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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. To be fair the SPFL can't, that's what this is about. They asked the clubs to give the board powers to make decisions and the clubs refused. Now they're sort of asking again or at least asking what the clubs would support. Far be it for me to defend the SPFL but they're not able to give any guidance on what will happen as the member clubs won't let them. This should have been sorted in the summer, but seeing as they made such a cock-up of ending last season and 3 member clubs were still suing them days before this season started I guess they decided to leave it for a few months... 

    Scottish football is so riven with self-interest that finding any type of consensus is a challenge.  Add that to it being appallingly run then I suspect we're in for more inept leadership and appeasement of the power-block created by our east-end city neighbours. 

    I suspect something will need to happen as member clubs are clearly in difficulties. Dundee Utd (no laughing at the back!) look to be in serious bother if their American backer chooses to pull the plug to try and protect his investment. But clubs like Peterhead are now making redundancies as their pay-per-view attempts have not proved popular. I feel sorry for some of the smaller clubs, many of who welcomed us when others didn't. Dundee Utd going out of business would be amusing though. 

  2. Just me that thinks this is nuts then? Do we need two shops in the city centre in normal times far less in the current climate? I assume someone somewhere has done the maths on this but I think I'd have held off for a few months, I suspect there will be a glut of retail property in the near future and I'm increasingly inclined to think the pandemic will create systemic changes in our behaviour even when it's a distant memory. 

  3. I seem to have caused some confusion and debate. Let me try and clarify. 

    I think there's a high likelihood the Championship, Leagues 1 and 2 and the steps in the pyramid below that won't finish the season and so the SPFL need to speak with clubs to try and agree what happens should that take place. I class part-time sides playing in the professional leagues as professional. 


    I also think there's a chance the top league in Scotland will be disrupted and also might struggle to finish. As such again the SPFL need to consult with clubs on what to do in that event too. My reading of things is everything will be done to keep the top league going and the other leagues might be sacrificed to ensure that happens. But if we've learned anything this year its stuff doesn't always go to plan and as full, country wide lockdown can't be ruled out. 


    Craig is correct, I think the SPFL's focus is currently the 'lower' leagues and what to do if half the sides can't play matches due to quarantine and testing issues.


    And of course it should go without saying that this is my opinion based on fuck all inside knowledge simply a spare 20 minutes to while away on Gersnet. That'll teach me.  

  4. 10 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:


    Because politicians make decisions usually for political reasons. 

    Because public opinion might turn on highly remunerated footballers if examples of poor behaviour are reported while large parts of the country are locked down.

    Because already several clubs in Scotland have been unable to keep their players and staff in a secure bubble while infection rates are quite low and the weather was ok.

    Because part time teams in particular will find secure bubbles almost impossible to maintain as players have other jobs. 

    Because clubs might find it hard to fulfil fixtures.

    Because it seems likely that infection rates, hospital admissions and deaths will rise in the coming weeks and a full lockdown might be imposed at some point. 

    Because it might suit some clubs. 

  5. 3 hours ago, ian1964 said:


    Maurice Ross speaks surprisingly well. He's a coach at Motherwell now I learned, which didn't prevent him stating he wants Rangers to win the league, live on BBC Scotland radio, that's got to be off the roster of guests now surely... 


    I was interested to hear him and Stewart describe us as a counter attacking side. I suppose against sides that attack us we are, but we so rarely play against teams like that I don't think of us as that type of side. I think the truth is we can play in many ways. We can keep possession for long periods and control matches and we can also sit deeper and attack at pace when the opportunity offers itself. The comment about our midfielders never needing to run, simply always jogging as their positional play is so good was also interesting. We didn't dominate possession on Saturday, Celtic had more of it albeit in areas they couldn't hurt us. I wonder if that was tactical or just how the game panned out. Who cares, we won!! 

  6. I see the guy who founded the club played for Crusaders in Belfast, I did wonder when I saw their badge which is identical to the Belfast club's but for the colour of the cross. I assume from that he's a Northern Irish bluenose enjoying life in Surfer's Paradise instead of the Shore Road. If both clubs get something from it all the better. I've a soft spot for Crusaders, I used to go and watch them when I lived in Belfast, 'mon the hatchet men!

  7. 15 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    As amusing as this is I think if we'd lost 4 players during the international break we'd be a bit hacked off too. International football always runs the risk of players picking up injuries or losing form after traveling long distances, I can remember when McCoist broke his leg playing for Scotland. It would a pleasant surprise if all of our players returned without any of them picking up a niggle far less anything more serious. Personally I think it's very contentious playing international football in the current climate. Players at clubs can exist in some sort of bubble, and so European club football can continue within those parameters. But pulling players together from all over the world for a few weeks is a recipe for disaster. 

    Playing a depleted Celtic side has obvious attractions, but I'm uneasy about this. I also think it's a tremendous incentive for them, they're gradually building a siege mentality and convincing themselves the organisation they control is out to get them. I'd love it if Gerrard said that if Celtic don't want to play us this weekend we don't mind waiting until they've got all their players back. It would kill any claims of unfairness in an instant and would move the psychological edge back in our direction. If Lennon doesn't think he can beat us, at home, with the size of squad they have, he's got big problems. 

    All that being said they gerrymandered the fixture list to get this date to play us, so they're getting what they wanted after all... 

  8. As amusing as this is I think if we'd lost 4 players during the international break we'd be a bit hacked off too. International football always runs the risk of players picking up injuries or losing form after traveling long distances, I can remember when McCoist broke his leg playing for Scotland. It would a pleasant surprise if all of our players returned without any of them picking up a niggle far less anything more serious. Personally I think it's very contentious playing international football in the current climate. Players at clubs can exist in some sort of bubble, and so European club football can continue within those parameters. But pulling players together from all over the world for a few weeks is a recipe for disaster. 

