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Everything posted by JohnMc

  1. That depends on who you're comparing up with and your definition of 'big'. We currently compare poorly with Celtic who have 3 or 4 first team regulars who came through their youths. Teams like Motherwell, Hamilton, Hearts and Aberdeen have a higher success rate, albeit there is less pressure and expectation on players there. Our spell in the lower leagues was a chance to build something but our ownership at the time wasn't good and the opportunity was wasted, it seems like we've started again in the last couple of years so we'll see what the next couple of years brings.
  2. That Morelos Tweet reads like it was written by a professional PR. Fine, if he can sort himself out and find his form again most will forgive him. There is no correlation between playing level, ability and management. Zidane was one of the finest players who ever lived and has managed a side to the Champions League while Klopp was a journeyman player in the German 2nd division. My main concern with Gerrard is his ability to relate to 'ordinary' players. He was so gifted and driven as a player I worry he struggles to understand players who aren't. Unfortunately in the Scottish league you aren't going to have a squad full of top professionals. I look at players like Docherty and Murphy, good SPFL level players doing well out on loan, or Jordon Jones proven at this level, and wonder why they can't get into our first team. BTW On John Greig, I've argued before that Greig was a victim of circumstance and actually good have gone on and been a great manager. His tenure coincided with Alex Ferguson and Jim McLean, two freakish geniuses, the rebuilding of Ibrox causing revenue issues, and the ageing of our double treble winning side. Advocaat used Greig quite a bit when he was in charge for scouting and advice on teams, he felt Greig was wasted not being involved in the football side of the club.
  3. Finishing 2nd bottom is Hearts priority this season, it would be a huge surprise if they rested some players.
  4. I don't know if that's true or not but I'm telling everyone I meet this today. Brilliant. ?
  5. A focus on Europe, defending the manager and a mention of kebabs, the old tropes remain I see! A great read.
  6. Fat Eck is a great writer, well done getting him Frankie.
  7. There was an interesting interview with Roy Keane a few years ago when he spoke about his regret over how he'd treated Sebastian Veron when he was Man Utd captain. He'd been delighted Utd had signed Veron, Keane felt he was one of the best midfielders in the world at the time, Keane had played against him in Europe and really admired him and was really looking forward to playing alongside him. But Veron's form was poor and Keane was really on his case about it. Veron complained that his family weren't settled, he was living in a hotel, his wife and kids missed 'home' and their friends there and they were finding the language barrier a big problem. Keane dismissed all this poor excuses, Veron was being handsomely paid and was a top professional, he should be able to switch off from domestic issues when on the pitch and Keane told him so on a number of occasions. It didn't work out with Veron and he eventually left Man Utd. Later Keane joined Celtic, his family stayed in Manchester and Keane lived in a hotel when in Glasgow. Keane was amazed how much it affected him, he didn't appreciate it how having his family and friends around him created the right atmosphere for him as a player. For Keane there was no language barrier, no time difference and he could pop home every week, yet still he struggled for form and was unhappy in Glasgow. Keane thought back to how hard he'd been on Veron, and how he'd not appreciated how some players could be affected by off-field stuff. Morelos isn't living in a hotel, but his domestic life must be fairly turbulent currently. None of us can say how that could affect them because we're all different and we all react differently to similar situations. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure when my wife was expecting our first child, I was so uptight about everything (her blood pressure was fine!). I don't think it's fair to dismiss the off field issues Morelos is experiencing simply because he's highly paid. Robert Enke was highly paid and highly successful, that didn't stop high standing in front of an onrushing express train. Morelos is off form, I think he should be benched for a couple of games, but he needs our support just now, none of us really know what he's going through.
  8. It was a good listen, worth downloading. Sheils speaks well and there were some good insights into what was going on behind the scenes. I'd never heard it confirmed that we 'had' to play the five boys from Newcastle if they were fit, I'd only seen that as rumour and one I was sceptical about. His end with Rangers doesn't cover anyone in glory.
  9. I'm ignoring the depths some of you are going for fish puns and instead highlighting this, the line of day by far. Bravo.
  10. Every side gets injuries DMAA, that's what we've got a squad for (Morelos wasn't injured, he was suspended). Successful sides cope, they have a balanced squad and are able to provide cover. I mean it's not like we were forced to throw in young boys last night, kids with no experience. If we've no cover at full back or upfront then that's fairly damning on it's own. It hurts to type this but Celtic played us in a cup final without a recognised forward on the pitch and still somehow managed to lift the trophy. I don't think Gerrard should be sacked, far from it, but I don't accept that injuries are behind this. Last night's side was only missing Barasic and maybe Helander, we should be able to beat Kilmarnock. As for Hearts, frankly, there is no excuse for that defeat, none at all.
  11. If we have another trophy-less season then for me this does become a discussion we should have. I remain bewildered that Ojo and Barker remain at the club and Jamie Murphy is sent out on loan, or that Jordan Jones, a player who must be comfortable on the Rugby Park surface can't even get on as a sub. Gerrard has given us some great moments and, until January, was on a steady upward trajectory, however since the Celtic match we've been abject and the management team need scrutinised for that. What's really concerning is we seem to have made the same 'mistake' two seasons running, we head off on a winter break and come back like a different side. The energy and fluidity has gone, our shape disappears, our midfield can no longer control a match and most damning of all we've no heart or fight, the opposition know they can hurt us if they hang in long enough. We don't seem to be learning from our mistakes and that's poor management. A concern about Gerrard is his ability to manage players that aren't top professionals, that aren't brilliant trainers or laser focussed. This is the Scottish league, not the Champion's League, the manager needs to be able to get the most from his players, he needs to be able to get performances from 'average pros' too. I'm not yet ready to throw in the towel for this season, it's going to be hard but there will be twists and turns to come. But Gerrard shouldn't be beyond questioning or criticising, but for now he needs our support and should get it.
