 2 hours late for training on Sunday and had been at Sanctuary nightclub the night (morning) before.
  9. I'm still retaining an optimistic outlook, but there are warning signals. Its amazing how much a draw can influence the next week, but its down to the squad now to show that they're behind the manager and to put in a top performance. Much as I have some concerns, qualifying tomorrow and win our next 2 league games and its a very different picture.
  10. Mixed messages and mixed results. Not sure its at a crisis point but we're an Old Firm defeat away from some very loud gnashing of teeth. Edit: I'm hoping this is one of those inflection points where we look back at the end of the season and realise it was the early kick up the backside that got our season going.
  11. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/9344672/rangers-sue-american-businesswoman-secret-plot-sell-club/
  12. Not playing Morelos last week and him not travelling this week also leaves it open for UCL level clubs if they're interested.
  13. Well that news certainly made more sense of the twitter exchange between @Frankieand Stevie from 4Lads. I do wonder whether Gio wants to move in a different direction with regards to our striking option, and an end of window sale of Morelos could be the way to fund such a change, regardless of the outcome tomorrow night.
  14. Yeah i suspect you're right. I didn't think there was any excessive force involved, it was clear he was watching the ball, and it was just one of those "comings together". A yellow was a fair shout in my view, but I can't see any SFA panel rescinding two reds from the same game.
  15. Immediate appeal for the Lundstram red. And we're still to decide on whether to appeal Alfredo's.
  16. I think everyone thought the same thing about Souttar in terms of his injury record, but on a free, on balance, I think he's a decent signing. On top of that, as you rightly point out, Helander is also similarly out regularly and we struggle to get consecutive games out of him consistently. Which is why I thought the comments from Super about Balogun were odd. We similarly had to manage his fitness and he also struggles to string together games. I'd much rather give King minutes when the need arises, and that seems to be Gio's view too.
  17. Colak for me. We're starting to switch on to how he plays and find his runs, which is encouraging. Can't argue with 4 in 4
  18. Goldson got stuck under the man/ball for the second but there were others at the set piece that also failed to match runners and to get a block/header in. Whilst we rode our luck a little, it was disappointing to concede from two set pieces like that. A tough second leg coming up but I think we have a good chance.
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