    Playing a depleted Celtic side has obvious attractions, but I'm uneasy about this. I also think it's a tremendous incentive for them, they're gradually building a siege mentality and convincing themselves the organisation they control is out to get them. I'd love it if Gerrard said that if Celtic don't want to play us this weekend we don't mind waiting until they've got all their players back. It would kill any claims of unfairness in an instant and would move the psychological edge back in our direction. If Lennon doesn't think he can beat us, at home, with the size of squad they have, he's got big problems. 

  9. If we're really looking at out of contract free agent players then I'd prefer we signed Mandžukić. He's a type of striker we don't have and his physical style would suit Scottish football, with a couple of Croats here already and our previous success with strong Croatian forwards I think he's be a good fit. He's 34 so I doubt he could play 2 games a week and has probably lost a bit of pace and energy, but as an option for us even from the bench he offers something different that might complement the more technical forwards we currently have. I've not heard him mentioned by anyone and I've no inside knowledge, this is simply a Sunday morning daydream. 


    By the way I don't believe there's a 'no-compete' clause in Wilshire's contract, that's an agent trying to explain away why no club in the EPL has snapped him up. 

  10. 14 hours ago, Uilleam said:

    West Ham signed him, remember, and he has been a free agent only since yesterday, or the day before. 

    West Ham signed him over 2 years ago but have literally just paid him to leave, they couldn't even find a club to loan him too. He's been available for months, him being released by West Ham didn't come as a surprise to him or his agent, clubs have known he's been available for a while. 


    I accept at one time he was a very talented player, but it's difficult to judge if he still is as he's played so little football. Clearly West Ham don't think he is. Gerrard strikes me as being something of a taskmaster, demanding in terms of application and attitude as well as ability. We'll just have to wait and see if whether Wilshire has any of those attributes these days. 

  11. On 03/10/2020 at 16:59, 26th of foot said:

    I will have have a fair bit to say on PQ’s latest bleating today, the appearance of Doncaster, Mulraney, and Michael Stewart was a given stage to take over from Holicom. However, the latest desire by Cosgrove and Cowan to ensure the Rectum of Dundee(elected unopposed) remains quite important cannot proceed without remark.


    Today’s Limerick first line was, ‘ Jim Spence was a bit of a flitter’, and it was put out to the listeners?

    No surprise that the announced winner constructed the following


    Jim Spence was a bit of a flitter,

    In a row he was never a quitter,

    He astounded the nation,

    When he said liquidation,

    Means your club has gone down the shitter.


    Jum has Tweeted he will frame the winning verse. As of yesterday, Dundee Uni’ had announced three accommodation halls/residences had declared quarantine because of Covid. Jum, like many of his fellow political travellers, chooses not to tweet such information. Jum prefers the warm comfort of his hatred.



    “I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.” James Baldwin. 

  12. Celtic's clamour for supporter's to be allowed back is eye-catching. I'm not sure allowing say 10,000 back into a 60,000 seat stadium would enhance the atmosphere much, so this can only be about the money. Celtic promised their season ticket holders exclusive access to Celtic matches being shown on their in-house TV. Unlike Rangers, where anyone can purchase on a match to match basis, currently the casual Celtic supporter, or supporter of whoever they're playing, can't. People who claim to know about these things tell me this has been quite successful for Rangers from a revenue perspective. Perhaps Celtic need to allow some fans in so they can break their agreement with their own season ticket holders. Surely getting those in power to allow supporters to return is beyond even their lobbying skills?? 

  13. It's going to be be increasingly difficult to hang onto our better kids. The money and facilities on offer down south plus the lack of young players establishing themselves in our first team will only lead to more of our 'in-demand' players leaving. Us attracting young players from Ross County and Glentoran is exactly the same, just on a lower level. 


    All that said there still seems to be little correlation between being a fantastic prospect at 16 or 17 and becoming a top level professional, no matter what Scottish side you're at. Believe it or not, at one time the most sought after young player in Scotland was Michael Stewart, an outstanding youth player he was eventually wooed by Man Utd, at that time one of the best club sides in the world with a great record of developing talent, but he had his choice of clubs to sign for. 6 years later he's playing trial matches unsuccessfully trying to get a contract with us. I wish the lad Mebude well, but I don't blame him for leaving and I'm not sure it matters much anymore. 

  14. I'd prefer Split but either will be a big step up and easily our hardest game of the season to date. I was speaking to a Dutch pal last night about Willem II and he was pretty dismissive of them. He said they usually fight relegation and no one could understand why they did okay last season. He said they're a good team without any stars, stronger than the some of their parts but if both teams play to their best we'd beat them. He's a season ticket holder at NEC Nijmegen but travels around Europe a couple of times a year going to see different matches. He's desperate to see a Rangers/Celtic match and has 3 times asked me if I could get tickets for him and 6 of his mates! He doesn't believe me when I tell him Steven Gerrard probably couldn't get him 7 tickets, far less me. 

  15. Can't we be drawn against Standard or APOEL's opponents if they lose their ties DMAA? Playing Spurs in a one-off match would be fun. They'd, rightly, be favourites, but they're not in great form and the Scotland/England thing levels the field a bit.  


    How are Aberdeen seeded and we're not? There was talk on the radio last night that Sporting Lisbon have a Covid outbreak in their squad and might struggle to put out a team against Aberdeen. That might just have been wishful thinking from the heavily Aberdeen influenced presenters and pundits of course. 

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