  12. I can't help but feel that getting cuffed by Athletico Madrid is much better preparation for our young players than horsing Thistle in the Glasgow Cup. The harder the matches these boys play the better, it shouldn't be about winning leagues or even matches at that level, but improving them as players.
  13. What skills do people think Souness has? He's an ex footballer, so he has insights into the game, but he stopped playing over 30 years ago now and hasn't managed for close to 15 years so how current those insights are would need assessed. I'd have thought our Director of Football and a large and expensive backroom staff could provide all the football insights our board need though. From what I can see he has no business acumen to speak of and has made a number decisions over the years that certainly make me question his judgement. His relationship with Willy Mckay should automatically exclude him from any decision making at our club. Souness was the right man to come to the club in the mid 1980s, lift our profile, set higher standards and provide the impetus for growth and success. I'll always be grateful to him for doing that. But that doesn't get him a job at the club now, particularly one he's not qualified to carry out.
  14. I'll forever be grateful for what Souness did for Rangers and I'm happy for him to be involved with us but I'd be concerned if he got a place on the board or any executive position. Souness has regularly displayed poor judgement and pig-headedness. That stubborn streak that made him a great player doesn't serve him well in other areas of life. He's an entertaining pundit, personally I hope he sticks to that.
  15. Sorry, I disagree @Frankie and @ranger_syntax the producer will have the final say. Now, a programme like Off The Ball, with two experienced and long serving presenters will see them have a considerable amount of input into the show, but ultimately it's the producer who calls the shots, agrees what topics they can discuss and the tone and direction it will take. That's not to say Cosgrove and Cowan aren't expressing their own views, I suspect they are, simply that those views are shared by the people behind the show and are probably shared by those in the sport and comedy departments at BBC Scotland.
  16. It's worth remembering that Off The Ball has a producer too, that person is ultimately responsible for the content broadcast by its presenters. They must have given the start and the overall tone the green light, if not suggested it in the first place. That strongly suggests the prevailing view in BBC Scotland.
  17. Every golf club I've ever been in contained people who make Donald Trump seem like a liberal feminist. A good walk spoiled.
  18. I think I've only heard on the Si Ferry interviews, and no one looks good on them! ?
  19. That makes as much sense as any other theory I've heard. Traynor is a sport's journalist, not a PR professional. Many journalists make the change from one to the other, but simply knowing the media landscape isn't the same as understanding how PR works.
  20. Genuine question, does anyone think Rangers PR department and Traynor in particular are doing a good job? I've some insight into how PR 'works' and fully accept that it's a bit like an iceberg in that you can see 20% of it but the other 80% you can't. But the Morelos interview translation is a farce, I've no idea who carried out the translation but this wasn't some mistranslation of a colloquialism, this was someone adding stuff Morelos simply didn't say. Who would do that, and why? Rangers must have sanctioned Morelos to do this interview, they must have known what the line of questioning was going to be and had a good idea what Morelos was going to say in reply. So I assume someone from Rangers was involved and sanctioned this. Morelos has been largely kept from the media, other than Rangers TV he's been conspicuous by his absence from the tabloids and broadcast media so I'm struggling to believe this wasn't agreed at a fairly high level at the club beforehand. Following the Morelos car story it's really not a great few days for us, and Morelos, who is entirely blameless is all of this, continues to be at the eye of a bad PR storm. Michael Stewart isn't daft, he's cultivated his 'shock-jock' straight talking, not afraid to upset people persona pretty well which is why he's in demand from broadcasters. Believe it or not people will listen to him, controversy brings listeners/viewers, far more than insight or considered opinion does. Them's the times we live in, folks. Stewart has a problem because he ignored his producer, who I suspect was shouting in his ear the other night not to slander Jim Traynor or the Daily Record or anyone else for that matter, and Stewart ignored them and carried on with his diatribe. That's actually a problem at the BBC, even in the sport's department ignoring the producer see's you being taken off air for a period of time. I'd be very surprised if anyone sues anyone else. Stewart will get a gig somewhere else, he'll continue to develop himself as the poor-man's Scottish fitba Rush Limbaugh instead of offering genuine insight into teams and players, he'll start quarrels and kick those he feels will further his persona. Scottish football is crying out for an authoritative voice, someone with genuine insights and understanding and who is capable of explaining the intricacies of the beautiful game to us ignorant fans. That person could have been Stewart, but it won't be. Realising his potential has always been a problem for Micheal Stewart.
  21. I hear Sky have now pulled the interview and Celtic have made a formal complaint about it, apparently Morelos doesn't mention them in it but the subtitles did. What should have been an eagerly awaited interview with the most exciting player in the country has turned into a farce.
  22. So did Rangers prepare this and give it to Sky as an exclusive or did Sky do it? Because if the translation is as bad as is being suggested surely someone Sky or the club realised someone from the 572 Million Spanish speakers in the world might see it and notice. Does @der Berliner speak Spanish, perhaps he can tell us what it really says?
  23. His son made his debut for AC Milan at the weekend. He's an attacking midfielder apparently, not a defender like his father and grandfather.
  24. Something like 'your mother is a mattress' apparently a well known insult in South America. This link should show you it - https://images.app.goo.gl/UEQRvBuPVHQKnh8C7
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